My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 163

Chapter 163: "Oh, I see. Your son sure is a lucky boy." (2)

“Haha, all set!” Su Ran put away her cellphone and smiled.

She was very proud of herself for recruiting more manpower for her team.

“What is all set?” Su Han couldn't help but asked when he saw the look on Su Ran.

He had absolutely no idea what the woman was chatting about on her cellphone but he had a bad feeling about it.

“You know…” Su Ran stared to talk and, as though something had occurred to her, looked over at Su Han, blinked, and abruptly switched what she was saying with a very sincere look, “Something minor. Nothing important.”

Recalling the resentment that Su Han had toward his real father, Su Ran decided to hold that information back from her son for the time being.

She would be more than happy to be someone who can rely on herself if given that option. Nevertheless, Du WenTao’s mother told her the other day that she had heard through the grapevine that their performance at the Quality Development Outing would be ranked and the ranking would be factored into the students’ quality development points at the end of the academic term.

She had put a lot of effort into the planning of helping him score a higher mark.


Something minor?

Su Han didn’t believe in a word that Su Ran had said.

Nevertheless, when Su Han wanted to ask more questions, he noticed that Su Ran had already returned her attention back to the phone and was happily typing away.

Su: Mr. Lu, do look over the material. Let me know if you have any questions. I have some strategy guide as well and will be happy to forward them over to you if you like.

Su Ran sent a few documents including the notice over to Lu Shao.

After that, Su Ran thought about it for a little bit and sent Lu Shao another message: There’s one other thing. Su Han’s birthday is the 17th of this month, which is this Friday, the day before the Quality Development Outing.

Su Ran assumed that Lu Shao didn’t know any of these and felt that she was obligated to share them with him.

On the other end of WeChat, Housemaster Lu raised his brows slightly after he read Su Ran’s message.

The 17thof this month was that brat’s birthday? He had already learned that when he read through Su Han’s student profile.

But, so what? It was just a birthday.

Zhou Fu knocked on the door and walked inside when Lu Shao was sneering to himself.

“Sir, we have concluded the investigation on the Sung Corporation,” said Zhou Fu solemnly. Bowing, he put a stack of documents on top of Lu Shao’s desk.

Hearing that, Lu Shao sat up straight, put away his casual and sneering look and immediately returned to his expressionless and difficult to read self.

“The Song’s?” Lu Shao’s look locked onto the stack of document and his look was bitterly cold.

“Yes, that’s correct.” As Lu Shao flipped through the document, Zhou Fu said next to him, “Traditional real estate had always been the primary business for the Song’s but, as the market had been changing in the past few years, the Song’s primary revenue from their real estate business had not been great.

“The Song’s had been working on restructuring and upgrading their real estate business. Their newest project was the development of the new Nan An industrial park facility.” Zhou Fu paused before he carried on, “Per our source, this will be the Song’s biggest project in the last five years and they will inject 40% of their capital into it.”

“The Nan An project?” Lu Shao lifted his brows. “If I remember correctly, that project hasn’t began yet.”

“That is true, the bidding for the project is set to be held this week. That being said, it doesn’t seem like the Song’s will have difficulties getting the project.”

“Is that so?” Lu Shao didn’t care for it. “What if the Lu’s is to interfere?”

“Then the Song’s would have a 10% chance of winning the bid,” said Zhou Fu in a deep voice.

Zhou Fu had an idea that that was what was on his boss’s mind when he reported him with his findings.josei

After all, the boss’s intention of having him look into the Song’s was exactly to deal them blows.

“Arrange for the Lu’s investment firm set up a department just for this Nan An project. I will attending the bidding myself,” said Lu Shao coldly.

Zhou Fu was taken aback when he heard that.

The Song’s would already have less than 10% chance to win the bid if the Lu’s was to join in. If Mr. Lu was to attend the bidding event in person, then he was afraid that the Song’s odds were down to zero.

Except that…

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