My Servant System

Chapter 745 744

Chapter 745 744: Letting Loose

Chapter 745 744: Letting Loose

Exhaling, I stared down at the patchwork piece of art that was Kat's back, admiring the work I had done in these last dozen or so minutes as I pulled out of my now quiet puppy, her previous bite now gone after I had disciplined her adeptly.

The twined up shirt I had used to create my art on her back laid across her shoulders, like a brush resting beside a painting as the artist admired their work; different mediums and different canvases, but as I traced out the various red lines with my fingers, I felt like an artist myself, especially since I had taken the time to administer different amounts of force to create different variants of red.

Both of us were now feeling satisfied and content, Kat having received her dose of severe pain that centered her mind and reminded her about why I was unlikely to leave, while I felt relaxed and languid now that I had emptied myself again, though I was still thirsting for another go at her body...

Really, really thirsting for it, but as I looked to the side and saw my other two lovers embracing tightly on their couch, I decided that Kat could use the rest as I stood up and inserted myself into their moment, reminding them that I was their primary concern as I hugged Leone tightly from behind, joining Anput as we devoured the Vampire together, before I eventually had my other puppy put her tongue to use, cleaning me off as I prepared to leave the room and get a better look at the Aedis.

Washing off, I donned my clothes once more and left my three wives to do as they pleased, knowing that if I spent any more time inside the room I would be pulled back in by my own selfish wants to copulate, so I closed the door behind me and stepped back into the large, empty halls of the Aedis, the monochromatic temple only being broken up by the colors from the various artifacts and paintings on the walls; otherwise, it was a long expanse of grey, white, black and brown.

The door across from our own was identical to the others, its wooden surface engraved with various Ritual Circles, runes, and other symbology, made into a work of art that continued to proudly display how much care was put into the Aedis.

Rapping my knuckles against the door, I waited for a few moments before the door opened, revealing the surprised faces of Nakith and Luci as they looked out at me, though that surprise washed away quickly as they donned the professional masks that was expected of them.

"Lady Jahi, we weren't... never mind. Is there somewhere you'd like to visit?"

A small smile graced my lips as I read between the lines, understanding that they were expecting me to take longer than just a half hour or so in bedding my three women, but I had decided to be efficient with my time... as best I could, anyways.

"Accompany me for a friendly spar, perhaps? I've been cooped up all day in that carriage, and I would appreciate the ability to move around and strain my muscles..."

The two Demoness' nodded, though the hesitation in their gaze was evident as they led me through the halls; it made me wonder if these two had been selected to be the 'servants' of Satanya and Ammit because of their age as well, so that they could grow alongside their leader and adjust to their unique, quirky personalities easier.

If that was the case, then where Satanya was a mild challenge for myself, these two wouldn't be much better, especially not Nakith; even with a glance I could tell she was solely a mage, just like Leone was, and the muscles on her body weren't as developed for combat or physical exercise in the slightest.

She was still a Demoness, of course, so she had an inborn strength that many would need to work to attain, but that meant little when paired with poor technique... knowing how to utilize what you had was far more important that having more strength.

The walk towards whatever training facility the Aedis had took a bit, both because of the sheer size of the temple as well as how often we stopped, my eyes landing on some interesting artifacts that only made my decision in regards to this extended family of mine harder and harder.

The history was rich and deep, and I wanted to know more about them, yet on that same vein I knew that I needed to converse with Mom some more on this as well, to understand what made her refuse to so much as acknowledge this gathering of Demons.

"Here we are... Considering your... prowess, Lady Jahi, we decided that the best place to take you would be here. We call it the Crucible. It's a 'relic' from ages past, a place those physically worthy come to train. The combined intelligence of our Clans came together to produce a training facility to further hone our warriors, and this... this is the result."

Luci pushed open a large set of stone doors, the rock face chiseled out to bear all three symbols of the Demon Clans - the horned triangle of the Asmodia's, the bisected horned circle of the Beliali, and the trio of circles - two Ritual Circles on top with a singular eyeball down below, in the shape of a triangle - for the Cimeriesa's.

Those heavy doors revealed the large room bathed in firelight, and the interior was a sand pit with piles of rocks littered around the area, making me frown for just a moment as I wondered just what was meant to make this 'Crucible' so impressive.

Only a moment though, as I noticed that the piles of rocks were covered in Ritual Circles, and the mana surrounding them pulsed as the door opened, like they could sense that someone was here to train.

As soon as that mana pulsed, the rocks began to roll towards one another, the piles sticking together and morphing into a towering, rocky Demon rippling with 'muscles' and wielding a gigantic sword.

"The Crucible pits us Demons against other 'Demons', and the rocks sense your power through your mana and matches it. They are - in other words - completely the same strength as you, leaving only technique to determine the matchup. The problem is... they learn alongside you, so the longer the match, the better they become. Which means you can - technically - determine the difficulty of your match and have a certain quality sparring partner. You can also lock them at a certain level by speaking the control word 'Sera' and unlock them with the control word 'Recludo'. Does this interest you, Lady Jahi?"

I grinned at the two Demonesses behind me, nodding enthusiastically as I said "Does it interest me? Of course it does! This is incredible! I assume they reform when they are 'killed' as well? So I don't need to hold back at all?"

"Correct. If they are 'killed', the rocks all tumble to the ground and reform in ten seconds. They lose some of the techniques they 'learned' and provide a suitable grace period before returning to the strength at which they 'died' at. Afterwards, they climb further in strength at a quicker pace. Additionally, they are incapable of killing, but that doesn't mean they won't injure you either. Broken bones and ruptured organs are common here, so please, do be careful. Nakith knows healing magics, and she can sustain your body for a few hours should you require it."

I nodded again, before accepting the large sword that Luci handed me, the Demoness adding "These training blades were made for this specifically, so please utilize them."

Feeling its weight, I moved it around and got used to it before stepping forwards, staring at the rocky Demon that was a few inches taller than me and grinning, looking forwards to what was about to transpire.josei

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