My Space-Time System

Chapter 516 - 516 Back to work.

Chapter 516 - 516 Back to work.

516 Back to work.

All that was left for upgrading his house’s defense was the magic dome, and since it was going to be delivered to his doorstep in the evening, Blake went into his forge.

After more than 8 hours of nonstop work, the door of the forge room finally opened and Blake who was drenched in sweat walked out.

“Finally!” Blake let out a sigh of relief as he left the room and headed straight to the bathroom.

When he was done freshening up, Blake returned to the forge room and went straight to the table where he placed everything he had created.

“This isn’t much, but it’s the best I can do for now.” Blake said as he stared at the 5 new void daggers and black cloak on the table.

He would have loved to make more void daggers but the main ingredient was rare and expensive. Also, since he had the space travel spell, he didn’t need too many of them.

As for the black cloak, it was an upgraded version of the Night veil, but since he was too tired he gave it the same name.

[Name: Night-veil.

Grade: High quality.


Item Type: cloak.

Active Ability(s):

Full-body camouflage: Night-veil blends into the environment and can’t be distinguished by normal vision.

Mimicry: Night-veil transforms into any fabric that the user comes in contact with.

Control: The user has control over all parts of the cloak.

Morph: Night-veil can expand and compress into different forms.

Passive Ability(s):

Auto-clean and repair: Night-veil will automatically repair itself once damaged.

Barrier: Once equipped a thin layer of barrier would always be active on all parts of the user’s body.

Concealment: The energy signature of Night-veil is always being suppressed by the arrays.]

“Perfect.” A smile appeared on Blake’s face as he read the cloak’s abilities.

“Last but definitely not the least.” Blake said as he activated the guardian scarab.

In his list of purchases were different types of high-quality metals meant for the guardian scarab. Blake had suspicions that the metal that he fed the guardian scarab not only increased its strength and mass but also granted the artifact some properties of the metals.

For example, some metals had unique qualities like fire resistance, lightning resistance, and even magic resistance. For every metal that the guardian scarab fed on, it gained those unique qualities but in minute quantities which after a long would become noticeable.

“It just seems like everything I have now is designed to suck away my gold coins.” Blake felt his chest tighten as he thought of the number of gold coins he had thrown into the abysses that he named Ebony and Ivory.

“Hold on tight Blake, it’s all for the best.” Blake consoled himself.

Later that day, the Adventurer Association delivered the magic dome to his front door.

Blake wasted no time going straight to his forge room where he properly inspected the item. He wanted to make sure that there were no back door arrays that could control the device.

“If I was to assassinate a target and I get info that he is getting a magic dome made for his house; I would either attack before it was finished or I will pay the forgemaster a high sum to grant me backdoor access.”

“The target would feel safer with the presence of the magic dome, thus letting down his guard. That is when I would strike and he wouldn’t even have a clue of how he died.” Blake thought as he was connecting the magic dome to the house’s energy source.

[Your paranoia is getting worse as the day goes by.] The system shook its ‘head’.

“You call it whatever you want, but you know that the chances of that happening are high.” Blake argued.

[That is possible, but you are forgetting that the previous defenses that prevented you from getting assassinated in the first place are still active even if the barrier was being controlled.] The system explained causing Blake to pause and think about it.

Without wanting to admit defeat, Blake shut his mouth and continued with the installation process.

After 10 minutes, Blake was finally done, and at the same time, a black barrier appeared above the house before disappearing.

Although it was out of sight the magic dome was always active. It would only appear when it detected external mana or at the owner’s will.

Just like most domes, the magic dome also prevented teleportation from the outside by scrambling all dimensional beacons and attacking any disturbance in space, meaning even one with an artifact couldn’t get teleport into the compound.

“Now I can feel a little bit safer.” Blake felt fulfilled as he was finally done with all his preparations.

Blake’s 2 days off period had finally come to an end, and he was now back at the Square, but there were a few changes.

On his way to report to Darius at the top floor, Blake had received a lot of salutations and was forced to return them.

“Who knew being promoted would be so much stress.” Blake thought as he began planning on how to move around the square without getting spotted.

Blake finally got to Darius office and went in after being asked to.

“Major Blake reporting for duty.” Blake saluted.

After returning his salutation, Colonel Darius began briefing Blake on his new role.

“Any questions?” Colonel Darius asked after he was done.

“No, sir but I have a request.” Blake answered.

“Proceed.” Darius gestured for him to continue.

“I want to request that Captain Camilla Karius gets transferred to my unit as my second in command.” Blake said.

“Why?” Darius asked without a change in expression.

“Having been with her through our days in the magic school, I know her capabilities and I feel her potential is being wasted as a regular Ash corp Captain.” Blake answered.

“Hmm…” Darius pondered for a few seconds before speaking. “I have gone through her file and I also feel the same way. I accept your request, she can join your team as possible.”

“Thank you sir!” Blake gave a final salute before leaving the office.josei

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