My Servant System

Chapter 548 547

Chapter 548 547: Another Day, Another Dollar

After intense debate, a dinner break, and a resumption of the discussion on how to approach our remaining days on this island, we reached a conclusion that made each of us happy, and it was one that benefited us all equally.

We would remain here for two more days, with the first day comprising of another two sessions of massacring the locals for our own twisted amusements and benefit, while the second day would be one spent destroying said locals homes and then raiding the main attraction of the island and plunging this place back into chaos after we killed the island itself!

Sounds like a perfectly normal, reasonable, and entirely legal plan for us to execute, does it not?josei

Joking aside, we did come to the realization that another day spent training in our strengths would do us good, especially if we did so in two phases so that we could diversify our gains, which for me would be easily noted whenever we finished.

The plan - yes, we were making new plans every day it seemed - was once again simple; to start, Leone would be our sole ranged attacker while the rest of us fought on the front lines, going for sheer physical destruction while the Princess remained behind us, supporting and aiding us with her precise magics.

Not the most exciting on her end, but manageable.

The second phase would switch some of our roles as Leone took the foremost destructive role, allowing our innocent wife to display that quirky gap of hers when she casually utilized some of the harshest methods to kill something on purpose, viewing the efficiency over the morality despite usually being the one amongst us to care about that the most...

As for the rest of us, we would just cut anything down that got to close before switching to some magics of our own, picking off anything else and honing our mana control first and foremost.

So with another beautifully simple plan in place again, we found ourselves at the battlefield all over again, but this time there was some... extra motivation amongst the others as I had pulled out the remaining jerky and used that to make something far more substantial for dinner tonight, meaning they had to earn that food properly.

Of course, seeing them go all out early on was both amusing and irritating as I watched them idly for a few moments, before I took my rapier and dashed forwards, deciding to join them as I crashed into a group of skeletons, going for primarily undead enemies this time as I put my newfound triple digit stats to work, relishing the speed and precision I had.

Targeting skulls and only skulls was fulfilling work as I weaved through crowds of bumbling undead, dodging their primitive weaponry and shattering their heads with swift strikes from my rapier, while my off hand blasted them back if they got too close with a burst of wind.

Anput danced between the monsters with precision as well, her thin katana rising and falling as she went for speed over power, relying on a sharp cutting edge and incredible speed to cut through her enemies even as they tried to bog her down with numbers.

On the opposite side of the spectrum was the technique of a bumbling bull in a china shop that was our primary lover and unique Demoness, her wide swings of her great sword severing enemies into pieces as she spun around in a small area, leaving her soaked in blood and gore as she relied on brute strength to solve her problems.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Leone watched over us all calmly from the back, occasionally helping us out as she shot condensed spheres of flame into the crowd and had them explode, thinning the horde a bit before spamming swifter, smaller bolts that maimed or killed whatever they hit, further allowing us to enjoy some good old fashioned melee fighting.

Nirinia was with us as well, acting as an ace up our sleeves incase something went wrong suddenly, but she wasn't sitting back and watching this time, once more hefting a Kanabo that Anput made for her and mirroring the Demoness as she whacked our enemies around with her superior strength.

We immersed ourselves in the killing of the monsters and undead with almost reckless abandon in that clearing, our bodies constantly in a blur of motion as we stood our ground on this battlefield, indulging in this symphony of violence.

Time lost all meaning as my world became centered around the rapier in my right hand, my mind working on overdrive as I slowly honed my skill in wielding it, cutting away excessive movements that saved me not even a fraction of a second in time and an ounce of energy in its execution.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

However, progress was progress, and the more I shattered the skulls of the undead in front of me - be it normal skeletons, Beastkin skeletons, or Spartoi - the more I could understand the perspectives of Anput and Jahi as the thrill of being so close to death flooded me with adrenaline.

But, just as our fishy meals had become common place these days, these addictive moments spent mindlessly killing came to an end when Leone took a glance at the pocket watch I had lent her, gathering our attention with a bright burst of flames above the battlefield and signaling for us to pull back.

The instant that I saw that flare, and the moment that I began to retreat from the battlefield was the moment that I noticed the sheer pain that I was in, my muscles screaming at me to stop while my joints - particularly my knees and my hands - were burning harshly, this sudden shift from focusing on fighting to retreating allowing my mind to begin processing the damage my body had sustained through my own actions.

It was an annoyance, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, becoming manageable quick as I ran alongside the others, making our way back to the beach to recuperate and get ready for round two, where we would indulge once more.

But, for the time being I had a rather sizable increase in my experience bar again, netting myself 3,198,980 Xp for this excursion and leveling myself up to level 41, meaning I now needed 1,750,000 Xp per level up.

As for my stats, they looked like this:

[Stats :

STR : 95 -> 97

CON : 104 

AGI : 104 -> 106

DEX : 104 -> 106

CHA : 76 -> 77

WIS : 103

INT : 97 -> 100]

That included the two stat points - which went into INT atop the one point that I got for my constant use of a Wind Cloak - so I was extremely pleased with the progress made today, even more so when that Skill Point showed up as well, which I used to increase [Chione's Blessing] to (Apprentice) level, raising my mana regeneration and potency inside of water, windy areas, or cold areas... or all three for a triple boost.

Not a flashy increase whatsoever, but a solid foundational increase that would certainly prove useful for what I had in mind for the future, which involved me needing a large amount of mana for something...

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