My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 213

Chapter 213: Lu Shao's words made Su Han's eyes widened. (1)

Su Han gave Su Ran what seemed like a very resentful look before he added in a deep voice, “Be sure to bring sufficient money with you when you travel. Uh, but not too much though. Just leave it in your WeChat. Pick a trustworthy hotel. Don’t go out nilly-willy at night. Call yourself a car if you need to go anywhere. Don’t walk while playing on your cellphone…”

“Puuuuf…” Su Ran probably couldn't help but busted out laughing from the serious look on her son’s face.


“Puuuf hahaha. I’m sorry, Son. Ahem, ahem. I am just too touched. Really!

“Don’t worry, Son. I will keep what you have told me in mind,” add Su Ran quickly when she saw that Su Han was about to snap.

“Just a few reminders were all,” grumbled Su Han in a stuck-up look as he turned away.

Looking at Su Han’s little adult look, Su Ran blinked and suddenly recalled something else.

“Son, something very serious had just occurred to me,” said Su Ran.

“What is it now?”

“I was thinking, about your room. Perhaps we should not go with blue. I think a white, minimalistic look will be better,” said Su Ran.

“Alright,” nodded Su Han as he accepted Su Ran’s suggestion.

This was the first time this happened. This woman had even saw the so-called spots or race car themes online in the past.

Su Han wasn’t a big fan of the nautical theme that Su Ran had settled on either but, seeing how excited she was about it, he concurred.

“Aren’t you going to ask me why I have given up on my earlier idea?” asked Su Ran as she looked intensely at Su Han.

It was not always a good thing him being so nonchalant all the time at his age.

“Why then?” asked Su Han, playing along with her.

“Because I have been thinking a lot about your future recently,” said Su Ran.

Sometimes, looking at Su Han’s seriously look, Su Ran couldn't help but to imagine what he would be like when he was all grown up.

Either way she looked at it, he would probably be a lot like Lu Shao.

When Su Han became a big boy, or even a man, the whole nautical theme didn’t seem right.

“When you are all grown up and bring your girlfriend home, we don’t want her to see your room and find you are children, do we?” said Su Ran with a straight face and conveniently omitted the fact that the “childish” theme was her idea from the very beginning.

“Stop with the nonsense already!” Su Han blurted out urgently, as though this was the subject that someone his age would find both interesting and awkward about. He did not look too comfortable with the topic.

“Besides, we are talking about you right now!

“How did it get to me all of a sudden…” grumbled Su Han in a low and discontented voice.

“Alright, let’s carry on with what we were talking about then.” Su Ran, too, put away her joking tone.

Thinking about what she was about to bring up next, Su Ran found it a bit disturbed. She hesitated for a little while longer before she started to talk. “I will be gone for around 10 days or so. During my absence, can you go over to your Dad’s?”

“Who is this you are talking about?” Su Han’s eyes widened as he said through his gritted teeth with a you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me look.

“Over to Lu Shao’s place.”

“Why do I have to go over to his place?” asked Su Han spending no effort whatsoever to hide his discontent.

It was one thing that this woman didn’t want him to go with her; it was quite another when she wanted him to go stay with that guy!

“He is your birth father after all and is reliable. I will feel better if you stay with him during this period of time.” Su Ran expressed why she made that decision.

Hearing that, Su Han’s frowned deeply.

“I am not going over to his place.”

Having said that and looking at the uncomfortable look on Su Ran, he bit his lip and added in a low voice, “I will go over to Du WenTao’s place.”

“I have already checked with Du WenTao’s mother. They will be travelling to visit Du WenTao’s father over the holidays,” said Su Ran.

“Then I will go over to Liu Yangyang’s place.” He wasn’t the brightest bulb, but still better than Lu Shao.

“No! You can’t do that!”

Su Ran gave the little handsome boy a look and, recalling the chubby Liu Yangyang, she felt a shred of guilt.

“Liu Yangyang’s grandmother is up there in age and it was difficult enough for her to have to take care of Liu Yangyang already. She won’t have time for you.”


“Don’t bother with your other friends either!” She gave her son a mean stare but immediately put on a very tender look. She gave him a puppy look when she said to him, “Just go to Mr. Lu’s place, okay? Don’t let me have to worry about you.”josei

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