My Roleplay System

Chapter 23 - 23

Chapter 23 - 23: Bountiful Rewards

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Bountiful Rewards

The exam had come to an end.

After the results were released, Alec went on to explain a few things about the Academy before ending the speech with an announcement that the first semester will start three months later.

Naturally Lake had slept through the entire announcement and only woke up when everyone was leaving. Thankfully, Lake had a simple solution to fix this problem.

On the way back he took a look at Kate's Fate before he quickly filled himself in on what he missed, this included her shocked reaction when the rankings were revealed.

Lake found that it's a shame that he could only see the actions of a person past and not their thoughts. Otherwise, he would have loved to hear what Kate had to think about him at that moment.

After returning the equipment that he had borrowed, Lake called a cab before returning home.

Dropping down on his bed, Lake stretched lazily before summoning the system interface, which showed all the rewards he had to collect.

While he was in the exam he was too focused to check so he hadn't paid much attention to the notifications and progress of the quest at the time.

However when he looked at the first notification that had appeared he was completely stunned.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the Main Quest!]

[Total number of Fates changed - 213/10.]

[+50 RP Points]

[Generating Low Tier Secondary Role…]

[Secondary Role Assassin(Low Tier) has been successfully generated!]

When Lake saw the notification he was initially stunned, but before he could even figure out how he managed to complete the quest, the next set of notifications appeared.

[Congratulations to the host for his excellent performance on the hunt!]

[Quest result = Total number of Kills, 205]

[Overall Performance based on current status condition, Excellent.]

[Reward is being generated…]

[The Reward has been generated! Secondary Role Assassin (Low Tier) has been promoted to Master Assassin (Mid Tier)!]

[Does the Host Wish to begin the synchronization?]

[Yes?] [No?]


Lake stared blankly at the notifications that had appeared before him.

In his mind he was trying his hardest to comprehend how he had managed to change the fate of over 200 people without knowing it. Moreover, it was the Fate of over 200 martial artists!

As far as Lake was concerned, the number of martial artists he had met could be counted on one hand! Let alone the over two hundred martial artists whose fate he had supposedly changed.

Thankfully however, the system seemed to sense his confusion as a notification appeared before him.

[The term martial artist doesn't just refer to those who have achieved the martial realm, it refers to anyone or any creature that has absorbed mana.]

Seeing the notification Lake seemed to have come to a sudden understanding as his mind slowly calmed down.

If what the system says is true, then that would explain how he managed to interact with over 200 martial artists, as it meant that each of the goblins and creatures he killed during the exam would count as a martial artist.

However, that still left the question of how exactly did he manage to change their Fate.

[Ending a Fate is also a form of changing it.]

With that system notification, all of Lake's questions were resolved. Looking at the system notification, Lake didn't hesitate to begin the synchronization.

Immediately, Lake's vision went black. He felt his brain being inundated with various knowledge and techniques as he lost all control of his body.

Thankfully, this wasn't Lake's first time experiencing synchronization so he wasn't completely overwhelmed by the information like he was when he first accepted the Master Of Fate Role.

Lake took his time as he slowly absorbed the information flowing into his brain. After what felt like a lifetime passed, Lake slowly opened his eyes as he lay sweating on his bed.

Although he had experienced synchronization once before, it didn't change the exhausting effect it had on his body.

[Role Successfully Synchronized. Congratulations host for successfully inheriting the role of Master Assassin.]

[Skill - Level 1 Master of Stealth has successfully been acquired]

[Skill - Level 1 Assassinate has successfully been acquired]

[Skill - Level 1 Weapons Master has successfully been acquired]

[Skill - Level 1 Parkour Master has successfully been acquired]

[Skill - Level 1 Sixth Sense has successfully been acquired]

Looking at the row of notifications that had appeared before him, Lake took a moment to process the notification while he got accustomed to the changes with how his body felt.

Pulling up the system notification, Lake started to look through the description of Master Assassin and its various skills.

[Master of Stealth lv. 1 - As a master assassin, you have mastered the art of sneaking around and vanishing from your enemies sight. At the current level you can proficiently move around without being noticed.]

