My Space-Time System

Chapter 469 - 469 Expansion.

Chapter 469 - 469 Expansion.

469 Expansion.

A week after wiping out the cobra mob, the crackdown on gangs had come to an end. With more than 30 gangs and one of the top gangs being wiped out, the ash corps had sent a message to every gang to not mess around or interfere with the ongoing projects.

This was necessary because most of the ash corps forces would be positioned outside the city.

So in the case that gangs and terrorist groups like the league of assassins were to pull off a crazy stunt, colonel Darius had decided to not partake in the expansion so that he could deal with them personally.

As for the expansion itself, for it to begin prince Bryon was the one to activate the arrays that would begin the process. From there, the wall which was an artifact would continuously be fed with thranium crystals at certain intervals.

During this process, the city wall wouldn’t be able to generate its barrier, and also it would be in a weakened state.

Apart from it not being able to withstand as much damage as before, it would require more energy to heal. This meant the more damage it took, the more resources it would expend, and also the longer it would take to complete the expansion process.

The process involved 3 stages; the first was when the wall expanded past the cleared area currently in front of the wall.

The second was when the wall expanded into the forest, and the final stage was setting up a safe zone alongside both its barrier and that of the city.

The first stage involved clearing the trees in the area, but for that to be done they had to make sure the area was safe.


That was where the 200 special ops units came in. They were to kill all the beasts within a certain range in order to enable them to terraform the area.

“Do you think your team is prepared for the task?” Blake asked Camilla as they were making their way to their units.

Unlike him that was handling only 10 ash corps, she had to train and deal with more than thrice that number.

“Not too confident, especially if I am not around to give orders.” Camilla answered.

“What of yours?” Since their days in the magic school, she knew that Blake didn’t like working with people except for his close friends. So she was worried because their performance would also end up affecting Blake.

“If all things are equal, which I doubt would be, they should be fine.” Blake continued. “In the case that something unexpected is to happen, then I am more than enough to handle it.”

“I guess we would be depending on you guys.” Camilla said.

Unlike the random selection usually done in the magic school tests and exams, the ash corps selection prioritized the synergy of teams.

So since Blake and Camilla were known to be very close they had been paired together alongside a few other teams.

“You don’t have to worry, my job is to protect you.” Blake said staring into her eyes but unfortunately was unable to kiss her in fear of someone watching them.

They soon walked out of the corridor and into the massive teleportation room which was the primary means of transportation of the ash corps.

Since the ash corps had only one office throughout the city, moving around on carriages would not make them late but it would easily announce their movements to everyone.

So what they did was construct certain teleportation terminals throughout the city which included the walls.

Both captains stood in front of their units before they were all teleported to the southern part of the wall.

‘The last time I was here I never thought I would be wearing this uniform.’ Blake thought as he experienced one of the largest beast tide in a decade.

[But life hit you.] The system completed. josei

‘Sad.’ Blake let out a helpless sigh before looking around.

Since the city was currently not under attack, the cannons and towers were invisible. Instead, there were numerous large crates holding thranium crystals.

‘When did thranium crystals become fruits that can be gotten anywhere? I thought they were scarce?!’ Blake couldn’t believe his eyes.

There were more than 100 of them on just the southern wall, making him think of how the other walls would be.

[From how long this mission is meant to last, it is safe to say that this isn’t all of it.] The system said.

‘Too bad I can’t study the wall.’ Blake thought.

[You should be thanking the heavens because you would most likely have a heart attack after seeing how much it takes to run and maintain it.] The system said causing Blake to snigger.

“This is an important event in the history of Calton city. So let’s make sure we don’t fuck this up.” Major Reeves said drawing everyone’s attention.

‘The same looks, same wall, not a single change.’ Blake said as he saw the Major.

Major Reeves still looked muscular with his white hair and ever-constant mean-cold expression on his face.

“You all have been briefed on your tasks. So without wasting time, special ops units move out!” Major Reeves ordered.

Without wasting a single second, Blake and his team alongside other special ops units jumped down the 100-meter tall wall.

Using their different spells, they reduced their speed of descent and landed safely on the ground before sprinting past the cleared area and into the forest.

Immediately, Blake’s team changed formation from a pyramid to a straight line as they moved forward and annihilated every beast in sight.

Since this was the outskirts of the wall there weren’t many beasts in the area, making their work easier.

In less than 20 minutes, the area was completely scanned and the perimeter was secured and ready for the next group to begin.


Check out 3_Sins_Studios works: Deviants and Paragon Of Death.

My Lust system: War Against The Heavens will be out soon!

The account is a group work from me and two other authors. I hope you like it.

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