My Servant System

Chapter 756 755

Chapter 756 755: Field Play*

Chapter 756 Chapter 755: Field Play*

Jumping from the window of the building I had inhabited, I made my way towards Jahi and the others, who were all gathering around the still alive humans and preparing to question them.

Seeing me approach, Jahi gave me a smile before nodding as I began to speak, informing everyone of what I had learned as quickly as I could so that I might find myself in a position that I preferred very much to just standing up and talking.

"That building back there, that I came from, had two humans in it; I interrogated one after killing the other, and he was a nice wellspring of information about everything. They are apart of the Cult of Ambition, which is both relieving and worrying."

Satanya frowned at that, waiting for me to elaborate - everyone else wearing similar expressions as they stared at me curiously, clearly not understanding what I was getting at.

"He mentioned that they were from Amioux, to the west, and that they even had the Governor on their side. That's a good ways away from the Empire, and since they were in such large number there... Well, what exactly is the size of this Cult?"

"Damn... Spanning across three separate countries; the Confederation of Wuleaux, the Three Human Kingdoms, and then the Empire? That's... a rather worrying proposition. What else?"

With this being something serious and requiring our willing cooperation, I didn't glare at Satanya despite wanting to, though I took a breath before answering her.

"They also seemed to have a rather... interesting society over there. That branch of the Cult, at the very least, is true to their word on their ideals; they gave up everything in search of equality, and they have to work to attain... something better. Though... that only makes the problem worse when you think about it critically, but thankfully they all seem to be idiots blindly believing whatever is told to them..."

Both of the leading Demonesses snorted in amusement at that, with Jahi saying "They give everything up and work towards something better..? Why 'reset' your life just to do more of the same? And wouldn't that mean that those with better talents or skillsets would profit quicker, recreating that gap between the 'wealthy' and the 'poor'?"

Hearing that, the remaining humans glared at us hatefully, only to cry out in pain as the Demon and Demoness standing guard over them pressed their boots down on their now lame knees, reminding them of their place.

"Yeah... guess we'll learn some more from these two. Kat, would you mind-"

Before Satanya could continue, I approached Jahi and grabbed her arm, pulling it over towards my chest and burying it between my breasts, giving Satanya a 'sweet' smile as I said "Sorry, but I have something I need to discuss with Jahi... it'll take a few minutes. My apologies."

Jahi looked down at me in surprise, before shrugging her shoulders and giving Satanya a smile as well as she was led away by me.

Anput and Leone raised their brows, with my mate smirking as she sniffed the air, catching a whiff of my pheromones as I dragged my Demoness lover away to satisfy me, all while Satanya was left behind with an exasperated shake of her head.

Keeping Jahi's arm between my breasts, I moaned quietly as she slid her hand down towards my pussy, her fingers rubbing over it as she walked beside me, clearly liking that we were going to have some sex at this current moment instead of waiting for nighttime.

Getting far enough away, Jahi asked "So what brought this on, hm~? Trust me, I don't mind that you want to fuck after a day of traveling, but... gotta admit that I'm curious."

Looking up at her, I smiled as I led her into a house, finding a suitable room for our quickie as I answered in a coy voice "Oh, a few things... Seeing you so effortlessly kill those pests was so~ sexy, and I've been feeling... needy all day long? I just wanted you inside me..."

"Mhm... Kat... What did you do?"

She raised a brow and pushed me against the wall, the Demoness looking down at me as she began to undo her belt, revealing her throbbing erection as she began to grope me next, cupping my breasts and leaning closer.

"I ah... might have teased that poor human bastard a bit... made me so~ very horny when I thought about the expression on his face when he realized he was never going to get the chance to stick his cock in me, but instead die desiring something he was never worthy to have..."

"You... little fucking minx~! Aren't you just a twisted, demented bitch!"

Jahi snorted as she grinned at me, though considering the golden eyes staring down at me, the Demoness had mixed feelings on it all, which was understandable.

"Ah~! T-That's why I wanted you so badly~! To w-wash away that dirty feeling and make me 'pure' again~!"

