My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 823

Chapter 823

Chapter 823

“Alright, alright,” Shawn waved his hand in frustration, “Keep it then; you’re always night.”

Helen snorted, “Isn’t it better to spend money on your son than anything else? When you’re old and lying in a hospital bed, won’t you be relying on your son to take care of you?”

Shawn had nothing to say, so he silently retumed to his study.

His account had little disposable funds left. If he continued to only spend without bringing in money, he’d be unable to keep it a secret for much longer. He couldn’t wait for Celeste’s decision. Even if Celeste really ended up with Liam, there wouldn’t be enough time.

Shawn pulled open the drawer, took out a paper bag from the bottom, and after some thought, made a decision.

The next moming, Liam went to the company early

Perhaps because his date the night before was pleasant, Liam was in a much better mood during the meeting.

After the meeting, Owen joked. “Mr. Reed, how did your date go last night?”

“Not bad, thanks to the great movie you recommended Liam said deadpan.

Owen laughed awkwardly, “Horror movies are the best for bonding couples”

“Is that so?” Liam responded indifferently, “You seem to know a lot, so why are you still single?”

Owen was speechless. He shouldn’t have helped Liam win over Celeste so quickly. Just look at his smug attitude.

Just as Liam was about to head to his office, his phone rang.

It was an email. He opened the email as he walked, then suddenly stopped, his face turning very grim.

“What’s wrong. Mr. Reed?” Owen felt something was off.

“I have to step out.”

Liam didn’t answer, just put away his phone and left.

‘Do you need me to come with you?”

“No Stay at the office. Contact me if there’s an emergency”


Liam rarely left during work hours. Owen had a gut feeling that something was definitely up, otherwise Mr. Reed wouldn’t be so out of sorts.

His intuition was correct. Liam had received a ransom email.

The email contained a set of photos secretly taken in a changing room.

The girl in the photos was about fourteen or fifteen, her body not fully mature yet. Almost naked, she was changing clothes under the lens. If he only looked at her face, Liam could only see some familiar traces, but the birthmark on her back confirmed that the girl in the photo was Celeste

It was a voyeuristic photo of an underage girl. The sender demanded a hundred million to delete the photos, or they would be made public.

Celeste’s career was just starting. If these photos got out, it would be a devastating blow to her career.

Most people wouldn’t care about how she got photographed. They would just treat it as entertainment, and begin privately sharing and speculating, then pinning all sorts of labels on her and attacking her.

Liam immediately thought of the worst outcome, his anger was uncontrollable but he also tried to remain calm.

The sender wanted money. As long as he paid, the sender wouldn’t make the photos public.

Just as he was on the road, Liam received another email, demanding that he transfer the money to the provided account before noon. If he missed the deadline, the photos would immediately be sold to various gossip media outlets.

Liam practically rushed to Simon’s house without a moment’s delay, waking him up from his sleep.

“Who let you in?” Simon looked like he was still half asleep

“Me” Michaela, leaning against the doorframe with a cup of water in her hand, asked, ‘Do you want me to kick him out?”

“Well, if you wanted to, you wouldn’t have let him in in the first place.” Simon sat up and hopped off the bed. “What the hell happened?”

“Somebody sent me a blackmail email,” Liam said in a deep voice. “Can you check it out for me?”

“Shouldn’t you be reporting this to the cops?”

“They used an overseas server, and the message is encrypted. By the time I report it and they start the investigation, it’ll be too late.” Simon furrowed his brows. “What are they holding over you that’s got you all jittery?”

“My wife” Liam pressed his lips together.

Simon’s expression shifted. Without asking further, he went straight to his study to power up his computer


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