My Servant System

Chapter 760 759

Chapter 760 759: Nogart (3)

Chapter 760 759: Nogart (3)

Looming over the dozing human woman, I silently raised my dagger and nodded at the red skinned Demoness standing nearby, her own dagger held at the ready as she waited for my signal, which I provided by clamping my hand over the woman's mouth and sliding the dagger across her bare throat at the same time, cutting into it and flooding her windpipe with her own blood, forcing her to choke on it.

After I killed her, I leapt onto the other and stabbed him in the throat instead, twisting the dagger and snapping his spinal cord with a quick twist, leaving this small encampment of Cultists dead.

"Drag 'em into the store and hide their bodies. I'll clean up the blood afterwards."

Leraie gave me a curt nod and lifted her kill, carrying them into the destroyed store and hiding them behind the counter, before taking the body from me as I walked in behind her.

Cleaning the camp up swiftly, the two of us removed as much evidence of their death as we could in as little time as possible as a precaution, just in case these Cultists were on a rotation or something with other Cultists; the longer we went undetected, the better.

When we finished up, we sheathed our blades and began to journey through the city once more, becoming one with the shadows and making our way towards the clocktower that would serve as our vantage point and allow us to spot where these Cultists were hiding.

By the time that we reached the clocktower, the sun was completely beneath the horizon, leaving the world to be illuminated solely by the moons light; though even that was shrouded by the clouds, descending the world into darkness that only flames and mana could ward off at this time.

Fire and mana that would give away your position, and as we scaled the walls of the clocktower and situated ourselves on the edge of a 'shelf' we found ourselves privy to those locations, a few streets of the city becoming illuminated by the lights of fires and mana orbs for the comfort of the Cultists below, who were beginning to settle in for the night.

"I count... three major glows and six minor glows... Two of those minor glows are on the walls, so those are the sentries; then there is that large glow just behind the wall, which is likely the sentries 'camp', away from the rest."

Leraie nodded, accepting the telescope again and adding "Those two other major glows are... I believe that is the garrison and the... perhaps the forge? That makes sense; those would be the two areas that would potentially hold the most valuable gear, and if they were hoping to bolster their strength..."

"They would target the locations where the weapons and armor would be stored, with the materials to make and maintain said weapons and armor being the next likely target. Then the other glows are probably banks, large stores or merchant houses, if I had to guess. Maybe that store we were at earlier belonged to someone important?"

"Perhaps... How do you want to deal with this? I think we could hit those smaller glows on our way out. Take to the rooftops and rain down silent spells onto the camps, wipe them out, before rushing down towards the others?"

I pursed my lips and tilted my head, looking over the city and mapping potential routes before saying "We'd need to take the sentries out then, to make it easier. Clear out the camp and the patrols swiftly; simultaneously would be best. They might have been lazy earlier, but that could be end of shift fatigue as well as a belief that with the suns rays shining on the mountain, they could see anything coming up. Now that it's nighttime..."

Leraie nodded again, turning her gaze back towards the walls and scanning them, reporting "There are two patrols of two Cultists. And... they aren't all humans; I see some kind of Birdkin and an Orc, and potentially an Elf..? So this batch of Cultists are a bit more troublesome."

"Though, that smaller group was solely human... just coincidence, or discrimination in the ranks? I guess we'll find out... If it is, that's very important to make note of. Division could be easily made if we could make some sort of statement to the Cult, though I doubt they would listen to a word we say..."

Humming, Leraie let the telescope dissolve in her hands as she began to climb back down the tower, the Demoness asking "So are we going to hit the smaller camps together or separate?"

Grabbing ahold of a ledge, I looked down and briefly thanked that I wasn't as afraid of heights anymore as I dropped down a bit, taking ahold of another ledge and continuing to descend towards the ground.

"Together. If we saw races besides human, there is a chance they are in the other camps as well, and unless they are just talentless weaklings, they pose a larger threat to us than we initially thought. So... let's be careful. especially since there might be a mage with them, or someone who is allowed to summon forth those monster hordes or potentially even Fiends..."

We reached the ground a few moments later, and without hesitation we began to move back into the city proper, forgoing the openness of the plaza and returning to the narrow streets that the humans apparently favored for their architecture, sneaking back towards the middle of the city where we had seen the firelight of the Cultists.

A mental image of the city was constantly being imagined for me, making this easier as I plotted the course through the various streets and alleys to reach the points that I had marked on said map, with each one being valued differently.

This first stop was a ways away from the larger glows, meaning we had some time to work on this place and a chance that any noise we made would go unnoticed... not that we would make a mistake like that though.josei

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