My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Piano Lesson (2)

She turned, looked to her side, and saw a sluggish little boy lying on the couch.


Su Ran’s eyes beamed. 

One doesn’t see a boy this pretty every day. This was the second prettiest look that Su Ran had seen so far!

The prettiest one was, of course, her villain son back home. But, this little boy’s attractiveness was just behind that of Su Han’s. 

At most, there was a mother’s filter at work here. 

Besides, he looked to be about the same age as Su Han as well. 

They were both handsome in a stuck-up way. 

Unlike Su Han’s difficulties around his teenage years, this little kid acted like a high and mighty nobleman. 

Plus, what’s that he’s holding in his hand?

Advanced macroeconomics?!josei

Why would a 12~13-year-old child be reading a book on economics, and an advanced one to top? That was a bit much.

And, what was her son reading yesterday?

“English For Seventh Grade (Book 2 of 2)”, “Schoolwork Review”, and what’s the other one? “Romance of The Three Kingdoms”?

Ugh, she suddenly felt that her son had already lost the game at the starting point. Should she buy some books with fancy titles for him as well? Or maybe sign him up to some online courses?

For a second there, she seemed to understand the mentality of parents who sign their children up to all sorts of after-school programs. 


Back to where she was right now. 

“Ah, yes. Instructor Li was tied up by some personal matters so I will be taking her place for the time being,” said Su Ran as she gave him a very friendly smile.

“Oh,” said Song Yi’an casually then nothing else after that. He looked back at his book and didn’t even look at Su Ran again. 

Su Ran, “……”

Yup! Definitely her Su Han was much cuter!

“You see the pianos over there? Just go play on one. Don’t touch the white one. You can use the black one,” said Song Yi’an as he pointed in the direction of the pianos, seemingly used to this. 

“?” Su Ran looked at Song Yi’an, baffled.

“What? Didn’t you hear what I just said?!”

“I heard you. I just didn’t get what you are trying to tell me.”

“You mean Instructor Li didn’t give you the whole story?” said Song Yi’an as he frowned. 

“Tell me what?”

“All you need to do when you are here is to play on the piano. Just play it for two hours and go get your pay from Wu-ma.” Song Yi’an looked at Su Ran and added, “That’s what Instructor Li had been doing this whole time.”

The corners of Su Ran’s mouth twitched after she heard that.

Oh, haha. Now she finally got why Miss [Crazy Zhou] stressed repeatedly in her text that it’s “very easy work”. 

“That’s the agreement between you and Instructor Li. That has nothing to do with me. Now that I am here, I want to actually teach the session,” said Su Ran seriously. 

Technically speaking, she didn’t like to make others do what she wanted them to, but now that she was taking their pay, she felt she needed to have a certain level of professionalism. 

Plus, he wanted her to perform? And two hours at that?

Young man! Did you know how much one of her performances cost? Way more than what you were paying me for a session!

“Tsk. I don’t need you to teach me anything,” said Song Yi’an after casting a look of derision at Su Ran.

“Is that so?” Su Ran maintained her pleasant smile at Song Yi’an as she asked. 

Deep down inside, she wasn’t all that pleasant after all. 

Back then, there were people who’d camp outside her houses for one to two months just to get some pointers from her. And now, she was being looked down by this little kid?

If only he wasn’t a minor and her paying customer, she would have faceslapped him already. 

“This is such a hassle!” Getting the creeps from Su Ran’s look, Song Yi’an finally put down the book in his hand impatiently and walked over to the piano. 

“I am only going to perform one part of it. Once you’ve heard it, you can decide if you want to do as I say and just play for two hours and get your money or just take off. Your choice.” Having said that, Song Yi’an’s fingers glided through the keys. 

“Reminiscences de Don Juan”.

Su Ran could tell what he was going to play by the second note. 

It was a very difficult piece, but he seemed to have a pretty good grasp on it. 

After he was done, Song Yi’an stood up in front of the piano and lifted his head to look at Su Ran. His face was filled with a prideful look.

Except that he didn’t see the shock or self-pity that he had expected to see on Su Ran. Quite the opposite, Su Ran’s solemness at the moment baffled him. 

That was odd. He didn’t make any mistakes that he was aware of. It was, if he must say so himself, his best performance by far. So why the look on that person’s face?

Suppressing his feeling of uncertainty, Song Yi’an raised his brows at Su Ran and said, “Well, what do you think?”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.