My Servant System

473 Chapter 472

473 Chapter 472: Puppy Two


Kat PoV

I fussed over Anput as soon as she returned to the platform, my Water Magic gliding over her toned body and searching for any injuries that might have been left behind - despite knowing full well that Lady D'Arcon was NOT going to miss any wounds...

Besides that, I hugged her close, my mind slightly in turmoil after seeing her get hurt during that fight; it was a reaction that I doubt would ever go away, despite knowing full well that all of us would get injured sometimes.

Just seeing her have any kind of serious injury was enough to make my heart pound in my chest, dread filling my system and making me shudder as I felt like I had been submerged into arctic waters.

My mate sensed that, giving me her signature arrogant smirk as she squeezed my waist, holding me close as I continued to look her over, until we were eventually resting our brows together, staring into one another's eyes.

"I'm alright, Kat... Really."

I bit my lip as I searched those obsidian eyes, before I reluctantly sighed and tried to pull away.

As soon as I did that, she adopted a pained expression and spoke in an exaggerated manner, groaning "Oh it hurts..! I can't possibly stand on my own~!"

Smirking at me, she pulled me back and leaned close, her breath warm against my cheek as she whispered "Since Jahi is buttering up Leone for our return, that means you're mine, Kat... When this is all over, let's mate all day long..."

Anput nipped my neck before adding "Though, that'll need to wait after a few hours... I have a gift for you."

My ears twitched as I looked at her, curiosity filling me as I tried to glean anything extra from her, only to glare at her as she slipped her hand lower, the Jackalkin's lust obvious as she smacked her lips against mine.

She indulged for a brief moment before simply holding me, uncaring of the various smirks and glances we were getting from the various Knights and Royal Family.

Of course, they were also glancing at the blue Demoness who was whispering constantly into the now red faced Vampire Princess, with Lady Lorelei rolling her eyes as she watched her daughter be seduced so easily; though the Marquess was just smirking, pride in her ruby eyes.

Leaning my head on her shoulder, I stood beside her and watched as the next few people challenged the monsters in the arena, wanting to indulge in this warmth for as long as I could.

I wanted this selfish moment to go on forever, but by the time that I watched Monica - Lady D'Arcon's daughter - smite a tiny feline monster with a barrage of lightning, I pulled away and stepped off the edge, deciding to take my own test.

Without thinking I unsheathed Protective Fang and Shatter Fang, the two Fangs my preferred weapons by this point, and I began to search for my opponent, curious at what I would be facing.

Jahi faced a Dracogriff - I presume, anyways - while Leone faced an Infernal Serpent and Anput faced a Firefang.

What would I be facing..?

That was answered quickly, as a sharp shriek filled the cavern as something stomped over towards me, its heavy body belying its speed as it appeared directly in front of me.

Raising Protective, I created a three layered shield as I poured mana into the broad dagger, stopping a set of talons from tearing through my throat.

In front of me was an interesting monster; long serpent tail that shifted into the upper body of some type of hawk or eagle, where two giant wings and two taloned 'arms' were outstretched, all while a beaked, feathered head stared down at me, its red eyes glowing with hate.

No idea what it was, but what I do know was that it was strong and fast, its serpent tail whipping around and trying to slam into my side, all while its talons shattered one of the shields.

Jumping back, I avoided the tail and began to cast some spells, wanting to test the monsters resilience - it had greenish feathers and dark red scales, so perhaps a Lightning Element monster?

My hands moved swiftly, and a barrage of water and wind bullets slammed into the monsters body, making it screech as it tried to move away.

Small wounds were scattered around its body, but they healed rapidly as the monster shimmered red.

Alright, that was a quick spell and it did a decent amount of damage for the speed and lack of power behind it.I think you should take a look at

Sidestepping another jab of its scaled tail, I began to trace out another set of runes with my Shatter Fang, using the Protective Fang to create various shields around me that blocked whatever attack was coming.

I began to layer buffs over myself as I defended against the attacking monster, who was growing more desperate as it's tail and talons slammed against the shields, shattering them.

When I got to a point that I was confident with, I encased Shatter in water and froze it, creating a longsword that I spun once, getting used to the increased weight.

Planting my feet into the dirt, I shot forwards and lunged at the monster, surprising it as I went from defensive to offensive in mere moments.

Opening its beak, the monster sent a bolt of lightning streaking towards my body, which I narrowly dodged as it arced towards me, honing in on the metal daggers.

Another bolt struck the ground beside me, while the monsters tail began to stab at the ground, trying to push me into the bolts.

I avoided all of them, before leaping up and stabbing the ice blade into the monsters feathered chest, grinning as blood spurted out freely from the wound, showering my face in the red liquid.

Pulsing my mana into the sword, I leapt backwards as the monster shrieked in pain, splinters of ice poking out of its skin as its internal organs were lacerated.

However, despite the [Frost of Despoina] activating and the damage dealt from the shatter, the monster remained upright and alive, glaring at me as it began to spit bolt after bolt in rapid succession, all while it shimmered red, trying to heal the wound.

Sheathing Shatter, I encased myself in shields once more and began to rapidly trace out runes, the ethereal blue glow of my Ice Mana mixing with the azure glow of the monsters lightning.

When I finished the spell, I watched as the dozens of arrows began to sling forwards at the monster, peppering it with splinters as they thunked into its body.

Without missing a beat I started a new spell, the monster screeching as it tried to defend itself against the storm of arrows flying its way as well as stop me from casting another spell.

Sadly for it, I had gotten the runes down swiftly, a giant lance of sharp, jagged ice appearing above my head.

Simple, yet effective.

Raising my hand, I chopped it down as I sent the lance forwards, the monster trying to break it with its lightning before trying to block it with its tail.

The lance pierced its scales with ease, before piercing the feathered chest of the monster as well, pinning its tail to its chest.

Unsheathing Shatter again, I encased it in ice and approached, staring at the squirming monster that bled profusely, the arrows still impacting it.

Its eyes held pain and anger in equal measures, but the monster was helpless as I stabbed the ice blade towards its throat, piercing the flesh once more before shattering the blade.

[Accipter Lamia - 78,260xp awarded]

Seeing the notification, I grinned before searching the monsters corpse, looking for something useful as I began to butcher it.

Scales, meat, and its Core were pulled free, as well as some of its green feathers, but I wasn't lucky enough to know enough about the monster to harvest whatever was considered the most valuable parts...

Either way, by the time I stood back up I was coated in blood, but none of it was mine; now that I think about it, I never showed Lady Fenryas the enchantments on my daggers, did I?

Wrapping everything in mana, I made my way back to the platform and cleaned myself off, glancing at the Demon Wolf curiously.

She was glaring at me, snorting as she shook her head before looking towards Lady Lorelei, asking her something.

Shrugging, I made my way over towards Anput and the others, showing them my haul and breathing a sigh of relief that this was over - for us anyways...

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