My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040

Leonard hesitated for a moment before calling out to him. I’ve paid many people to fix it, and none succeeded. What’s your friend’s background? Can he really do novelbin

Liam didn’t answer the question. Instead, he asked, “What do you think of the game Legend?”

Leonard gave an answer fitting his age. “Awesome!”

Liam smiled slightly. “The optimization of that game has always been done by him, Does that meet your standards?”

Leonard’s eyes lit up. That was beyond standard!

Excitement was quickly replaced by caution. He looked at Liam warily. “You’re helping me out of the blue. Why?”

“Help me with the door”

They had reached the car Liam gestured towards it.

Leonard opened the car door Liam carefully helped Celeste into the backseat, making sure not to bump her head

Once the car door was closed, Liam turned to Leonard. “She sees you as her brother, which makes you her family. Helping you is helping her

Leonard didn’t buy it. “You’re afraid you can’t compete with me, so you’re trying to buy me off, aren’t you?”

Liam suddenly realized that this was probably how Steven looked at him when he was being foolish and overconfident

“How long have you known her? How well do you know her? And you dare to say that to me?”

Leonard confidently retorted, “You think knowing someone is about how long you’ve known them? I know every character she’s played in radio dramas and TV shows. I can recite all her works. Can you do that? You probably haven’t even watched all her works.”

Liam held his lips tightly, “It’s true I haven’t watched much of her previous works. I didn’t even know she was Celestial Haze before she made it public.”

Leonard had an ‘I knew it expression on his face. “And you dare say you know her?”

“Of course, I do.” Liam said, his expression calm, unfazed by the conversation. “As you said, I don’t know much about her work achievements, but I do know that she likes mangoes, hates rainy days, is scared of bugs, is allergic to peanut butter, sleeps on her left side, likes to hold something in her hand, likes her coffee with syrup, eats meat with raw garlic

Liam paused, gently looking at the boy in front of him whose face had turned sour. He said softly. “Do you want to know more?”

Leonard’s lips twitched, grumbling unhappily. “You lived together for years, it’s normal to know this stuff. What’s there to brag about?”

Liam cracked a small smile, lightly patting the young man’s shoulder. Those years we spent together, that’s my ace in the hole.”

Leonard frowned and shrugged off his hand. “Even if you help me, I won’t thank you.”

Liam replied breezily, “Just be grateful to Celeste. If she ever runs into trouble, I hope you’ll help her out of gratitude”

Leonard rolled his eyes.

How annoying! Why hadn’t he thought to say that!

Liam circled the car, opened the door and slid into the back seat.

Through the car window, Leonard saw him gently lift Celeste’s head onto his lap, then lightly stroke her face, signaling Owen to drive

After the car had left, Leonard’s agent finally drove up to him, rolled down the window and said. “Stop staring, get in the car.”


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