My Servant System

Chapter 722 721

Chapter 722 721: Weeks Progress (3)

"So these are the pens that have captivated your attention so much? You haven't even looked up from your notebooks ever since you got these..."

Feeling the strong, familiar hands of my Demoness lover, I let out a sigh as she rubbed my shoulders, the much taller and much larger woman leaning down to rest her chin between my fluffy ears and look down at the notebook that I had open, as well as the two Magic Pens that were resting on the table nearby.josei

I had been doing a little bit more theorizing on what I could do with the Magic Pens and how I could create a variant of them for myself that were meant for the things that I wanted - holding mana from other sources and allowing me to utilize and harness that mana to enchant our gear.

There were runes and Ritual Circles that were meant for this sort of thing, but the problem was that they weren't the greatest at retaining mana; they were usually used to absorb and negate spells that were being cast or disrupt the build up of mana in an area, but they weren't good at using that mana to then do something.

On top of that they were rather strenuous on materials no matter what thanks to the complexity, so how would I go about putting them on my versions of the Magic Pens and NOT have them break or explode on me when I use them?

It was a dilemma that I was currently going over, and it had - admittedly - taken up quite a long time after dinner that I hadn't even begun to realize as I puzzled over it incessantly, all while the others lounged around in the living room, discussing what they were going to do in this week and discussing the notebook I had handed them that was filled with the notes I had taken on the Tragon Kingdom Dungeons.

"Mm... Yes, I've been rather captivated by these Magic Pens ever since I got them. It really changes everything for me, y'know? They are rather incredible to use..."

The Demoness just hummed above me, likely scanning the words that were written down and trying to make heads or tails from my notes, only to give up and instead tilt her head down completely and bury her nose into my hair, making me smile softly as I reached up and stroked her hands, which continued to push into my shoulders and roll out the knots that formed.

"So? What conclusion did you all come to with the notes I took? Any thoughts on those Dungeons and any things that you think we NEED to do or get to?"


Jahi just grumbled into my head as she slipped her hands around my shoulders and hugged me, though it didn't take long for me to sigh as her hands found themselves resting somewhere they shouldn't be, so I reached for them and gave my blue skinned lover a dose of ethereal blue mana that made her swiftly retract her massive paws from my chest with a hiss.

Looking up, I made her look me in the eye as I raised a brow, saying "Love, not in front of Alessandra and Lakshmi, please. We wouldn't want them to turn out like you..."

Her amethyst eyes narrowed at that, before she pouted as she stood back up, turning away from me with a huff and taking a seat at the table, ignoring the amused snickers that Anput and Leone let out from afar.I think you should take a look at lightsnovel.cοm

"Hmph. Fine, be like that."

Rolling my eyes, I closed the notebook and turned towards Jahi and the others, asking again "So what was the decision that you came to? Are we going to the Tomb of Grenbrom, or the Terracotta Grottos? Both, perhaps? Are there resources in either that could be worth an extremely deep expedition into either of them?"

"The Tomb doesn't sound like a bad place to go and look around, since its rich in valuable monsters and seems to have a more streamlined experience according to the books, but the Grottos seem far more lucrative, especially to me. Rich in ores and gemstones, the Grottos run deep into the mountain and are far riskier, but offer more rewards to balance that out. Monsters seem easy enough so long as we are capable of reacting appropriately, and with them being Earth attuned monsters, we should have the advantage against them elementally as well."

Leone nodded at Anput's suggestion, adding "The Grottos are also more attuned with Earth Mana in the sense that the amount of herbs growing inside are rather abundant as well. Honestly, the most pressing issue with either Dungeon will tend to be just how much we're able to carry... both during our expeditions and transporting it back to the Palace."

"Well, what are the monsters that are common inside each Dungeon? What could their possible evolutions be and what is the possible amount that could be present thanks to the time they've been left alone? Are any of those things pressing issues?"

The three fell quiet, and Leone was the one to reply this time after a few seconds, blushing slightly as she tapped her fingers together, her voice barely above a murmur as she said "W-Well... we uh... we don't know..? We d-didn't even really pay too much attention to the monsters you had listed..."

I just blinked at them, wondering why they weren't taking the warning seriously from earlier, only to sigh and shrug it off as I saw Anput slyly trying to reach for the notebook again, wanting to try and 'appease' me by doing that now.

Of course, the sharp peal of laughter coming from the Marquess cut through the 'serious' atmosphere inside the room like a knife through butter, and we all turned towards the relaxing Demoness to see what she found so amusing.

The answer to that was seemingly Mother, who was pouting at the Marquess as she said "She's a damn copy of you, Julie~! Completely and utterly identical~! So damn serious and organized no matter what, and holding everyone~ else to those same standards~! Oh, and not to mention..."

Wearing a sly, slick grin, the Marquess made Mother yelp as she reached forwards and copped a feel, adding "That she's just~ as 'fluffy' as you are, my love~! Isn't that just wonderful~? Spreading the wondrous cheer only a Dogkin can provide..."

The Demoness ignored Mother's glare as she 'slammed' her fists against the Demoness' arms, instead just chuckling and enduring it as she continued to relax.

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