My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 436

Chapter 436

Chapter 436

Chapter 436

“I already reminded them once today, and they’re speeding up the process. They said they’ll be done soon, definitely before we leave City A Is Mr Reed still thinking about this in the middle of the night?

Owen has a feeling that his boss is in love lately

It seems like ever since he found out about his wife’s car accident on the overpass, he has been more and more concerned about her.

He had been working with Liam for many years and knew that Liam was a person who was not enthusiastic or even cold at first.

He didn’t really care much about his birth mother, Skyler Reed. But when it comes to his wife, even just a casual comment, he’ll keep it in mind. Like the $400,000 bag. the earrings lost at the dance, and now this expensive necklace

Mr. Reed didn’t mind his wife spending money.

Mr. Reed is a man of action rather than words, while his wife loves sweet talk. In short, a sweet-talker meets a somewhat cold workaholic.

It’s kinda interesting when you think about it.

The next morning, Elaine went downstairs to buy breakfast, and Celeste ate a bit. At eight o’clock, the doctor came to inspect the room.

Caitlyn’s temperature had risen a bit, her temperature had dropped at night, but now it had risen again.

The doctor said to check her temperature every half hour, continue to use physical methods to cool her down, and if her temperature hasn’t dropped by noon, take some medication.

Celeste thanked the doctor and got busy again.

This time, it was harder to bring her temperature down than at night. By noon, her temperature had risen again.

Celeste quickly called the doctor, who checked Caitlyn, gave her medication, and asked her to keep an eye on her.

Celeste looked nervously at Caitlyn in bed, her face was very serious.

Caitlyn had became very weak. Over the years, even though she had been taking the best medicines and had the most responsible caregivers, she couldn’t resist the gradual weakening of her body.

She lay there, covered in blankets, looking so frail as if she was just a skeleton, ready to shatter at any moment.

An hour later, Caitlyn’s temperature finally dropped a little. Seeing how anxious Celeste was, the caregiver suggested her going out for a walk

“I’m fine, Elaine. Thank you for your help these days.”

“No need to thank me, this is my job. I’ll take good care of Aunt Caitlyn.”

At that moment, a nurse suddenly ran in and said, “Ms. Caitlyn’s family, please go downstairs to pay.”

Celeste frowned, “I just paid yesterday.”

“I don’t know anything about that. The reception downstairs said the account is out of money, so you need to go pay. There’s still therapy this afternoon, so hurry up.”

The nurse left after saying that.

Celeste couldn’t understand. She had clearly deposited a million in the account last night, how could it be out of money?

Celeste ran downstairs with a puzzled look on her face.

When she asked at the payment counter, they said, “The money you transferred last night was frozen by the bank. They said there’s an issue with your money, so it cannot be used for now.”

Celeste frowned, “What’s wrong with that money?” It was her acting fee that had just been transferred last week, what could be wrong with it?

“How do I know? I’m just in charge of collecting payments. You’d better call the bank and ask, and by the way, you also need to pay for the medical expenses.”


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