My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Celeste kept pressing on: “If this matter involves me, it’s no longer a private matter. Spill it!”

Liam tried to divert the topic to “Thirsty?”

But the more he kept mum, the more it piqued Celeste’s curiosity. She decided to use her advantage to corner him: “Are you going to tell me or not? If you don’t, I’ll deduct your points!”

Liam frowned. “That’s just plain dirty.”

Celeste simply played dirty, “I made the rules. If you don’t tell me, I deduct points.”

Liam’s face started to tense up. Just when Celeste thought he was about to cave and spill the beans, he stubbornly said, “Do what you want.” Celeste was taken aback. “Then I’ll deduct a hundred points.”

Liam said, “Whatever floats your boat.”


Damn! Did deducting points not work anymore?

Celeste didn’t really want to deduct points. Her curiosity was just driving her nuts. The more Liam kept quiet, the more she wanted to know. Since deducting points wasn’t working…

Celeste said, “Tell me, and I’ll give you extra points.”

Liam was excited inside but maintained a cool exterior. “How many points?”


Liam said, “I’m going go get a bottle of water.”

He started to walk away.

Celeste grabbed him and said, “Twenty points, twenty points! Twenty points, okay?”

Liam looked at her and said, “Two hundred points.”

Celeste: …

“Don’t you think you’re being a bit excessive?”

Liam said, “It’s my private business; I can’t be too casual, right?”

Celeste thought about it. His current score was negative ten thousand plus. Adding two hundred was just a drop in the ocean compared to a full score. So she said, “Fine, two hundred it is.

Then she asked, “So who are they?”

A small smile crept up from the corner of Liam’s lips. “Hop in the car, and I’ll tell you.”

Once they got in the car, buckled up, and started driving, Liam still kept his mouth shut.

Celeste frowned. “Did you trick me into giving you extra points?”

“How could I?” Liam said while pulling out a book from behind the rear seat, “It’s all in this book.”

Celeste glanced at the book. The title was ‘100 Romantic Things to Do for Couples‘.

Liam said, “Check out page 27.”

Celeste turned to page 27.

It was a book rich in illustrations. The title on page 27 was ‘Coat‘.

The book talked about wrapping a scarf around him or her or draping a coat over them, looking down at their cheek or forehead, smelling the scent of their coat, snowflakes fluttering outside, but warmth filling the heart.

The illustration was of a boy kissing a girl’s forehead, with the the girl wearing a man’s coat.


Celeste gritted her teeth and said, “What does this have to do with them?”

Liam said, “Look at who the author is.”

Celeste flipped back to the cover.

The author’s name was ‘They‘.


She wanted to curse Liam for tricking her, but he didn’t seem to have tricked her.

She was the one who insisted on knowing; she was the one who proposed the extra points. But who would have thought that “they” would be the name of an author?

Celeste angrily tossed the book back into Liam’s lap.

“Don’t you want to read this book?” Liam said witi: an innocent face, “It’s a pretty good read‘


Celeste scowled and chose to ignore him.

Seeing his plan work, Liam happily flipped through the book and said, “There’s a lot more in this book. You can check out whichever you like, and next time I can act it out according to the book.”

Celeste tried to hold back but couldn’t. “Does it still feel romantic if you do it according to the book?”

“Indeed,” Liam answered, “I think page 49 is quite romantic; have a look.”

“I won’t.”


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