My Range is One Million

Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Showdown 2

Chapter 59: Showdown 2


An item worth three million against an item worth two thousand... the difference in the prices were about 2 million and 8 thousand. He tried to offend him but it didn’t work, he was actually feeling lucky. He then stepped back and took a look at all of the people staring. He then took off his gloves and placed them on the table.

“These are worth three million, they’re an excellent ranked item.”

Jaehwang then slightly touched the gloves.

[Alokusa- Wibon series- leather gloves- Excellent rank]

Name: Black Wibon Leather

Defense Power:- After getting hit it falls by 20 percent

Attack Power:- Attacking with bare hands increases the power by 20 percent

Special skills

Physical Strength: + 1

Sense: + 1

It was a mass-produced product but it boasts its great defense.

“What’s the maximum price?”

Jaehwang asked to Dugeol.

“Up to three million. But any used item is also fine.”

“It’s kind of short, isn’t it?”

Dugeol said, Jaehwang just shrugged his shoulder and looked back.

He was trying to provoke him but he kept feeling like as if a huge weight was placed on him.

He was getting angry but he didn’t let it show. He betted something with a high market value but it’s something he used before.

“Just do it.”


Jaehwang said kindly as he shook his nervousness away. People had been staring him with their cold eyes but he still kept his focus.

The board was prepared. The expensive items were hanging on it and a manager from the training center was the judge. It was funny that they held another bet despite it being the rule but all they ask was that the contestants shouldn’t cheat and hold any grudges after everything was over.

The bet was supposed to be settled with an archery contest but it had changed. Both of them now would have to showcase their speed.

“We’ll do one practice round and then three rounds for the real game. If the same person wins the first two rounds then the game would be decided.”

“Got it?”

Jaehang shook his head and then smiled as he pictured himself winning. Dugeol walked over to Sooji in the full face helmet and whispered something to her.

-Are they going to start again?

-It seems so... They look a little weak. They were beginners so they probably don’t have much money.

The training center was then filled with people talking and whispering to each other. They were like seniors of this center, they were familiar with the place so that was supposed to be a clear disadvantage but Jaehwang wasn’t bothered. He just started to stretch like nothing major was about to happen. josei

“The match will now begin. There are three matches but whoever wins the first two will be the winner. You each will receive a training cover suit and 50 arrows for the match. There is only one target and it’s 200 meters away. Whoever shoots the fastest and knocks it down is the winner of the match. Understand?”

Jaehwang and Sooji then shook their heads.

“Let the match begin!”

The judge of the matched yelled. Joonghwi was sitting on the other side and watched silently with a coffee in hand. He was excited and nervous to see how the match would go. Jaehwang had always seemed to be perfect with archery but even if he lost then it would be fine.

“Ready... Start!”

Swoosh... Pang!

Swoosh... Pang!

The match started and they immediately began shooting arrows at full speed. Their arrows were already prepared and they already had the strings pulled back as they waited for the match to begin. Both of them were almost shooting with the same amount of speed, but Jeahwang’s arrow was a bit faster which made a bit of a difference. It was small but as time went by, Jaehwang was about 0.3 minutes faster ever since they had begun. He knew that he had taken the lead, but he kept his focus to keep it. That one minute was not a problem and forty targets had been knocked down.

“If you keep going like this you’ll lose!”

Dugeol yelled to the Daehyeon member inside the match. They saw the difference in their speeds as they approach the middle part of the match, their team was losing and it won’t be long before Jaehwang would take all of their items.


He yelled. She struggled for a second but then she quickly fixed her stance before she got her groove back again. His yelling was not helping in any way.

By the end of the match, she made a big mistake and was then defeated.


As expected, Jaehwang was the winner of the first round and Sooji lost by a two-second difference. She looked embarrassed and Dugeol walked towards her. He said something but she just pretended that she just had a small injury.

“The second match will now begin. Ready... Start!”

The second match started. The speeds were almost the same just like the first round but it wasn’t long before Jaehwang had taken the lead.

“Stupid, shoot faster!”

Dugeol yelled. Everyone in the training center who were enjoying the match wore a displeased face because of what he was doing but he didn’t pay attention to those and just kept on shouting.

“I said shoot faster!”

The girl playing the match glared at him and then expanded her feet further and straightened up her posture. She then started to glow in blue light and began to shoot faster. It was so fast that they could barely see the arrow before it hit the target.

“Hm... She’s using a skill.”

Joonghwi mumbled while carefully watching the match. Of course using skills were prohibited during the match but she just used it anyway. He could see it clearly. If she used a skill during the match then Jaehwang surely lose.

Swoosh... Pang!

Swoosh... Pang!

He wanted Jaehwang to go a little faster but because of her skill, she easily passed Jaehwang’s score.


