My Servant System

Chapter 749 748

Chapter 749 748: Back At Huran

Chapter 749 Chapter 748: Back At Huran

The carriage ride into the Kingdom or Tragon was a boring affair that laster for around two hours, the estimate by Satanya being accurate as we traveled over the dry, sparse mountains that separated the Empire from the former Human Kingdoms, though they now belonged to the Empire and expanded its domain even more.

Which... was a mindbogglingly large acquisition on the Empire's part, adding yet another 1,000 some odd miles of land to its already massive amount of land, which when I tried to think of in the size of my previous world... was absolutely massive.

Especially since this was all habitable land able to sustain life, whereas something on this scale - as a landmass with little water besides the occasional lakes and rivers - was usually made up of uninhabitable land due to either extreme heat or cold, and that realization was something that was always startling whenever I made it.

This world - Gaia - was seemingly unfathomably massive, since this... this all was on just a singular continent.

A continent that contained more landmass than the supercontinent that was formed at the beginning of my old world's 'life' and surrounded by even more ocean; this Empire was already massive, but then you add on the other countries and lands that surround the core of this continent - the Labyrinthian - and you begin to wonder just how massive this planet is.

Something that should be impossible was made possible thanks to it being a world of magic and?under the direct influence of Gods and Goddesses; gravity wasn't abysmal, the world had a normal day night cycle...

Everything felt surreal when studied from afar and with the knowledge of another world in my mind, and it was something that I just had to accept.

Taking my mind off of the matters at hand and instead thinking of the world itself helped pass the time, our silent carriage ride only ever broken up by the occasional murmur of Jahi as she gestured for one of us to entertain her, giving us a treat after breakfast.

By the time we reached the first stop of our journey, the sun was still climbing towards its zenith, the fiery golden orb bathing the world in gentle rays of light, few clouds dotting the blue expanse above that signified a normal, calm day.

Feeling the carriage stop, we got up and out of the cabin and stretched ourselves out, our eyes already focusing on the city waiting for us down the hill even as we loosened our bodies, preparing for anything that might be ahead.

Satanya and Ammit approached with their retainers behind them, the Demons all dressed in proper gear as they looked down at the city of Huran with us, scanning its quiet, empty streets from afar.

Each of the Demons wore enchanted armor of some kind, whilst their blades almost hummed with power as they rested on their hips, each of them carrying some form of melee weapon; for Ammit, her staff was her melee weapon, the giant circular head tangled with spikes that gleamed in the light alongside the massive mana crystal embedded into the center of the disc.

"So, Miss Jahi, this was where you and your Legion encountered a Fiendish Cult of some kind, correct? I believe the report was of an undead belonging to the Nua Fiends?"

Keeping her tone curt and respectable, the Demoness looked at Jahi before looking back down at the city, inspecting it and trying to understand what had happened to this gateway city of Tragon.

"Yes, it was a singular person who was worshiping Nua'Morte, an Arch Fiend. They were a... Necrotic Lord who was also a 'catalyst'. Summoned a gigantic undead construct from that pit there, where the mansion of the City Lord used to reside. This entire city though... it had been shrouded in an odd energy. Something I think belonged to the creatures instead of the Fiends."

Satanya frowned at that, while Ammit tilted her head curiously and asked "Creatures? Oh, you mean those things that created the Gates? Interesting... What sort of 'odd' energy was it?"

Leone was the one to answer, the Vampire frowning as well as she explained "It was something that permeated everything in this city. Each grain of dirt, each brick, each corpse... Everything that was here was permeated by its energy, and whilst we can't confirm it was the same as the creatures, that is a good guess... though it could have been the Fiend's energy as well. Either way, it was pervasive, nauseating, and... wrong. Just... wrong. For myself, it was like staring at something that embodied 'anathema'; something so vehemently against myself that it tried to mentally damage me just by sensing it. Many of the mages in the Legion also felt the same. Which is why..."

Turning to look at Ammit, Nakith, and Setem, the Vampire let out a sigh as she said "Be careful. I can't imagine what it would do to you Cimeriesa's; it got stronger the more attuned one was with their mana, and since I was probably the most attuned member of the Crusade - besides Kalia and a few of the other mages who were at my level. If we almost went insane from feeling it..."

She trailed off, the message clear to the three Cimeriesa's, though I couldn't help but frown as I wondered just how bad it had to have been for Leone to shudder slightly as she stared out over the city - what was left of it, anyways.

What had they experienced when I was taken from them? josei

I... knew some of it, but there had been parts that had been glossed over or given rudimentary summaries, and most of their 'encounters' had been swiftly summarized.

Pursing my lips, I took a deep breath and nodded as Jahi said "Well... let's get going then. See if anyone moved back to the city during our absence. Personally, I think this place should be slated for cleansing. Tear it all down and try to just... forget about it. Seems far too entrenched with Fiendish energies and terrible happenings to warrant rebuilding."

"I... would have to agree. The last thing we would want is to build atop a Fiend's prison of some kind. For now though, let's check it out. See the lasting effects from that Crusade and make sure this land is still viable for... something. Anything."

Satanya pulled out a notebook and began to walk down towards the empty streets, her pen scratching at the paper as she wrote down her thoughts while we followed behind her, the quiet of the plains around us unnerving after everything we had just talked about.

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