My Space-Time System

Chapter 176

Chapter 176: Lightning Devil.

Chapter 176: Lightning Devil.

In a part of the forest close to the mountain which Zirrack had killed more than 10 Rugors. The ruler of the territory was investigating what had happened in its domain.

The ruler of the territory was a black panther-like beast that had 3 tails and darkish blue stripes all over its body. As it walked through the forest, most of its body was shrouded in a dark cloud, giving an evil aura to it.

The beast was an Inazuma or popularly known as the lightning devil.

Inazuma's were known for their uncanny speed and proficiency with the lightning element.

Due to beasts being more inclined to nature than humans on the same realm as them, their mastery over lighting was at least a level above that of humans.

Its powers, combined with its body that was naturally made to be a killer, made it able to kill any human on the same level.

(AN: Yes, a beast on the same level as a human is naturally stronger due to their enhanced bodies. That is why humans tend to depend on their weapons and artifacts when facing them.)


Seeing the scorched marks and the burnt corpses of the inhabitants of its territory, the Inazuma immediately knew this was the work of a human and this pissed it off.

The Inazuma was a king-tier beast that was just one step away from advancing to the emperor tier. With its current strength, it could easily dispatch 3 demigods and put an Angel in a bad spot.

Unlike humans that started off with dual elements, beasts began with nothing but strong bodies. josei

When they advanced to the knight tier, their biological abilities become more prominent and when they got to the king tier they awaken their first element.

The gap between each realm was large, especially the one between the king tier and emperor tier, but once a beast manages to bridge the gap between them, they unlock their second element and attain a humanoid kind of form.

Due to the Inazamu being one step away from the emperor tier, it had recently begun manifesting its darkness element, but it still had no control over it.

"High time I stop neglecting the humans and teach them a lesson."The beast thought.

As a king-tier beast, it found it beneath him to go around hunting normal humans. After all, if the number of humans dying at this part of the forest reached a certain level, the humans would sweep through the area and wipe out anything they felt was dangerous, and that included him.

The intelligence of a king-tier beast wasn't to be trifled with. It knew if that was to happen he was sure he wouldn't come out alive.

Not only did the humans have strength in numbers, but they also had strong cultivators that would pose serious issues.

It sure was mad, but it was sure not to let things reach such a level.

"What is this?" As the Inazamu moved closer to the mountain it began picking up the lingering aura of an Angel.

"This could be what I need for my breakthrough." The black panther thought with an evil grin on its face.

Although it was a step away from the emperor tier, it needed quite a large push to advance.

"This will do." The grin on the panther's face widened as it had figured a way to go through the last hurdle.

As it stealthy approached the mountain, the lingering aura increased signaling it was in the right direction.

Unfortunately for it, when it reached the top Zirrack wasn't there. It turned out that he had been away for close to 2 days, but this didn't border the panther.

It had learned over the centuries that patience was one of the key factors when it came to hunting. So it decided to exercise patience.

The first day went by, but it wasn't bothered one bit as it stayed in the woods while monitoring the area, especially the mountain.

The second day came but there was still no sign of the angel.

The 3rd day came and now the Inazamu was running out of patience.

"By sunrise tomorrow I will be on my way." The lightning devil thought as it patrolled the mountain area.

Nothing happened throughout that day and even by sunrise of the next day, but its intuition told it to wait a little bit longer.

It listened to its guts feeling by waiting for 3 more hours but it was once again disappointed. So it decided to leave.

When it was ? a kilometer away from the mountain, its senses began picking up strange but familiar energy.

It was the angel heading for the mountain in the form of a flame pillar.

"My guts never fail me." A spine-chilling smile appeared on the face of the Inazamu as it looked at the flame pillar like a gift waiting it be torn open.

At the academy, Mack Hoffenheim unplugged the cables connected to different parts of his body and opened the tube's door.

Still feeling weak from his recent breakthrough, Hoffenheim struggled as he walked to his table naked, before picking up a clock.

Normally clocks would tell the current time, but this one was in form of a stopwatch and the time had already reached zero and was in negative digits.

"Shit!" Seeing the time, Hoffenheim began putting on his clothes and artifacts before rushing out of the room.

He was almost 2 days late in resurrecting his creator/father!

He quickly left the magic school and boarded a carriage for the northern gate.

The carriage stopped him at the end of the safe zone. He alighted and went on foot until he was sure he wasn't being monitored, before teleporting to the center region of the Bulian hills.

Having gone through this routine more than a hundred times, Hoffenheim activated the communication link between his core and that of the base.

"That's odd. Fury always knows when I am close to the base and doesn't take this much time to reply." Hoffenheim thought to himself as he tried once again, but the result was still the same.

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