My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Celeste didn’t expect Sydney to be so crazy, but luckily her quick reflexes saved her by grabbing the railing just in time.

However, Sydney pulled so hard it seemed like she wouldn’t stop until Celeste fell off the boat. Having no other choice, Celeste kicked Sydney directly.

As a result, Sydney was kicked into the water in terror.

Mrs. Kelley’s scream came from behind, “Help! Someone’s fallen into the water!”

Suddenly, everyone on the deck was startled.

“Who fell into the water?”

“It looks like Ms, Denton.”

“Oh my god, how did she fall in?”

“Mrs. Kelley said she saw Ms. Denton arguing with Ms. Campbell, and then she heard a splash.”

“You mean Ms. Campbell pushed her?”

“I didn’t say that.”

Everyone on the boat was discussing intensely.

When they saw Liam, everyone shut up.

Liam walked through the crowd, and Celeste stood by the railing expressionlessly, watching the rescue team pull Sydney onto the lifeboat.

Liam approached Celeste and took her hand, she was a bit stunned and didn’t speak.

The seawater was freezing, and Sydney was obviously trying to draw attention. After being rescued, her clothes were all plastered to her body, revealing her figure.

The men at the scene were embarrassed, but they couldn’t help but sneak glances at her.

Mason took off his jacket and put it on Sydney.

Sydney whispered her thanks.

The boat’s doctor came over and checked her out, finding that she was just shocked, with no other injuries.

After the doctor left, Sydney was about to make more trouble when Celeste suddenly stepped forward and grabbed her hand, saying guiltily, “I told you to hold on tighter, why did you let go? Luckily you’re okay, otherwise I really couldn’t explain this.”

Sydney’s face twisted in anger.

Liam looked at her coldly and asked, “What happened?”


“Ms. Denton had too much to drink and stumbled to the railing when the boat rocked. I caught her, but she suddenly let go and fell in. My wrist hurts from her pulling on it.”

Celeste rolled up her sleeve to show Liam the finger marks left from the pulling.

Liam’s face darkened as he looked at the marks.

Sydney wanted to deny it, but Liam glared at her, and she immediately didn’t dare to speak.

Sydney knew she couldn’t accuse Celeste of pushing her now, as Liam would definitely not side with her, and might even think she was framing Celeste.

The finger marks on her wrist were proof.

Sydney was furious and whispered, “I didn’t let go on purpose, I was worried about pulling Ms. Campbell into the water too, so I let go. If that had happened, it would have been a huge mistake.”

If Sydney’s acting was this good all the time, she wouldn’t have been criticized so much.

If she hadn’t spoken first, Sydney would have definitely cried and pushed the blame onto her.

By then, everyone would be accusing her, and she wouldn’t even have a chance to defend herself.

Although she did kick Sydney into the water, it was what she deserved.

Sydney thought Liam would save her, but Liam couldn’t even swim!

Celeste suddenly paused.

How could Sydney, who had known Liam for so many years, not know that he couldn’t swim?

She looked at Sydney suspiciously, her gaze falling on her abdomen.

Pregnancy was Sydney’s biggest bargaining chip, so why would she play this trick knowing she was pregnant?


Chapter 296

The same thing happened at the charity gala last time, Kaylee pushed her, and she fell hard, but later she acted as if nothing had happened.

Her classmates were very careful during the first three months of their pregnancies, but Sydney didn’t seem to care at all. Was there a problem?

The drama ended just like that.

People on the boat were still gossiping, and Celeste didn’t want to stay there, so she went back to her room.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Celeste thought it was Liam, and she reluctantly went to open it.

To her surprise, it was Mason standing there.

“Mr. Fletcher?”

Mason held a bag, “I got some ointment from the doctor.” He pointed to Celeste’s wrist and said, “If you apply this to your wrist, it’ll help with the



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