My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 189

Chapter 189

Chapter 189

Chapter 189

Originally, Celeste thought that it would be a small private jewelry exhibition. However, when she arrived at the place, she realized how luxurious it was.

The exhibition venue was huge, decorated extravagantly within just a few days. There were nearly a hundred security guards and many local socialites in attendance. Luxury cars lined up in front of the entrance.

Mr. Robinson parked the car, and they all entered the exhibition center together.

The Reed family’s old lady had a very high reputation and rarely attended various activities after retiring. As soon as she arrived, she immediately became

the focus of the event.

Many socialites rushed to greet her, and even though the old lady had aged, her mind was still clear. She could remember the names of most people, and even those she didn’t know she would politely respond to.

The old lady had very good connections in town, which also benefited Celeste.

“Why is Grandma here?”

Seeing the group not far away, Kaylee Reed frowned and said, “Mom, didn’t Grandma tell you she will come? And she even brought that woman with her.”

Skyler stared at them coldly and didn’t say a word for a while. Finally, she said, “Let’s go and say hello to Grandma.”

Kaylee grumbled, “Grandma is always partial to my big brother and that woman. I’m not going to suck up to her.”

“Your grandma is partial to her because of your big brother. You are her granddaughter, and she loves you as well. Hurry up and go. Don’t make a scene.”

Reluctantly, Kaylee went over.


The old lady turned around and saw her granddaughter. She smiled lovingly, “You’re here too.”

“I came with my mom. It’s Aunt Krista’s exhibition, so of course we have to come and support her.”

Skyler said, “Ma’am, I thought you didn’t want to come. What changed your mind?”

Sienna, showing up with her granddaughter-in-law who was not the one rumored to be her favorite, made the socialites gossip.

Skyler’s high position in the socialite circle was, to a large extent, due to her outstanding son and Sienna’s years of prestige. Her own family’s strength was relatively average.

This was similar to Celeste. Both of them came from ordinary backgrounds and married into wealthy families.

Just now the socialites were questioning why Sienna hadn’t come, and Skyler told them that the old lady’s health was not good. But now that she came with her grandson and granddaughter-in-law, Skyler felt a bit embarrassed and could only try to save face.

The old lady, like Liam, was a pro at passing the buck. She did so skillfully by blaming Celeste, “Celeste insisted on me coming. I had no choice but to accompany them.”

Celeste complained in her head but said, “You’re such a great grandma to me!”

Looking at Celeste unpleasantly, Skyler said in a low voice, I thought Liam was not feeling well, so I didn’t invite them. If you wanted to come, why didn’t you tell me?” Meaning, your hubby’s feeling under the weather, and you still drag him out for this event? Is that really okay?

Celeste immediately shifted the blame onto Liam, “it’s Liam who said he’s bored out of his mind at home and insisted on coming out. I couldn’t do anything about it.”


Although Skyler knew she was lying, Liam didn’t speak up to expose her, so she didn’t say much either. She just gently said, “Since you’re here, take good care of Liam

“I will, ma’am”

Skyler turned to the old lady with a polite and respectful attitude, “Krista is right over there. Let me take you to see her

The old lady nodded and turned to her grandson, “Take Celeste around, and if she likes anything, just buy it for her.”

Skyler’s figure momentarily paused, shooting a cold glance at Celeste, before helping the old lady leave.


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