My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060

The sudden accident had everyone frozen in their tracks.

Not until Javier said, looking pissed, “What the hell are you all doing? Go help her, find a doctor!” That was when everyone snapped out of it and quickly went to check out the situation.

Sydney was lying on the ground in a weird position. The blood bag that was attached to her had burst, and blood was gushing out, soaking her clothes. A gash on her forehead was bleeding, and it looked pretty bad.

The staff tried to help her up, but the moment they touched her, Sydney screamed out in pain. That was when everyone noticed the weird angle of her left leg. No one dared to touch her after that, they could only wait for the ambulance to arrive

Sydney’s fans were freaking out. Seeing their idol lying on the ground and no one helping her, they wanted to rush over to check on her, and they were blaming Celeste.

Javier’s face was dark. Worried that the fans would cause a scene, he had someone block them while having an assistant quickly escort Celeste back to the dressing room. Right now, the most important thing was to deal with Sydney’s injury and these angry fans. The question of responsibility could be left till later

Soon, the ambulance arrived and Sydney was quickly taken to the hospital.

Celeste sat in the car, not saying a word. She finally understood why Sydney had insisted on doing such a dangerous stunt.

She had thought that Sydney was trying to pin the blame on her, creating a false image of her being bullied on the set, to resolve old and new conflicts. But she hadn’t expected Sydney s real intention was to use her to “hurt herself. The Sydney she knew was someone who valued her image greatly, and she wouldn’t resort to hurting herself to achieve her goals.

Just like the previous time on the ship, when Sydney tried to frame Celeste for pushing her into the water. In the end, she only ended up pulling Celeste down with her. When Celeste kicked her down, her first reaction was to protect her face.

So. Celeste hadn’t seen this coming at all. When she saw Sydney’s forward movement, she had sensed her intention, but it was too late to do anything. She could only try to reduce her own force, not to touch her.

She only touched Sydney’s shoulder, a force that was totally insufficient to push her down. But the only ones who knew the truth were her and Sydney. To the outsiders, they only saw her hand on Sydney’s shoulder, making a pushing motion.

Janetta handed her a bottle of water, whispering. “Drink some water first.”

Celeste took the water, opened the cap and took a sip, then asked quietly, “How is she now?”

Janetta said, “Her leg seems to be broken, and there’s a wound on her forehead. The extent of the other injuries is not clear yet, we’ll have to wait for news from the hospital”

She paused, then said, “I’ve contacted the company, someone will handle it

As soon as she finished speaking, Celeste’s phone received a text message.

An unknown number had sent a derogatory message, claiming she had intentionally hurt people for fame and wishing her karma.

Janetta obviously saw it too. Extreme fans had many ways to get a hold of the actors‘ private contact information, such messages were not uncommon. She said. “Don’t reply, put your phone on do not disturb mode, and save screenshots of these messages.”

Celeste did as she was told


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