My Sleeping Beauty Husband

My Sleeping Beauty Husband By Lyanna Nichols Chapter 251

My Sleeping Beauty Husband By Lyanna Nichols Chapter 251

My Sleeping Beauty Husband By Lyanna Nichols Chapter 251

Chapter 251 I Wanted To Catch Him

At the same time , with a sarcastic smile , Cynthia was also watching the online video of

her performance crying . _ _ _

She said Smith Group would hold them accountable . They both did n’t want to go to jail ,

so they panicked . They pleaded that they could hand over the $ 100,000 Ivan had given

them , or they could help the Smiths expose the Tansy Group .Just do n’t send them to

prison . _

Cynthia agreed , dropped the charges against her , and paid the two workers for the

surgery . Smith Group had gone above and beyond for the two men . As for their end ,

without the $ 100,000 , would they be treated kindly by their family ??members , and

would they repent ? _ _ She would n’t care about any of that , it was all hers

culpa _

” Mrs. _ Smith , the lawyer ‘s letter has been sent , but there ‘s no movement from Tansy

Group . They have acceded to this matter , and have not rebutted , nor issued relevant

clarification announcements . _ _

Lloyd came in and reported the Tansy Group news . _

Cynthia rubbed her eyes and replied , ” I see . ” _

Lloyd frowned as he looked at the various dark circles on her blond face . ” Mrs. Smith ,

why doesn’t she go home?”

and rest first ? I’ll look at it here . _ He has not had a good rest for several days . _ If this

continues , you will fall . _

sick _ ”

Cynthia was stunned to hear his words and thought : ” It ‘s been several days , I’m full of

exhaustion , and I have trouble staying awake . _ The most critical moments of the night

had passed and _

in a few days there was still a hard battle to fight . _ _ _ I must be full of energy . _ ”

She agreed . ” I see . I ‘m sleepy Somebody get the car ready . I’ll be right back . ” _ _ _

_ _

A smile appeared on Lloyd’s face . ” Okay . ”

Cynthia turned off the computer , picked up her coat from the back of her chair , and was

about to leave when she thought of something , then turned around and said to Lloyd , “

By the way , contact the Instagram staff . Not “.

no matter who asks , this video can not be removed . ”

“ Well , I’ve already contacted them . Don’t worry , Mrs. Smith . ”

After Cynthia heard that , she patted her forehead with a smile . ” Why did I forget ? _

You used to be Alston _

personal assistant _ I don’t need to remind you of those things . _ _ _ _ He was too

worried . _ ”

Lloyd smiled . His usually serious face of him looked very gentle . ” Mrs. Smith , she

values Smith Group too much , that ‘s why she is so careful . ” _ _

It was after one in the morning when Cynthia returned home , and the house was quiet .

_ Mrs. Lewis was already waiting at the door when she heard the noise . Seeing Cynthia

get out of the car , she hurried to meet

ella _

” Mrs. _ Smith , are you hungry ? Do you want to eat something ? There ‘s still hot soup

in the pot . ” _ _

During that time , Cynthia ‘s appetite worsened . She lost a lot of weight . _ _ _ Mrs. _

Lewis looked at her slender

waist , and his eyes were full of anguish . She thought , ” During this time , Mrs. _ Smith

has worked hard . Wait

Mr. Smith will be back soon . _ So that Mrs. Smith does n’t work so much . ”

When Mrs. _ _ Lewis greeted her , Joyce had served her soup . It was very hot and

spicy . _ Cynthia not _

He wanted to eat at first , but the smell made him feel a little hungry . _ _

” Okay , I ‘ll have a bowl of soup . “

After she finished speaking , Mrs. Lewis and Joyce smiled and stood next to her ,

watching her eat her soup . _

The soup was pork rib soup . It had been stewed for a long time and the soup was

whitish . _ _ _ _ _ Although the pig

the ribs were braised , not greasy . _ She felt her stomach warm . _

Joyce’s pretty face was full of smiles . ” Mrs. Smith , Mrs. Lewis skimmed all the fat out

of her soup , so this

the soup is not greasy at all , and you will not feel uncomfortable when you have it . ”

Cynthia smiled at Mrs. Lewis when she heard that . ” Thank you , Mrs. Lewis ” .

” This is all I have to do . ” Mrs. Lewis smiled . “ These days , you are so busy that you

do n’t have time to eat . You ‘ve been at the company all day . How can your stomach

take it ? You are losing weight now ”. _Joyce and I are

anxious … Mr. Smith was like this before , so he also suffered from stomach problems ,

but he still went out to _

socialize and drink every day . If Greg doesn’t find out in time , Mr. Smith might have to

go to the hospital .

often … ”

Cynthia didn’t respond as she listened to his complaints about Alston . Ella _ Ella looked

down and took a sip .

sopa _

Joyce noticed that she was depressed and touched Mrs. Lewis , signaling for her to stop


It was then that Mrs. Lewis realized she had said something she should n’t have said

and stopped talking . _

Cynthia realized that and looked at Mrs. _ Lewis . ” What’s up ?” Why did n’t you stop ? ”

Mrs. _ Lewis pursed his lips and said : “ Mrs. _ Smith , I talked too much . I should n’t

have talked about Mr.

