My Space-Time System

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Wargs.

Chapter 140: Wargs.

'That was what I didn't what to hear, but what can I say…' Blake inwardly shook his head because these were the usual words spoken when teens were about to enter a hunted house or make a bad decision.

"Since it's only been an hour since we drank the concealment potion, we have 30 minutes to cross 500 meters and arrive at the foot of the hill. If all things go right we would be able to make it and even if things don't go fine we should be able to handle whatever comes our way." Castiel said after calculating how long they had till the effects of the concealment potion wore out.

The concealment potion was so potent that it affected the human body chemistry and if more were to be taken within 4 hours after the first dose had been taken, the body would experience devastating side effects that might end up crippling the user.

'Just like in the movies, the statement that supports the bad idea.' At this moment Blake wanted them to stop them from talking because the more they spoke the more he felt that something would go wrong.

[It is funny that they assume that immediately they reach the foot of the Bulian hills everything will be alright or they haven't noticed the abnormality and that the cause of the abnormality might come from the Bulian hills.] The system shook its 'head'.

[let's just hope that the info about the outskirts of the Bulian hills being occupied by only elite to low-rank magical beast be true.] The system said.

'Why am I always involved in complicated things…' Blake let out a helpless sigh before turning to his team. "Since it is decided, remember that we have to be as fast and stealthy as possible."

With the clock ticking, the four immediately set out for the hills. They silently weaved through the forest, avoiding as many beasts as possible and when needed they even moved through the treetops, but the closer they got the more they began noticing that the number of beasts they met was decreasing and in place of them were ravaged corpse!

'What the f*ck is going on?!' Blake asked the system as he kept on moving.

[Surely, something is killing them. The question is what?] The system said as it began scanning the environment and analyzing the images of the corpses they had passed.

[After comparing the bite and claw marks to what we have seen, I can say they are similar to those of roks in shape, but not in size.] The system said.

'Are you we looking at an Elite rank rok?' Blake asked.

[First, considering the large number of corpses we've seen, this can't be the work of a single elite rank beast and if it was to be packs of roks, they aren't strong enough to defeat all the beasts we've seen so far especially when they are in their groups.]

[Second, if you have taken a closer look at the corpses we have come across, you will notice that the freshness of the corpses decreases as we move closer to the Bulian hills.

Now, if one applied a little bit of common sense to this, it is obvious that the beasts causing this massacre are coming from the Bulian hills.

This notion brings about an important question: Why are they coming over here?]

'Either they were chased away by something stronger or something made their usual habitat uninhabitable.' Blake thought in realization.

[Now, coming back to our present problem. What is the beast that is similar to a rok and stays in hilly regions?] The system asked.

"Wargs!" Blake uttered in shock.

Wargs were the close relatives of roks in the wolf family but when comparing the two, roks were like wild dogs, while wargs were ferocious hyenas.

An average rok was a little bit above 5'10" feet but an average warg stood at a height of 6'3" feet. They had darkish brown fur twice as thick as those of roks.

They were way more ferocious and their greatest advantage against their close relatives was their ability to quickly reproduce.


'F*ck me sideways! How the f*ck do these things know the perfect time to show up?!' Blake couldn't help but curse when the wargs didn't even give him enough time to come up with a plan.

[12 wargs just entered my range of detection and one is closing in at an astonishing speed. That should be the alpha warg.] The system reported.

'Shit!' Blake cursed his bad luck when he heard the report because all alpha wargs were nothing below the elite rank and apart from that 11 wargs were already more than enough.

"Be careful, wargs are coming our way and an alpha is leading the charge." Since the concealment potion had faded and they had been sniffed out by the wargs, there was no reason for them to remain in stealth so Bake quickly announced the incoming danger as they ran.

'Come on! Just a few more minutes and we would be there.' Brian cursed the concealment potion for failing them at such a time. josei

But unknown to them, the concealment potion hadn't completely faded, it was just that the alpha male warg was present.

Wargs were known for their great sniffing ability, but even at that they weren't able to discern their scent due to the concealment potion, but because the effects of the potion were already fading their scent couldn't get past the alpha.

"There's no point in running, stand, and fight." After seeing how quickly the wargs caught up to them Blake knew it was only a matter of time before they were caught and then they might be in a bad position.

"Look, most of them are injured." Brian pointed out when he saw the last set of wargs arriving.

Some were bleeding, while some had internal injuries that made their movements painful, but due to their bestial instincts and command from their alpha, they joined the hunt.

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