Chuckling, Jahi kissed me as I began to stroke her scorching erection, my fingers dancing over its magnificence as I played with her tip and massaged her shaft, coaxing her precum out and letting it dribble to the ground uselessly.

Her hands fell down to my pants as she undid the belt quickly and roughly, yanking them down and revealing my dripping pussy, the slightly cool air brushing against my body and making me shiver in anticipation.

Stepping out of them, I moaned as Jahi lifted me up and pressed me against the wall, the giant Demoness enveloping my body and kissing me aggressively as we stood in that room, before she guided her thick cock towards my waiting cunt.

She pierced me from below without hesitation, the blue skinned woman claiming what was rightfully hers and dropping me down a bit to bury herself to the root inside my womb, filling me up and claiming my everything.

Her lips remained locked on mine as she held me up by my ass, the Demoness rhythmically thrusting up into my pussy and knocking on the back of my womb as she relished this opportunity to have sex before our 'allotted' time.

Pinned against the wall, I wrapped my arms and legs around Jahi's muscular torso and enjoyed the feeling of being filled to the brim with her thick penis, each thrust into my womb slowly quenching the flames of lust inside me as she pounded me from below.

Eventually, she pulled back and murmured "This is one of the things I love about you, Kat... Fuck~! This willingness to take me whenever, however, no matter what... I love it so much that you can be my perfect, tight little whore!"

Submerging herself into my womb completely, she grunted as she started to ejaculate, her sperm splashing into the ovular container and filling it up completely with her seed, uncaring of the fact that I would need to deal with having her cum dripping down my leg from now until it eventually was absorbed or dispelled from my pussy.

"Gods above do I love you, Kat... So, so fucking much..."

Feeling her cock twitching in my womb, I smiled at her before placing a kiss on her lips again, enjoying where it was, though...

"I love you as well, Jahi... more than life itself sometimes..."

She raised a brow at that, before grinning as I added "I'd love you even more right now if we kept going... they're all adults; they can do without us for a few more minutes..."

"They are indeed able to do that... so I guess we can enjoy ourselves a bit more."

Dropping me to the ground, she pulled out and ordered "Spin around and stick your ass out then, Kat. I'll give you two more fillings before we're done here..."

When I did as she said, the Demoness began rubbing her cock against my drenched slit, gathering some of her cum onto her tip and watched as her creampie dripped out of my pussy, the Demoness' virility as high as ever as more and more of her sperm was pushed from my womb.

After getting herself lubed up enough, the Demoness pressed herself against my ass and pushed forwards, penetrating me once more with a growl.

"I'll start with this tight ass~! God damn Kat~!"

Grabbing my hips, Jahi slammed herself against my ass and began to plow my intestines, the sounds of her burly cock scraping me out mixing with my moans as we indulged in some guilt free sex.

Jahi's heavy balls slapped against my semen stained pussy, those twin orbs getting lathered with juices as she fucked me hard as she could, wanting to make this quick whilst also wanting to orgasm hard a few more times.

Clenching my muscles, I smiled lustily at the wall as I heard Jahi hiss, my ass wrapped tightly around her penis and bringing her to the edge quicker than normal, especially since she had already cum before.

The heated growls of the Demoness pumping her cock in and out of my ass made me hornier than ever, whilst the heavy orbs slapping against my pussy made it spasm as I came alongside her, squirting out some more of her semen and staining her thighs with fluids.

Ejaculating inside of me once more, Jahi pumped her baby batter into my intestines and thoroughly painted them white, her cum flowing inside of me as she buried herself to the root.

Kissing my neck, she continued to wring herself out without hesitation, cumming as hard as she wanted before pulling out and sliding herself into my pussy next, returning to my womb and fucking me for the third time without stop.

We mated wildly in that abandoned building, my buff Demoness lover bending me over and fucking me hard from behind as she emptied her balls inside me completely, enjoying this moment of heated, passionate lust well ahead of schedule.

Both of us ignored the time limit as she came inside my womb again, the blue skinned stud lifting me up and spearing me on her cock again as she started to manhandle me for her lust, uncaring of the interrogation going on outside.

Something that I wasn't going to reprimand her for...josei

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