The second round was over. Jaehwang lost and now the score was a tie.

It was announced that she had won and Dugeol’s face was filled with relief.

“Okay, now we just have to win the last match...”

Dugeol said and laughed in a mocking tone as he looked at their bets on the table. The arrows were being used by aces in archery but he could tell that she used a skill to shoot faster right away. She was a hunter that specialized in rapid fire shots.

“How does it feel like to lose?”

He said with a provoking tone and Jaehwang just responded by showing them his dull eyes.

-She was amazing. She must be a hunter...

-Do you know her?

-Yes. I know her a little.

Jaehwang glanced towards her. She seemed kind of tall. Her face was hidden with a full face helmet so he couldn’t really tell if he recognized her. He recognized her a little because taught her rapid shooting for a little while before.

-Did she just use a skill to win?

The spirit asked.

-I don’t know. Wouldn’t that take a lot?

-But you’re money is in trouble. If you had a lot then you can buy a few things and buy me some snacks.

-It’s okay. I don’t know about that but eating all those snacks aren’t healthy for you.

The spirit just ignored him and Jaehwang thought about the match. It has been a long time since he had met her and she seemed to have gotten a lot better. He could see that the arrows she used weren’t arrows used for hunting but the situation did seem a bit suspicious as the spirit suggested.

A light had surrounded her by that time she started to shoot faster and faster.

-The strength and energy made her shoot faster. That was a similar thing that the yin-yang did during ancient times to gather all of their energy and radiate it in fights but that’s just a bit more of a polished way of doing it. You could also just say something and the energy will start to instantly repel some power. It was a method that was used a lot a long time ago. At least it seemed like something like that...

The spirit explained and Jaehwang shook his head. He understood her theory. He had a bit of an idea of the situation but its mechanism seemed to be a whole lot more complicated than just being good at archery.

-I can tell you more.

-I can briefly explain the method.

The spirit explained the energy movements and showed him the simulation.

-It seems difficult.

-It is.

He seemed calm but managing speed that fast was quite troubling.

-All you need to do is sense it.

The spirit answered back with a laugh.

-Haha... I’m kind of hungry. Using skills take a lot...

-I see.

“It’s time for the last match.”

It was 1-1 with only one match left. Both contestants were preparing for the last match.

Jaehwang was a little better with his basic abilities but if they used a skill again then he would lose. He didn’t know how it would go but he wasn’t worried at all.


Yelled the judge and she rotated twice while pulling her bowstring. Her pride wasn’t spoiled the first time she used a skill during the match. Jaehwang glanced over at her before he started to increase his speed. Jaehwang then took three arrows with his hands and prepared to shoot it.


The spirit helped with the amazing speed and they reached the target one after another. Jaehwang was actually refraining from the spirit’s help until then. He could always do much better with the spirit’s help but if he did that all the time then he would never improve.

Everyone overlooked it. The girl in the full face helmet obviously seemed more experienced with the training center and today was Jaehwang’s first time. He got the hang of it after the first two rounds but he still accepted some help from the spirit. His speed was unbelievable.

Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh!!!

He was then going almost 1.3 times faster than before. She couldn’t catch up. It looked like they were flying randomly but somehow they would find themselves neatly placed on the targets.

She was very surprised by his speed. He was going much faster than her and it looked as if he was using a skill. She got a bit angry and the blue light then started to show up around her again. She let her competitive spirit win her over.


Both of them were putting up a good fight and the crowd of people in the training center started to cheer. They instantly started to run short on arrows. They passed the second half of the match and her skill started to catch up with Jaehwang’s speed.

A skill was harder to beat with just pure skull but then a blue light started to surround Jaehwang. It was less noticeable than hers but it was clearly the same thing. In that moment, Jahwang’s hand speed started to accelerate.


The arrows made their way to their targets like shooting stars.

“Match over!”

“Woah!!! What was that?!”

Jaehwang’s last arrow stuck to the target the moment the judge announced the match was finished. People then started to gather beside Jaehwang. Everyone was impressed by his amazing last shot.

But what was more surprising than that was his opponent, Sooji. She was still not finished with shooting all of her arrows.


When Jaehwang launched his last arrow she couldn’t pull her string. She was clearly familiar with the effect that he used. It worked the same way hers did when she used it.

Jaehwang exhaled placing his arrow on the floor. He was so focused that he was basically holding his breath the whole time. He then walked over to the table.

“Good job.”


He then took two of the betting items that were placed on the table and put on the gloves.


There were many people around but he was going to make a fuss if he wanted to. The items were expensive but that wasn’t what he was worried about. He was going to confront him.

“Wow... Great job... You’ve made some money.”

Seongyeon said walking approaching Jaehwang. The rest of the platoon members then joined them and gathered around Jaehwang.

Showdown 2, The end.

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