My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 158

Chapter 158: Music Competition (2)

Before Su Ran could figure it out, she saw that Su Xue was already tugging at her agent, getting ready to take off.

“Eh, Samy, what is the matter?” Wang Yue was probably the most baffled one right now.

They had just finished introducing themselves; why were they leaving already?

“Nothing. Let’s go!”


“Shut up!” Su Xue gave Wang Yue a stare before she let go of her and started walking toward the conference room door.

“I’m sorry, Instructor Su. Perhaps something happened with Samy. Let me go find out what is going on…” Having no other choices, Wang Yue apologized to Su Ran and Xu Xiao and quickly followed behind Samy.

They could hear the faint noise of an argument coming from the hallway.

“Samy, we are here to sign the composer for your album. This is important. Do you get that?”

“What’s so important about it? Don’t tell me that Su Ran is going to be the composer!”

“Instructor Su’s work is very impressive…”

“Her? Hrm. Even if you say so, I don’t believe you. Let me tell you, I won’t even take the shameless woman’s work for free!”


Su Xue shouted out the last part in English.

Except that…

Who did she think who could understand a sentence or two in English?

Listening to the shouting outside of the conference room going further and further away, her lips twitched and her face dropped.

“I’m sorry, Instructor Su. I hadn’t expected this to happen…” Suppressing the anger in her, Xu Xiao quickly said to Su Ran apologetically.

Wang Yue had been an old friend of his for over 10 years. How was her singer turn out like that?

“It’s fine.” Su Ran shook her head.

Seeing that there was only surprise and not anger on Su Ran, Xu Xiao let out a sigh of relief.

And, at the same time, was baffled.

“Emm.” Hesitated for a little bit, Xu Xiao worded her question carefully. “You have met the singer before, Instructor Su?”

“Mmm. A distant relatives of sort. It had been many years since I have last seen her though,” said Su Ran nonchalantly.

Hearing that, Xu Xiao had already filled in the story of vicious battles among relatives for the family fortune in her head.

What Xu Xiao did know was that when Su Ran said they hadn’t been in touch with each other, she didn’t mean between her side of the family and theirs; she meant between herself and the rest of her family.

And that was also what Su Ran couldn’t figure out.

It had already been 13 years and the Su’s had left the country almost 10 years ago. Any kind of issues between the original owner and them would have been faded away by now. How was it that a relative would react so strongly when they ran into each other?

Su Xue’s reaction was very odd.

“I think Agent Wang had mentioned before that her singer only returned to pursue her career here because her family had moved back, right?” Su Ran asked Xu Xiao.

“Yeah, that’s what she said.” Xu Xiao nodded. Then she turned to looked at Su Ran, worried. “Are you going to be alright, Instructor Su?”

“Yeah, I will be fine,” said Su Ran as she shook her head.

She was only wonder whether Samy’s family was referring to the Yang’s in the past or original owner’s Su’s.

If it was the latter…

Well, even if that was the case, it didn’t have much to do with her anyway. Su Ran thought to herself.

“Instructor Su, we were distracted by that earlier. I actually have one more good news for you!”

Composing for Samy’s album was probably going to be a nonstarter. Seeing how Su Ran was frowning, Xu Xiao decided to give Su Ran the other good news.

“Hmm? What is it?” asked Su Ran and she temporarily put away anything that had to do with u Xue or the Su’s.

“Didn’t you ask me to look into matters with regards to the piano competitions before? It so happens that I have a friend from college who stayed behind and became a music professor at our university and she happens to have a slot available.”

“Really?” Su Ran’s eyes lit up when she heard Xu Xiao’s words.

“Yes, of course.”

“That’s wonderful!” said Su Ran. “Will you need me to provide you with a video clip of my piano performance?”

“No need, no need. I have already showed my friend your video that had been uploaded on the web a while back. After she had seen it, I didn’t even need to say anything else. She volunteered excitedly to put in a recommendation for you,” said Xu Xiao in high spirit, as though she was gloating that she was, somehow, associated with a master in piano.

“One thing you should know though…” Xu Xiao paused before she carried on with slight awkwardness. “The school that my friend works at is just a regular musical institution so a recommendation from her doesn’t hold that much weight. It will allow you to bypass the local qualifiers but you will still need to participate in the other competitions that follow.”

“That’s not a problem. I couldn’t have asked for more!” said Su Ran with a big smile.

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