My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

Her original resources were excellent, which aroused many people’s jealousy, and many eyes were on her. A while ago, she took advantage of the situation to hype up her love life, giving people a handle; then, Celestial Haze hinted that she had taken the Legend voice acting job through connections, which gave these people an opportunity to widely publicize it, portraying her as an ungrateful villain.

Even when Liam stepped in, her losses were still huge. She wanted to use this variety show to improve her image, but the other party wasn’t cooperating. As soon as Celeste closed Facebook, Owen called.

One after another, were they trying to cause trouble?

She frowned and didn’t answer.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to deal with Owen, but his call was mostly about Liam, and she didn’t want to deal with Liam.

Celeste purposely didn’t answer, and Owen kept calling, the phone kept ringing.

Elaine couldn’t stand it anymore and said, “Celeste, just answer it, what if it’s an emergency?”

“What kind of emergency could he have?”

Celeste pouted but picked up the call anyway.

“Ma’am, Mr. Reed has a fever of 39 degrees, do we have any fever medicine at home?”

Celeste was taken aback and sat up abruptly from the sofa.

“What’s the use of taking medicine at 39 degrees? Hurry up and take him to the hospital!”

“Mr. Reed won’t go, and I can’t do anything about it. I can only give him some medicine first to lower his temperature. Mr. Reed fired the nanny, and I don’t know where things are in the house, so I had to call you.”

Had Liam lost his mind? What logic justified avoiding the hospital when he was running such a high fever? Celeste’s brow furrowed. Liam’s father had been hospitalized due to a fever and his condition had taken a turn for the worse before he passed away. She wasn’t certain if this past incident was to blame, but Liam had an extreme reaction every time he fell ill with a fever, showing a distinct aversion towards medication or hospital visits. He was unyieldingly stubborn about this, rendering attempts by others to persuade him futile.

So, she believed what Owen said.

She pursed her lips and hurriedly said, “There’s a first aid kit in the drawer of the coffee table in the living room downstairs. There’s fever medicine in it. Give him one pill first, and if his temperature doesn’t drop after half an hour, you must take him to the hospital, whether he wants to or not!”

Owen quickly agreed and hung up the phone.

At this moment, Celeste didn’t have the energy to think about other things. She paced back and forth in the room, feeling uneasy.

Liam’s last fever was in last year.

It was autumn then, and it might have been due to the sudden change in weather that Liam suddenly had a fever at night.

Awakened by the heat in the middle of the night, she found Liam’s lips cracked and his face red. Liam was unhappy when she turned on the light, grumbling and asking her what she was doing turning on the light in the middle of the night.

He didn’t know he had a fever.

Celeste found a thermometer and measured it, and it was almost 39 degrees. She immediately wanted to take him to the hospital.

But Liam refused to go and even argued with her.

To be honest, Liam wasn’t intimidating when he was sick, and Celeste wasn’t afraid at all. She even felt pity seeing him so miserable.

Unable to persuade Liam, she had no choice but to find some fever reducing medicine for him, coaxing him to take it, changing his cooling patches time and time again, and staying by his side, hoping his temperature would drop quickly.

Liarn seemed to be a bit out of it because of the fever, holding her hand and not letting go, which he had never done before.

Back then, she was head over heels for Liam Just a smile from him would make her imagine them spending their lives together, let alone him holding her hand all the time

At that time, her mind was filled with beautiful fantasies, and she even felt a sense of joy as if the worst was over However, what Liam said next made her heart sink into an abyss

He said, “Sydney, don’t leave”


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