My Space-Time System

Chapter 295 - Not Surprised.

Chapter 295 - Not Surprised.

Chapter 295 - Not Surprised.

"3 teams would be sent to each gate, except for the southern gate which would have 4 teams." With that said, Instructor Zirrack began calling out the teams and the area they would be sent to.

"Please not the south gate…"

"Maybe if I start praying now, my team will not be sent southern part of the inner wall..."

These were the prayers that could be heard from both students from the normal and elite classes.

According to statistics of over centuries, out of the 4 gates of Calton city, the southern gate received a higher concentration of beast attacks making both the city and school assign more people there.

If the southern wall was to be breached, the next place the horde of beasts would be going for was the inner wall where the normal class team was. This was why many of them had their fingers crossed as they were almost done with the Elite class.

As to why there was a greater population of beasts at the southern side of the city, no one knew the answer. josei

The confusing part was that the northern side of the city which had kilometers of forests that led to hilly and mountain forests, had fewer beasts when compared to the forest at the southern part of the city which were just flatlands, but with greater distance.

"Southern gate. Team Blake, Team Owen…" Instructor Zirrack announced their team and that of Vlad, alongside 2 other teams.

"Why am I not surprised?" Blake said while helplessly shaking his head.

From the moment he didn't hear his team being assigned to the north, Blake could swear on his 2 kidneys that he was going to the south gate. To top off his bad luck, they grouped them with Vlad's team alongside another team that consisted of mostly Nystrom family members.

"Not a bad decision from the school, they are assigning the strongest teams to the most attacked gates." Luciano said, ignoring Blake who was cursing his luck. "We were sent to the most attacked gate while Damon's team were also sent to the 2nd most attacked gate which is the east."

It would have been safer if they would all be sent to the western gate which was to be protected by mostly the school which had a lot of demigods and even angels. The crazy part was that the school was knowingly sending the strongest teams to the most attacked gates even though they would not affect the protection of the city.

[The school's plan isn't to give you guys just any form of experience, they are aiming for the extreme experience.] The system said.

'It is meant to be a gradual process, not moving from step 1 to 10 right away.' This wasn't the first time the school made such a decision so Blake wasn't too bothered about it, his main focus was on how things may turn out.

[You are right, that is only one way to go about growth, but this method actually yields greater results. Those that manage to survive this process would progress geometrically in terms of experience and power when compared to those that follow your method.] The system pointed out.

'But at what cost?'

[The cost of the lives of those who were unable to adapt quickly, and harming the emotional quotient of the students that survived.] The system answered.

'So they are basically trying to convert us to stone-cold soldiers?' Blake asked with his brow raised because from the tone of the system it seemed to be in support of the school's methods.

[This might sound wrong to you because you are from a peaceful planet, but as someone who has decided to walk on the path of magic, emotions are more of a liability. You would come across multiple situations where having some kind of emotions would only lead you to an early grave.] The system didn't say any other thing, it let its words sink into Blake.

"You will be transported to your different posts early tomorrow, so make all necessary preparations before then." Once Zirrack was done, he warped out of the hall, leaving the stage for Professor Gibson.

"I personally think you all are ready for this. Just remember that all you have been taught was meant for this exercise, so do everything in your power to stay alive. Good luck and see you all when the beast tide is over." Professor Gibson warped out of the hall, marking the end of the announcement.

"So what now?" Brian asked as everybody looked over to Blake for their next course of action.

"Apart from purchasing everything we will need, there is nothing else we need to do." Blake said.

"See you guys later, I have a lot of preparations to make." Tessie said as she left the hall to begin crafting potions.

"I will be going to the library." Blake stoop and left the hall.

"So that leaves the 3 of us." Brian said, but at that moment Luciano stood up. "I will be going to ready my weapons."

"Weapon?" Both Brain and Castiel were stunned when they heard this.

Luciano was among very few students that didn't make use of weapons, it wasn't because he couldn't his hands one, but because he had no use for it. With the vast number of martial arts and combat techniques taught to him by the royal family, coupled with the immense raw power of the golden flames, could trash almost anyone with a weapon.

"When did he start using a weapon?" Brian asked, but Luciano was no longer there to answer their question.

It wasn't that he didn't know how to use a weapon, it was just that throughout their stay in school there hadn't been an exercise, test, or exam that made Luciano consider using a weapon. A matter of fact was that, right from when he was 3 years, he was already being taught how to use weapons.

Currently, he could beat anyone in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year in weapon combat, it was that he felt more comfortable fighting with his elements without weapons.

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