Smith , what saddened you . _ ”

Cynthia smiled at her words . _ _ ” It ‘s okay . Alston is not a taboo that can not be

mentioned . I have always believed that he is still alive , maybe in a place I do n’t know .

He must be alive , but he _ _ _it just hasn’t

He found his way home yet . ”

There was a slight smile on her face , but Mrs. Lewis and Joyce were very distressed

when they saw it . They were very sad , but they forced a smile and thought : “ Mrs.

Smith is suffering . ”

Outsiders envied Cynthia for marrying a good husband . Her husband ‘s family was the

most powerful family in Jadney City . Her family Hers, the Green family , could n’t be

underestimated either . _ Also , Alston loved her very much . _ _ But Mrs. Lewis

andJoyce belonged to the Smith family . After staying for so long , they know the various

hardships they have gone through . _ _ They had been in danger many times and had

almost lost their lives , all surrounded by villains . _

It was n’t easy for them to have two lovely children and such good family and friends ,

but Alston disappeared and they still had n’t found him . _ _

Although everyone was hopeful , who knew where Mr. Smith was now and what he was

running into ?

Cynthia ate a small bowl of soup , washed , and lay down on the big bed , but she could

n’t sleep . She left the room and went to the nursery of the two boys . _ _

The night light shone . _ The two children were asleep . Cynthia sat by her crib , her

eyes filled with tenderness .

while looking at the two babies lying next to each other .

She had been at the company for the last few days and had n’t even had time to take

care of the children . _ _ It had only been a few days since she had seen them . _ The

two children seemed to have grown a bit . _ _ hisfacesthey were plump , their plump

hands were exposed , and their breathing was shallow and very sweet .

Desmond was becoming more and more like Alston . Even in her dream of him, her

plump face of him was grave . She

He wondered what he was dreaming about , so he frowned .

Keller was much more lively and active than his brother . She slept on her back . _ She

had separated her little

mouth , and was still drooling .

Cynthia shook her head with a smile and pulled the blanket over her body to cover her

plump tummy . _

She thought : “ She is very lively . If Alston sees that the two babies have grown so much

, they can call him daddy , and he will be very happy . _ _ _

Cynthia was holding onto the bed rail , looking down at the two babies . She was at

peace . She had suffered from insomnia for a long time . Now that she was looking at the

babies , she felt a bit sleepy and soon fell asleep . _ _

After a while , Mrs. Lewis and Joyce came in . Seeing them sleep , they sighed .

They worked together to get Cynthia back to bed , covered her with the duvet , and left .


“Mrs. Smith is too tired . We brought her back to the room and she has n’t woken up yet .

” Joyce ‘s eyes were a little red . _ She felt sorry for Cynthia and thought : ” She could

have lived freely . ” _ _

Mrs. Lewis also sighed . “ Mrs. Smith has been suffering from insomnia for a while , and

since Mr. Smith left , she has not had a good night ‘s sleep . Fortunately he was able to

sleep today . ”

Joyce looked at the closed door and said : “ Mrs. Lewis , I ‘ll buy lavender and other

bedtime flowers tomorrow and put them by Mrs. _ _ _ _ _ Smith . I wish I could rest

better . There are so many things in the _ _ company _If you do n’t get a good night ‘s

sleep , you wo n’t have the energy to deal with these things . _ _ ”

” That will be great . ” _

In the small , simple room , Gigi got up from the bed and walked into the next room .

The man had made a good recovery after so many days of convalescence , but his

memory had not yet returned . He only remembered that his name was Alston !

She thought : ” This name sounds good , like him , with an outstanding temperament . ”

A blush appeared on Gigi’s face at the thought of Alston ‘s extraordinary handsome

features . It was too hard for her not to be tempted by such a handsome man , who had

been by her side all day . _

She felt that she was already very attached to him . Noticing her informal habits , Gigi felt

more confident that she must have lived in a very wealthy family before and that her

family history must not have been _ _

simple _

With perfect looks , a superior family background , and a one – in – a – million

personality , this man was just what she dreamed of . _ _ _ It was a pity that she was too

cold . _ _ No matter how nice she was to him, he wasstill warm to her when she showed

courtesy in front of him . _

It made Gigi want him more and more , and tonight was a good chance .

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