My Space-Time System

Chapter 170

Chapter 170: The Core.

Chapter 170: The Core.

Out of nowhere, the warp array lit up and a barrier blocked every attack shot at them and before the trio knew it they weren't on the beast research floor.

"Nice one bro." Brian and Castiel gave Blake a thumbs up as they lay down on the floor of the array.

"I don't get. I didn't do anything." Blake said in a puzzled tone.

"Then who did?" Brian asked.

"Right now I think the most important question is, where are we?" Castiel asked as they scanned their surroundings.

The room looked similar to the teleportation rooms they had been to, but this one seemed to be grander.

The rims and the inscriptions of the array were done with gold and instead of 2 golem charging ports, 2 stone pillars had golden vases with flower designs on them.

At the corners of the room were 4 golden pillars with the same flower design, and just like the other floors, the walls were brimming with mana. josei

The top and bottom of the walls had golden strips and the walls were gray and unlike the other floors, they didn't look like carved stones, but perfectly plastered.

The walls were gray and at the top and bottom were golden strips. Unlike the other floors, these walls weren't carved stones, but perfectly plastered ones.

"This feels more like a mansion, than a research facility." Brian couldn't help but comment when he saw how shiny the room was.

"What the fuck?!"

Castiel and Brian turned to Blake who was staring at the book with a shocked expression.

"But how?" Shock was written over their faces as they looked at the journal and found out that they were on the control floor.

It meant that something had activated the master control and had unlocked the last floor.

"The way things are going seems quite suspicious. From the intruder distracting most of the facility's security to the warp array bringing us here." Blake said.

It might all look like a coincidence or that the trio was pretty lucky, but if one carefully thought about it, there was a chance that this was orchestrated by someone.

Especially since the identity and whereabouts of the mysterious owner of such a facility was still unknown

"Since we are here let's look for a way to get out of here." Keeping in mind that the golems could get to them at any time, Blake decided they kept on moving.

Using the map, Blake studied the entire layout of the last floor. From the map, he could see their position, which was at the southern part of the floor and the core at the center.

He quickly noticed that this floor had nothing to do with research, but more of a residential area. It had things like a meditation room, library, living room, guest room, and even a pool.

But although their bodies were itching for a hot bath and their minds fantasying about the knowledge they would be able to find in such a library, they stuck to the route leading to the core.

After some minutes of walk, the trio had arrived at a large circular corridor.

"According to the map the room housing the core is meant to be right in front of us." Blake took another look at the map but he wasn't wrong at all.

They decided to go round the corridor, but the only thing they saw were other corridors that led to the other parts of the floor.

"Since this is the last floor, there is no chance of it being beneath us, meaning there is only one option left." Blake walked up to the large round wall.

Just like the other walls, the system's mana vision was blinded by the amount of mana flowing them, leaving him with only his instincts.

He began looking for a hidden passage by touching different parts of the wall but after doing it for close to 30 minutes, he decided to try a new approach.

He activated the journal and was about to walk around the wall again, but that was when a click was heard.

The outline of a door appeared on the wall and then it protruded before sliding to the side, giving access to a completely white room.

[Welcome master Zultra.]

Immediately Blake stepped into the white room, the environment began changing.

The walls were still white, but multiple screens displaying different parts of bot the facility and the Bulian hills and the most shocking part was the large diamond-shaped thranium crystal floating at the center of the room.

"What the fuck!" The trio was awestruck by the crystal in front of them.

As armature forgemasters and students in a magical academy, they knew about thranium crystal and its importance, but what shocked them was the size.

The discovery of thranium crystals gave way to the thranium age which could be considered as Infinite realms peak, but it has been millenniums since then.

Right now, Infinite realm was at its lowest, and finding a thranium crystal talk more of a mine was very rare, but right in front of them was a humongous one which would have still been quite rare even during the peak.

[Now before you ask the questions on your minds. No, you can't a part of it even though it has cracks.] The system's comment caused the trio to turn their faces.

[The thranium crystal is most likely what is powering the entire facility. Although it looks damage, it still has a lot of energy but its physical condition will mostly be destroyed first.] The system explained.

"How is that even possible. I thought it was the other way round?" Blake has a confused look on his face.

A perfect example was the beast crystals he used to cultivate. Once the energy within was finished the crystal would turn to dust.

[This is exactly why thranium crystals are still considered to be the most potent source of energy known to man.

No one can explain the process of formation. Even though they were mined, their process of formation was considered illogical and unnatural.] The system said.

[It is protected by more arrays than you can imagine. So, you should forget about taking part of it.] The system burst their bubbles.

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