My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: If you weren’t going to tell, then what was the purpose of today’s meeting? (3)

Over the years, some people thought of him as the god of wealth, others thought of him as the dark lord. What Su Han said about him though, was definitely a first.

What did he mean by “getting up there in age”? And what did he mean by “all the immoral acts”?

And, someone to take care of him in his old age?

Would he even need such a thing?

Did this kid really think he won’t hit him?

Well, okay, he wouldn’t.

Looking at the adolescent boy who resembled him strikingly yet still with some childishness, Lu Shao let out a deep sigh. He finally looked up at him coldly. He no longer tried to keep his aura of someone of high status in check.

If it was any person who knew anything about the Lu’s or had seen how this Lu’s authority figure normally handled situations, they’d probably be sweating and possibly even dropped down onto their knees and begged for forgiveness.

Unfortunately, Su Han was not one of those people.

Looking at Lu Shao whose look had changed, Su Han seemed to have also sensed that there was an added indescribable pressure inside the private room.

What was this? Now he was mad because he was called out?

Su Han pressed his mouth shut tight. His fists clenched, and he stared straight back at him without showing any weaknesses.

“It seemed I was right? But, Sir, you can give up on that idea already.” As far as Su Han was concerned, this man who showed up out of nowhere was nobody to him nor did he want to have anything to do with him.

The only reason Su Han followed him here was because he wanted to find out what had happened to that woman in the past.

“You can stop with all your crazy thoughts,” said Lu Shao in a deep voice. He paused, then he went on, “Additionally, I can pretend that you didn’t say what you’ve just said. I will give you one more chance to make a choice.”

“No need! My decision is not going to change. In addition, please do not show up again,” said Su Han.

It wouldn’t bother him. He could even ignore this scum. But what about Su Ran?

What if Su Ran ran into this scum and reminded her of what happened in the past and made her go through the pain again? Then what?

Too stubborn. That was Lu Shao’s assessment of Su Han.

He wondered where this stubbornness of his came from.

If only Zhou Fu was here right now, he’d for sure told Lu Shao that, “Sir, I don’t think he had necessarily picked up his personality somewhere. It very well might be hereditary.”

“I would like you to make your decision rationally,” said Lu Shao again.

After all, the Lu’s and himself could provide Su Han with many resources that many people couldn’t even hope for. These could be very vital to his growth and future development.


“As far as I know, you staying with that Su…” Lu Shao frowned. Obviously, he did not know the first name of the Miss Su from the past.

“Ahem. As far as I know, the woman who birthed you is not a good person and your days with her hasn’t exactly been stellar either.”

Everybody has that one touchy subject.

Low and behold, Lu Shao’s breezy and truthful words struck directly onto Su Han’s one.

The adolescent boy, who was more mature than others of his age, suddenly acted like he had run into his archnemesis. He went into defensive mode immediately.

“Shut up!” Su Han shouted at Lu Shao.

“Good or not that’s our business! We don’t need an outsider’s opinion on it!” Besides, what was so bad about his life right now? They’ve paid off the loan sharks and they were about to become homeowners.

“And, one last thing.” Looking at Lu Shao with a threatening look, Su Han said, “The one you referred to as ‘the woman who birthed me’ is my mother!”

Having said that, Su Han turned and walked away with no hesitation.

Lu Shao was surprised by that as well.josei

Watching Su Han walk away, Lu Shao’s look deepened, but he did not try to stop him from leaving.

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