[Assassinate lv. 1 - To assassinate is an art and as a Master Assassin, you are a master of it. At the current level you can assassinate your target as easy as breathing without them even knowing. (This skills scales with the host's stats)]

[Weapon Master lv. 1 - As a master assassin, you have come to master a variety of weapons which you can use to assassinate your opponent. At the current level you can use all weapons with basic proficiency.]

[Parkour Master lv. 1 - Sometimes to assassinate your target, you need to reach places that are simply unreachable or cross barriers that are impossible. As a master assassin you are able to freely cross these terrains and obstacles and oftentimes use it to your advantage. At the current level you can freely scale almost any structure and move past most obstacles. (This skills scales with the host's stats)]

[Sixth Sense lv. 1 - All assassins eventually develop a special sixth sense once they have gained enough experience. This sixth sense allows them to filter out the unimportant and break through illusions. It also functions as a danger detector that manifests as a unique feeling to warn you of any immediate danger. At the current level, this sense only functions within a range of 30 meters.]

After reading the description, Lake understood the basics of the abilities he had obtained. Lake wanted to test them out immediately but before he did that he looked at the last system notification that was left.

[The system has detected that a small portion of the True King's Fate power can be absorbed.]

[Does the host wish to begin the absorption process?]

[Yes?] [No?]

After choosing yes, Lake felt a unique energy flow into him as he closed his eyes. This energy was subtle but he felt that it contained an extremely domineering power. The energy was constantly circulating inside him, covering almost every inch of his body.

After a couple minutes passed, Lake felt the energy greatly slow down before remaining dormant inside him. josei

When Lake opened his eyes he saw a system notification in front of him.

[The host has successfully absorbed the power of the True King's Fate.]

[Skill Demeanor of a King has been created.]

[Demeanor of a King - Your body radiates the aura of a king. When others are in your presence, they will feel a sense of awe when they look at you. When commanding others they are more likely to follow your orders. When you directly face an enemy, you give off a suppressing aura that makes them want to submit.]

Looking at the skill description, Lake was slightly surprised. Seeing the versatility of the skill, Lake couldn't help but wonder whether the Goblin King also possessed such a useful skill?

Feeling the dormant energy inside him, Lake could control whether or not it was radiating from him or not. Since he had no reason to use it now, he decided to leave it dormant for the time being.

After moving around his body once more, Lake looked at RP points he had gathered.

[RP Points = 213.134]

Seeing that he had over 200 RP points, Lake felt extremely satisfied.

[Detected that the Host wishes to upgrade the 'Observer of Fate' skill. Cost to level up = 100 RP points]

[Does the Host wish to proceed?]

"Yes." Lake decisively decided to upgrade the Observer of Fate skill.

[Host confirmation received. 100 RP points have been deducted.]

[Beginning upgrade…]

When the upgrade began Lake felt his vision go black as he went through an experience similar to synchronization. The only difference between the upgrade and synchronization was the amount of knowledge being transferred. When one is synchronizing, brand new information of a variety of skills and subjects are transferred directly into your mind.

This knowledge can be overwhelming and can make one feel as though their head was splitting apart. However when a skill is being upgraded, it's like having the original information that you already possessed enhanced.

If Lake had to think of a real world example for this, he would say it was like learning a new subject for the first and taking an advanced class on a subject you already knew. When you learn a new subject for the first time, the information you have to go through can be overwhelming and headache inducing.

While on the other hand, taking an advanced class can also be headache inducing, but it won't be overwhelming. You're only learning something about a subject you were already proficient in.

After a few minutes passed, Lake felt his vision return as he lay exhausted on the bed. Just now he had just gone through both the process of synchronization and upgrading a new skill and was already exhausted.

[Skill successfully upgraded!]

[Observer of Fate lv.2 - As the Master of Fate, you can clearly see through the fate of others as if you were reading a book. At the current level you can observe the past of the target and can foretell the fortune of the target within the next 24 hours.]

After reading over the description, Lake passed out cold on his bed.

However, little did Lake know that a set of videos were released a little while ago on the internet. These videos were recorded footage of the Marital Arts Course Exam. The videos were mostly short clips or compilations showcasing the various skills and prowess of the various candidates.

Among all these videos, there was a single video that was more than twice as long as the others, lasting for almost 29 minutes. At first, many people clicked on it, curious to see what was worth showcasing almost half an hour of footage.

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