My Servant System

Chapter 619 618

Chapter 619 618: Infiltration (1)

"C'mon! What did you mean you were inside the house with me?! How?! Where?! You can't just say that and then act like it's not a big deal!"

The Wisp just continued to walk through the streets of Vulpe City, completely unbothered by my pleading as I tried to get an answer from them, wanting to know how they were in the same house as me without me noticing.

"Surely you're not lying, right?! So how..? How?!"

"Mm... They're not lying, Kat... they were there."

Hearing Cali's voice trickle into my ears, I growled softly as I glared at the Wisp some more, who finally decided to speak, just not about the thing I wanted them to.

"While it wasn't the most perfect display of stealth, nor was there any adversity you faced inside, your skills were admirable enough for me to feel confident that you could sneak in and out of the Vulpine Manor without hindering us or giving away our position, so congratulations; you made a gamble and it worked out."

I pouted as they continued to walk without turning to face me, the Wisp leading me back towards the Barking Sun where the others were waiting, and where we would be discussing everything that would happen within the next few hours.

As well as stash the loot that I had lifted from that house, which I was still rather curious about, but... whatever.

On one hand it was quick gains for us since we could use that money to buy some materials instead of harvesting them, but on the other I was a tad worried that the owner of the house wasn't as 'criminal' as the Wisp said... but again, it was out of my hands and I was only following orders, so who cares~!

I'll just push the blame on the Wisp~!

And future me; future me has dealt with a lot~ of problems because of past me though, so...

Anyways, we made it back to the Barking Sun and rejoined the others upstairs - after greeting the Dogkin innkeeper, who was humming to herself as she rested against the counter.

Jahi was pacing the room, while Anput and Leone were sitting near the window, looking out over the city with slightly nervous expressions, and the Marquess... was just lounging on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Hearing the door open, they all turned to look at the Wisp and I as we entered, before the other Wisps, Kolia, and Budan came in as well, making the room rather cramped.I think you should take a look at

Under the gazes of everyone, I placed my spoils on the table and ignored the raised brow of the Marquess, instead turning to embrace Jahi as the Demoness pulled me into her chest, clearly not enjoying having been separated once again for such a long time.

In some ways, our numerical age still shown through, with the other two joining in a moment later as they comforted themselves with a group hug, all three of them feeling unsure about letting me out of their sights again.josei

The mixture of their possessiveness, overflowing love, and fear of things repeating was only amplified by their inexperience in the world, though I would argue that they have more experience in the world than most of the people did in my last life... only because of how drastically different these worlds are, of course.

Either way, it was nice that they were all so worried about me, but I could still remember Jahi's amused words when we were younger, the Demoness saying 'What are we going to be like when we're forced to be separate for longer periods of time?' after just a few hours away from each other back when we first met Anput and Leone.

Apparently... we were going to be the same now as we were then; helplessly dependent on one another to an unhealthy degree...

"Ahem... We are on a time crunch, so if you would focus, that'd be excellent... Anyways, Lady Katherine displayed a fair amount of skill in stealth and infiltration, both through her magics and her natural talent, so I vouch for her to join the rest of us in infiltrating the Vulpine Manor to better understand what is happening with Lady Vitra - courtesy of the Arch Fiend Sla'Caligo, of course."

We all separated - though Jahi kept her arm around my waist, unwilling to let me go entirely - and I nodded as I heard Cali's soft snort, saying "She is more than willing to aid us."

"Hmph... Ordering me around like some lesser Fiend... How insufferable you mortals can be... though, if it's you, my lovely puppy, I wouldn't mind having you 'order' me around in bed~! Ooh~! The idea of you stepping on me... Hehehe..."

I shuddered for a moment as I heard her words, the image of Cali sprawled out below me as I dominated her flashing through my mind for a split second, before I switched Cali with Leone... and felt a whole slew of new emotions...

"HEY! Nonono! That FIRST ONE! Not her! It should be ME!"

Ignoring her, I listened to the Wisp as they continued on, unaware of the sobbing Arch Fiend that was floating around me.

"Depending on the severity of Lady Vitra's involvement, we may or may not require a more forceful approach. If the cult is controlling her through unscrupulous means, we'll try to free her; if not, then she shall be detained and brought back to the Capital with us. She is the purpose we are here, after all, and it'd be best to discover more about this new cult from the woman's mouth directly if she is apart of it. If she isn't, and is just a puppet, we need to cut the strings controlling her and trace them back to the puppeteer and learn about the reasoning behind targeting the Celestial Gold in Lady Jahi's blade."

Everyone nodded, with Kolia saying "That could have been a diversion or smokescreen for something else, so be careful. I sincerely doubt a Tza Fiend is stupid enough to target Celestial Gold, no matter how curious they are..."

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