My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 944

Chapter 944

Chapter 944

Trisha furrowed her brows slightly, giving him a puzzled look as she asked softly, “What are you talking about?”

Nicolas paused for a moment, seemingly finding it hard to speak. After a while, he finally said, “I used to have a girlfriend who was a model. She pursued me first, and I thought she was pretty good–looking so we dated for a while.”

Trisha asked in confusion, “Didn’t you guys last long together?”

“No! Nicolas shot her a glare. “I date for the enjoyment of the dating process. Who told you I would sleep with every girlfriend I had? Besides, the girl was the one who pursued me. She was decent– looking and had an upbeat personality, so I dated her for a while. But what I didn’t expect was-

He suddenly changed his tone

“I didn’t expect that girl to be Cindy’s ex–girlfriend! That annoying Cindy thought I stole her girlfriend, so she came after me on purpose, hoping to split me and her ex up. This way, she could get revenge on her ex and put me in a tight spot.”

Trish was dumbstruck…

She asked in a daze, “Cindy’s ex–girlfriend? Isn’t Cindy a girl? Her girlfriend… she, she is.

Trisha widened her eyes in surprise and let out a helpless laugh.

Her novel was already complicated enough, but reality turned out to be even more complex.

Nicolas spoke quietly, “Not many people know about this. I’m telling you because I consider you a friend. Don’t go around blabbing about it. Her hometown isn’t that progressive yet”

“I know,” Trisha replied in a low voice “I’m not an idiot.”

Then she asked again, “So why did you confess your feelings to her with flowers?”

Nicolas explained, “She was after me when I already had a girlfriend, and I wasn’t interested in her, so I didn’t interact with her much. But she always showed up at the pool club looking for me. Even when I told her to leave, she wouldn’t. She kept challenging me to a game, saying that if I won, she’d never appear before me again. But if I lost, I would have to confess my feelings to her with flowers in public and be her boyfriend for a day.”

“So you lost?”

Trisha looked at him as if to say: you actually lost to a girl? How incompetent are you?

Nicolas defended himself angrily, “Cindy, that annoying girl, she was a pool whiz and had won competitions. No one at the club could beat her! if I had known, would I have challenged her?

Trisha spoke softly. “So what happened after you confessed? Did your ex break up with you?”

“The news covered it, so naturally, she saw it. She thought I had moved on and betrayed her to be with Cindy. So she came to me and told me that Cindy didn’t even like men and was only with me to get back at her”

Trisha was speechless She bowed her head, her shoulders shaking slightly

Nicolas said in annoyance, “If you want to laugh, just laugh. Why are you pretending?”

Trisha couldn’t help but start laughing As she laughed, she teased, “So even someone like you can be used by others?”

“What’s so bad about me? I put my heart and soul into each relationship Is that a bad thing? Having a rich love life doesn’t make me a bad guy. Only those who only know how to enjoy themselves and shirk responsibility are real jerks. If I don’t experience love, how would I know what kind of person is right for me?


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