My Servant System

Chapter 689 688

Chapter 689 688: Tutor

Of course, I could only ignore the sounds coming from behind me for so long before they began to influence my own state, the sounds of the two satisfied women and grunts from the dominant Demoness who was being serviced by her two fiancee's was enough to pull me in as soon as I finished up, my tattoos finally completely inked into both my wrists and done as perfect as I could get them.

So without hesitation I stripped and joined them, falling into our bed and allowing them to partake in me for their own needs as I found pleasure in being of use to them, all while the constant praise and coy words only made me hotter as I laid beneath them.

It wasn't surprising that I had developed a praise kink alongside everything else I had, and the three of them were the reason it had come around; Jahi jokingly suggested that it was due to me being a Dogkin, so being praised by my 'owners' would obviously make me happy.

I wanted to refute that but it made sense, since I was in a position where - during sex, anyways - each of them had me in a clearly subservient role.

Anput was my mate and as such, whenever we mated, she 'owned' me and could - to an extent - control me with her pheromones, which took my mind and molded it into something better for Anput to use as she pleased, primarily as her sexual partner.

Leone tended to become rather needy for my blood, pinning me down and drinking until she was full before pumping me full of her liquids, 'drugging' me and bringing me to a higher state of euphoria as her slightly sadistic Vampiric side made itself more prevalent when given the opportunity.

Then there was Jahi, who did actually 'own' me completely, our Soul Bond making it impossible for me to do anything should she order me otherwise, while her own nature was perfect to compliment my own; assured and dominant, she made it clear that she was the one who was in charge and that I was her woman, a role that I was more than willing to accept.

We all had our own strengths and weakness in this complicated polycule that we had formed, but it would seem that we all offered something that the others needed, and that we had struck a damn good balance with one another, giving and taking what we needed freely.

With all of their praise being heaped onto me, I of course accepted them openly as well, and we enjoyed ourselves well into the night, making sure to embrace one another and share our love as much as we could.

By the time that morning rolled around, our urges had become more than sated and we were able to bathe without much else happening, though Jahi was still rather demanding there as well, having Leone and I clean her off in an interesting manner... which Anput demanded we replicate with her as well.

When it was all over, Anput made her way back towards the forges to continue her work while Jahi set off with the Marquess towards the training grounds, replicating their work out from yesterday.

Leone left as well, giving me a quick kiss before heading towards the Sanctum, going to do some Alchemy and be with her family some more as well, leaving me alone.

I had my own list to begin working on, and the top of that list was to find someone who could help me make more progress in enchanting, and there was someone in mind that I needed to find for that; someone that I already trusted and knew to be rather bright in regards to all things magic related.

The problem was locating her, though that took less time then I thought as I scoured the Palace's halls, eventually finding the tattooed woman that I was searching for in one of the many open libraries of the Palace, a mountain of books around her all open and turned to different pages as she studied.

Of course, I noted the smaller, obscure book that rested beside her on the table, closed and 'hidden' away near her arm, which made me smirk at her seemingly habitual need to unwind with something raunchier then magical theorems and studies.

Long midnight black hair and emerald green eyes that were slitted, the sleeveless robed woman was frowning as she tapped her finger against a book, trying to jostle something out of the book and into her mind as she stared intently at the words, reading and rereading them.

A beautiful serpent was tattooed around her left arm, coiling around the thin limb and perfectly inked into her flesh, while her right arm was covered in various runes and Ritual Circles, leaving little of her pale skin free from red, green, or azure lines.

Taking a seat at her table, I waited for Arch Mage Kolia to finish what she was doing, going through some basic mental exercises as I waited, keeping my mind clear and unbothered.

It didn't take long for her to notice me, and after she let out a sigh and leaned back, I asked "Having trouble?"

"Mhm... Trying to figure out what exactly makes Lightning Magic so common compared to Metal, Nature, and Ice despite one part of it being rather uncommon - the Wind portion. Earth Mana is more common inside the Empire, while Fire Mana is the most abundant; so it goes Fire, Earth, Wind, then Water. Hence why there are a total of like... a dozen Ice Mages total inside the Empire, but well over a couple hundred with Lightning or Metal. But why is Lightning more common then Metal? It's annoying, and if I think on it anymore now, I'll go crazy. So... what did you want?"josei

Giving her a small smile, I showed her my wrists and said "I wanted a few lessons from my old tutor in regards to enchanting. I don't know if you knew, but we found a few gemstones imbued with quite a bit of mana at Ungrida Canyon, and I don't want to waist them. I also want to learn how to tap into mana's that I myself can't use, like Fire and Earth, as well as - potentially, if it's possible - the other combination magics."

Still leaning back, Kolia raised a brow and replied "That's a tall ask, Kat. Seriously. Tapping into Fire and Earth is easy; we just need something to focus the mana from someone else into the enchantment. That's not too difficult, and the best thing for it would be a Magic Pen, though they can run you a few dozen Golds. As for the combination magics... that's damn near some of the hardest things an enchanter is capable of doing. Just storing the mana is hard enough, but being able to control it is... difficult. Like, trying to empty a lake with just your hands kind of difficult. Theoretically possible, just... not actually something someone wants to do."

I chuckled and nodded, before asking "What about working on it from a different angle; how could we store the mana of someone and not have it degrade over time, all while having a material that could easily control it? So... a set of Magic Pens, perhaps, made to each common element to help control the flow of mana? Is that possible?"

"Nothing's ever simple with you lot..."

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