My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 545

Chapter 545

Chapter 545

Chapter 545

The two horses were neck and neck.

Liam crouched down, eyes fixed on the track ahead, adjusting direction with his whip. At the turn, Sugar leaped ahead of the brown horse.

Mason gradually fell behind.

Although they were still moving fast, the two or three–meter gap couldn’t be shortened no matter what.

Liam looked back at Mason, smiled briefly, and sped up again.

Mason’s eyes were determined, and he whipped the horse hard. The brown horse neighed and sprinted faster. At the last turn, the horse suddenly got spooked, letting out a loud neigh and throwing Mason off its back.

Celeste’s heart tensed, and she shouted, “Mr. Fletcher!”

Mason’s body was thrown to the side of the saddle, one foot hanging in the air and the other still hooked on the stirrup. His hands tightly gripped the reins, his face tense, and veins bulging on his forehead.

The brown horse was out of control, running wildly with Mason in tow.

Celeste’s back broke out in a cold sweat, and she shouted Liam’s name.

Liam also noticed Mason’s horse was out of control and hurriedly chased after it on Sugar.

The brown horse ran off the track, charging wildly across the grass, heading straight for Celeste.

Celeste’s face changed, realizing the danger, and she turned and ran towards an obstacle.

But how could a person’s speed compare to a horse’s?

As the horse got closer and closer to Celeste, Liam’s face darkened. He let go of Sugar’s reins with one hand, stood up on the horse’s back, and jumped onto the brown horse at the right moment. He tightly pulled the reins, forcing the horse to change direction.

The brown horse seemed to become even more frantic due to the pain.

Liam looked at Mason, who was hanging on one side of the horse.

His hand was turning purple from the pressure of the reins, veins bulging on the back of his hand, and his fingers trembling from supporting his body weight for so long.

Liam spoke in a deep voice, “When I tell you to jump, let go and protect your head, then roll down.”

Mason looked at him tensely and nodded.

With a serious expression, Liam tried to control the direction and calm the frenzied horse.

But it was no use; the more he tried to control it, the more wild the brown horse became. Liam could only seize the opportunity when the horse passed by a cushioned area and kicked Mason off.

Wasn’t he supposed to wait for Liam’s signal to let go? Mason thought as he flew off the horse’s back. He quickly protected his head and rolled a few times on the soft sand, stopping.

Celeste hurried over to check on Mason’s injuries.

Mason had some scrapes on his palms and elbows, but the rest of him was fine.

Celeste sighed with relief and looked back at the field.

The brown horse was still uncontrollable, even starting to jump while running, trying to throw Liam off.

At such a high speed, falling off would be no joke.

Celeste got Mason to safety and then anxiously watched Liam, her throat tightening involuntarily whenever he was about to be thrown off.

The horse trainer had already hopped on a steed to chase after them, but the distance was too far, and the chestnut horse’s path was unpredictable, making it super hard to catch up.

Liam was drenched in sweat, covered in dust, and the protective gear on his hands was worn through. His palms were sweaty, and the reins were starting to slip from his grasp.

At this rate, he was bound to be thrown off sooner or later.

Liam’s eyes darkened, and he decided to slip to one side of the horse’s back, bending his legs and preparing to jump off when the chestnut horse turned. But before they even got to the turn, the reins suddenly snapped, and Liam fell straight off the horse’s back.


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