My Seatmate Tries to Make Me Fall in Love with Her by Teasing Me Repeatedly, but Somehow She Was the One Who Fell

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: A Cute Chance

Chapter 52: A Cute Chance

As soon as they walked out the door, Yui started talking as they walked along the hallway of the apartment building.

“I never heard that we were studying at the library.”

Out of nowhere, she started pouting.

It was before a test, so why would anything be surprising? However, for some reason, she said, “There’s no way I can study, though?”josei

“I didn’t want to complicate things with Mizuna.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’d be something like this…”

She would probably say, “Mizuna’s coming too!” and ruin everything.

For the time being, he decided to keep quiet about the place they were going. As they walked out of the apartment, Yuuki walked ahead of her.

Yuuki walked down the alleyway, and Yui followed close behind, seemingly in a close mood. Her steps were light.

“Hey, hey, where are we going? Is it a secret? Maybe it’s that? Is there a surprise~?”

“Ideon is the strongest, isn’t it?”

“Just saying, it’s not Sunrise.”

As they had this conversation, they got to a corner of the street. There was a convenience store there.

And just then, a woman in a white dress decorated with a floral pattern crossed the street in front of him.

Hey long black hair, which was loosely let down, contrasted with the white of her dress.

She had the body of a model and had an aura that seemed to change the atmosphere around her just by walking around.

If you were a man, you would stop and stare.

As he was looking at her legs, which stretched out from the hem of her dress, he noticed that she was also looking at him.

“Wait a sec, eyes. Eyes.”

Yui stretched out her arms and covered her eyes with her palm.

No matter how he looked at it, he didn’t think there was any reason to cover up her eyes…

“Ah. It’s not Yui, what a coincidence you’re here…”

She heard a familiar voice, and her eyes lit up.

She and Yui were looking at each other.


“What a c-coincidence, I’m surprised~…”

This time, he arranged a meeting between the two.

In other words, their strategy was to pretend to have met by chance, and hang out together.

…it wasn’t really a strategy.

Still, he didn’t immediately notice how much Rin had changed.

Her eyes were brighter than usual, and her lips had a hint of red.

Yuuki wondered if she was the sister of some model and if it was okay for an ordinary person like himself to talk to her casually.

He noticed that Rin’s tone was very unnatural. She’s a bad actor.

It’s difficult for an amateur to imitate the famous actress Yui.

“…What are you doing here?”

“Ehh, ah….”

When questioned by Yui, Rin gave Yuuki a look as if she wanted him to help her.

There’s no way she doesn’t have a plan, right? Rin was usually cool-headed, so he thought she would think of something.

Of course, Yuuki also didn’t have a plan, so he signaled with his eyes for her to do something.

Rin wandered around and pointed at the convenience store.


“You okay?”

“No, uhh…”


Rin’s mouth was hanging agape, so Yuuki stepped in to help and tried diverting the topic of the conversation.

“I was surprised at how beautiful you were. I didn’t recognize you”

“I-is that so? T-thank you…”

When he told her that, Rin got embarrassed and turned her head away, which was unlike her.

He wasn’t so much complimenting her as he was giving an honest impression.

“Your impression changed when your clothes are different.”

As he looked at Rin from head to toe, he could see Yui from the edge of his vision.

When he asked her, “What?” Yui pinched the edge of her skirt.

“These are?”

“They’re clothes.”

“It’s a long way from your perspective.”

“I’ve seen your clothes a million times.”

“You’re tired of looking?”

She also wore a pale blue skirt with a pattern, a shirt, and a pale white cardigan.

Unlike Yuuki, she seemed to be wearing different clothes every time. He wondered if that was what she was talking about.

“Yep, yep, Yui’s cute too.”

“You’re late… do you know how many chances I had to be cute?”

“What’s with that?”

When he looked at Rin, she didn’t come into the conversation and just stood still looking at the ground.

When he wondered what she was staring at, it was a stone that wasn’t anything special.

Yuuki turned to Rin immediately.

“Perfect, Rin, come with us.”


Yui exclaimed and turned her head around to Yuuki.

She seemed to be quite surprised, and Yuuki was surprised at her voice and widened eyes.

He expected her to get excited and say, “Wow, that’s great! Let’s go together, Rin-chan!”

“You’re friends right?”

“Well, yeah…”

“Eh, do you not like it?”

“No, I didn’t say that!”

Then what the hell was with her stubborn attitude?

While they talked, Rin’s eyes were moving back and forth, and her complexion was pale.

Did she think she was in trouble with Yui?

“T-that’s not the case! We’re good friends!”

She grabbed Rin’s hand and shook it back and forth.

Rin’s complexion changed quickly, and a blush was visible on her cheeks.

“Let’s leave Yuuki-kun and go alone!”

Contrary to her body language, Yui’s tone was piercing. Maybe it was because she was in a bad mood.

But where are they going?

In fact, the destination was a secret, or rather, the plans for today were left to Rin, so Yuuki didn’t know what to do.

But if the two of them were going together, then he’s achieved his goal.

“Alright, then I’ll go.”

“No, wait, wait! What the hell? What was the secret?”

“Sorry, I didn’t have a plan for today.”


He felt something akin to killing intent from Yui, so he turned the conversation over to Rin.

“Where’s Rin planning to go?”

“Ehhh, I was going to the library to study…”


The truth came from a lie.

For a moment, he made a face that looked like Yui’s.

Of course, Rin seemed to feel the mood.

“U-um, Yui…”

“I mean, I didn’t bring anything to study with me…”

“T-that’s right! You can’t be studying on a day off, can you?”

(This is not the time to be doing this…)

The two of them acted as if they forgot about the test.

Rin raised her voice and said,

“We’ve studied enough, so let’s go play!”

Her character was obviously trying to fit in with Yui.

She was supposed to be a stern and serious type character who would’ve told them to study.

But was Yui fine with that?

“It’s the first time I’ve hung out with Rin, so it’s kind of strange~”

It turns out it was their first time.

He got ripped off.

“So, what are we doing? Where are we going?”


Rin looked at Yuuki again.

Even though he was told to have fun, he never went out with his classmates on days off, so he didn’t exactly know what to do.

So he was stuck in a negative spiral of never going out. It was probably the same for Rin.

When he returned his gaze, Rin started saying something.

“Then, let’s go to a g-g….”


“G-…. game center?”

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