My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 520

Chapter 520

Chapter 520

Chapter 520

Celeste’s face is seriously flawless, whether it’s her front or side profile, they’re both perfect.

Her features may not be the most beautiful individually, but when combined, they’re extremely well– proportioned.

Beauty isn’t always about having the most delicate and prominent features. Nowadays, plastic surgery techniques are so advanced, so why can some people still accurately tell that someone has had work done even though their features are beautiful?

It’s because they overly pursue perfection in their features, neglecting the overall harmony, which is the hardest thing to control in plastic surgery. The reason why Celeste is so stunning at first glance is because her features are so well–coordinated.

Her waist and hips are in normal proportions. Since she was wearing a hat earlier, her hair was even somewhat flattened, but none of this affected her beauty

Those haters who were planning to take some ugly pictures of Celeste and make fun of her online turned pale when they saw her face.

They couldn’t help but admit her beauty the moment they saw Celeste’s real appearance.

Not only was she good–looking, but her posture was also very upright, and her temperament was even more extraordinary.

The long–term physical training and noble temperament rooted in her were things that an idol star like Sydney couldn’t compare with.

Some sharp–eyed reporters have already recognized that Celeste was the one who disguised herself as a man in the “Mastermind of Law” column a while ago..

Major blue V’s (verified accounts) were forwarding support for the queen of legal dramas, who turned out to be Celeste!

When Sydney’s fans were attacking Celeste online for being arrogant and digging up dirt on her, the queen was actually busy helping the provincial TV station with a charity performance.

Even though she was attacked so badly at the time, she didn’t use the heat to clarify herself but instead directly withdrew from the internet, giving up her account with millions of followers.

She took every step so decisively, so when the reversal came, everyone felt so satisfied.

After all, the grudge between the queen of legal dramas and the popular little actress was such a dramatic story that it could make the news for several months.

Reporters won’t have to worry about their bonuses for the second half of the year.

Owen secretly glanced at his boss.

He stared at the person on the plaintiff’s bench with a serious face, as if wanting to pull them over with just his gaze.

Owen sighed quietly.

He initially thought that Mr. Reed’s pursuit of his wife would be smooth, as Mr. Reed, though sometimes sarcastic, truly cared for his wife, and they had a solid emotional foundation. Mr. Reed was currently making up for his past mistakes very actively, so it was only a matter of time before they got back together.

However, now, looking at his wife on the plaintiff’s bench, Owen was not optimistic at all.

Mr. Reed had snatched his wife’s voice acting job and given it to Sydney. When Sydney got into trouble with the voice acting incident and was exposed by Celestial Haze, it was Mr. Reed who paid to have someone fix the problem.

In a nutshell, Mr. Reed was helping others and causing his wife to feel heartbroken and helpless.

In short, a professional saboteur.

With all these upsetting events added up, Mr. Reed’s pursuit of his wife might be full of twists and turns.


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