My Space-Time System

Chapter 542 The Council.

Chapter 542 The Council.


At the end of the week, the weekly council meeting between the 4 councilors and the Emperor was being held.

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| Sitting on a magnificent golden throne was Emperor Cinder, who was emanating an aura of power and authority.

The Emperor was adorned in a resplendent robe woven from the finest crimson silk, reflecting the color of flames dancing in the hearth. The fabric shimmered with a subtle luster as if infused with the very essence of fire itself. Intricate patterns of golden threads trace across the fabric, depicting mythical creatures and symbols associated with the empire's rich magical heritage. These patterns seem to come alive as the Emperor moved, casting flickering shadows upon the fabric's surface.

The robe draped gracefully over the Emperor's broad shoulders, falling in elegant folds that pool at his feet. Its high collar stood tall, framing his regal countenance and drawing attention to his commanding presence. The collar is embellished with exquisite gemstones that sparkle like burning embers, adding an enchanting touch to his attire.

Beneath the robe, the Emperor wore a suit of armor specially crafted to harmonize with the golden flames. Gleaming plates of burnished gold form the foundation, intricately etched with ancient runes. These symbols seem to glow softly with a fiery glow, hinting at the Emperor's mastery over the fire element as well as the golden flames.

Upon his flowing jet-black hair rested a magnificent crown, forged from molten gold and encrusted with rare gemstones that mirrored the hues of a roaring inferno. Flames danced along the edges of the crown, defying gravity as they twist and curl in a mesmerizing display. The crown was a powerful artifact and a testament to the Emperor's status as the ruler of the Fire Empire.

As the Emperor sat upon his golden throne, his emotionless dark blue eyes looked at each of the four holograms standing not too far away.

One of the holograms was Aurelius Frostborne, the current leader of the Frostborne Ancestral family. 

He had white hair and an enchanting presence that exuded both power and serenity. His flowing locks of hair, as pure as freshly fallen snow, framed his regal countenance, falling gracefully around his face and cascading down to his broad shoulders. Each strand shimmers with a frosty sheen as if touched by the breath of winter itself, while occasional glimmers of icy blue and silver hues add an ethereal quality to his appearance.

His eyes, a mesmerizing shade of glacial blue, hold a cold piercing gaze that seemed to see through the hearts of men. 

His sculpted jawline and high cheekbones lend an air of nobility. His complexion, pale as the icy moonlight, appeared flawless and untouched by blemish or imperfection.

The robe he wore was crafted from a flowing fabric as pale as freshly fallen snow, draped in layers that mimicked the shimmering patterns of frost forming on a winter morning. Delicate silver embroidery traces intricate snowflake motifs along the edges, twinkling with an otherworldly radiance as they caught the light. 

The ancestor of the Frostborne ancestral family was a powerful explorer that had left the land now known as the Tigeria empire. During his exploration, he arrived at the undiscovered land that was now the Synder empire.

At that time most of the entire area was overrun by extremely powerful beasts. During this period, he met a young Synder, and thanks to their adventurous spirits they easily became close friends. They banded together alongside the other Ancestors to slowly eradicate the beasts and form the empire.

Just like the royal family that had Golden flames, the few members of the Frostborne family were able to conjure ice, but only when they advanced into the Hero realm. 

Among the 4 ancestral families, the Frostborne family was the most secluded with none of their family members ever joining any of the magic schools but were home-schooled by Aurelius and other members of the family.

Opposite Aurelius was the current leader of the Blackthorn Ancestral family, Cedric Blackthorn. He had brown hair and gave off an aura of self-importance and superiority, with every aspect of his appearance reflecting his inflated ego. 

His hair was a lustrous shade of chestnut brown that cascaded down in a meticulously arranged coif, a symbol of his meticulous attention to detail and desire for perfection.

His eyes, deep and penetrating, hold a haughty gaze that seems to look down at those that stared into them. They were the color of rich soil but lacked warmth and empathy. Instead, they radiated an icy coolness that hinted at his dismissive and condescending nature.

He wore a robe woven from fabrics that possessed textures of nature. Its color was of earthy tones, blending various shades of brown and green, evoking the vibrant colors found in forests and fields. Delicate embroidery, inspired by intricate leaf patterns and the swirling motifs of ancient earth runes, adorned the edges of the robe.

The ancestor of the Blackthorn family was the closest to Synder among the other ancestors. They were both commoners who had grown up together in a human village. When Synder had begun his journey, Blackthorn was the first to join him.

The only bad part of this tale was that the current generation of the Blackthorn ancestral family had forgotten their roots, and were now strongly against what they were.

Their control over the Earth element was very powerful, but it was nothing special when compared with the golden flames of the royal family or the ice of the Frostbornes. The same thing applied to their plant element, but their specialty came from the combination of both the earth and plant elements.

To the left of Cedric Blackthorn was Prince Bryon who represented the royal family in the council, while opposite him was Jaeger Nyx, the leader of the Nyx family which was also known as the hidden blade of the emperor.

Compared to the other Ancestral families, the Nyx family was the smallest in size, but they were no doubt the strongest after the royal family. They had found a way to greatly increase the chances of their descendants awakening the darkness element, but even at that, they were not many.

The good thing about this was that every member of the family that awakened the darkness element was unrivaled, while the rest of the family were trained to be top-notch assassins.

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