My Space-Time System

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Champion realm 2.

Chapter 89: Champion realm 2.

His lightning abilities had under major changes; it had gone from being buffs to being active damage-dealing spells. He could now release the electricity generated from his body like a bolt of lightning, dealing both physical and stun damage to the target.

The chances of getting stunned were dependent on the target's resistance and one's resistance to an element was dependent on his/her level and element.

Compared to other elements, aquamancers had the lowest resistance to lightning-based abilities meaning he was their bane.

If the target wasn't stunned at the first try, the stunning effect was able to stack up. That meant even if the target had a high resistance either because of his level or his element, it would only be a matter of time till he/she was stunned as long as they kept being hit by lightning.

While familiarizing himself with his powers, a thought came into his mind causing him to pause and try it out.

"According to physics, a moving magnetic field generates an electric field and vice versa." Blake brought out one of his throwing knives and made a field of electricity to cover his hand before he began waving it some inches above it.

Just as he had expected, the throwing knife trembled a bit before he increased his power output pulling it straight into his hands.

"Viola!" Blake exclaimed in excitement as many applications began forming in his head.

After his experiments, he went for the finale, the space element.

He wasn't able to get any information about the champion of the space element, but he had the system with him.

[The champion level of the space pathway is the space coalesce. It grants you the ability to freeze or solidify space and not time, so don't get confused, and just like the fire element, it deals a lot with one's will.

For you to solidify the space of a certain area, you have to imagine the shape you want it to take, then you focus on the spot while using both your will and mana to command the space.] The system explained the process to him.

It was after going over the system's explanation twice and making sure he understood the principles; did he try casting the spell.

The image of a block began forming in his mind before he began focusing on the spot he wanted to solidify. After making sure he was focused, he began pouring mana into the spot while using his will to make it take shape.

"Damn!" Blake cursed when he lost control of the spell because the spell placed an unexpected amount of strain on his mind.

He was doing okay in the beginning, but when it came to the part that involved using his will to make the spell take shape, he lost his focus for a second causing him to increase the spell's mana supply.

"Why is the spell so hard, why can't it be as simple as the other elements..." Blake said with a tired expression.

The spell was quite tasking and because he had done a lot of tests on the fire and lightning which involved him using his will, he had to take a break before he continued.

[You were the one complaining that the space element had a useless ability, now you are complaining it is hard. If you want power you have to sweat for it.] The system snorted. josei

"I know." Blake sighed helplessly.

[On the bright side, if you are able to master the spell your mana control and your will, would be leagues above those on your level.

After analyzing your attempt, I would say not bad for a first try. The reason the spell failed was because of your sudden and irregular mana supply.

When you are to supply mana to the spell don't send a large amount of mana to a spot, try circulating around the imagined shape, for it to obtain balance and not dissipate.]

After having a quick rest Blake went back to trying out the spell, this time he was trying out the system's advice.

"Let's try this again."

He began forming the shape in his mind and focused on the desired spot, before proceeding with the most difficult part of the spell. The strain that came from using his will and regulating his mana supply had returned but he was ready for it.

He gritted his teeth and endured the pain while circulating the energy around the block shape, just like the system had told. As his mana was being circulated around the rectangular shape, it began getting an ethereal outline, before a transparent rectangular block was formed.

"Phew…" After seeing the spell was finally completed, he sighed, but that didn't mean it was over because he still had to supply a lesser amount of mana to prevent it from dissipating.

"I wonder how strong it is." Blake thought as he walked towards the block.

Immediately after he stepped on the block, he felt a sudden migraine that caused him to lose his concentration causing the block to dissipate, sending him crashing on the floor.

"Ouch!" Blake exclaimed as he caressed his waist.

[What are you doing?] The system asked in confusion, with Blake's body being enhanced by the fusion processes and his advancing in realm, falling from that height wasn't meant to hurt.

"I can't help it, It's instinctual." Blake ruffled his hair as he laughed sheepishly.

"Why did I get a migraine? Although it was nothing, it took me by surprise causing me to lose focus." Blake asked.

[Isn't it obvious? It was created with your will, which means your will is what is keeping it the same suspended position and when you stepped on it the added weight caused the strain on your will…]

"That means if my will was to increase my constructs will be stronger and will be able to handle more weight." A smile formed on his lips as he received a renewed energy to keep practicing.

The next day the elite class was called to the hall for their assessment in the survival exercise.

The positions of each team were announced based on their activeness and correct decisions are taken. The teams that had decided on holing themselves up in a single location while they waited for the exercise to end received the least points.

More points were awarded to teams who had hunted beasts and like Blake's team made the correct decision of changing their campsites regularly.

The main goal of the exercise was to help the students learn how to survive in the wild in the case by any chance they were stuck in the jungle and learning how to hunt for food was vital for survival.

The team of oppressors came in the last position for being the first team to be wiped out followed by Tessie's team because Blake had eliminated her last.

As expected, Blake's team came in the first position, Camilla's team 2nd, then Damon 3rd. Damon had single-handedly gotten all the points for hunting for his team. Normally the points he got on his own weren't meant to put him in 3rd, but it was because the other teams weren't into hunting like the top three teams.

"As for individual actions, Blake comes in first place, Damon 2nd, and Kade 3rd." Professor Gibson's announcement shocked many in the hall when they heard Kade's name in 3rd position.

They all agreed that Blake and Damon merited their positions because of their ranks, but for Kade who was rank 25 and was a commoner at that made many brows furrow.

"I know you may be shocked because Blake had come top in all rankings, but his achievement both in his team and alone was too outstanding to overlook. Take look at this…" The professor had mistaken their shock to be for Blake instead of Kade.

The screen showed recordings of only Blake's actions, the previous one had only shown selected interesting parts of the exercise, but this one was all about Blake.

They saw how he made the entire team coordinated and his crazy performance when he hunted both solo and with his team. The entire hall was amazing, even his sworn enemies couldn't help but nod at his performance and those with the plans to go against him began thinking twice.

"As for the rewards, each team will receive theirs based on their positions.

As for individual actions, 1st position is to receive 4000 points and 12 hours in the cultivation room, 2nd 2000 points and 8 hours in the cultivation room and 3rd 1000 points in the cultivation room." Professor Gibson announced the rewards which caused almost all the students to gasp in shock.

'Only if I hadn't lost 2k points I wouldn't get the same points as the second position, but on the bright side I still have 24hrs in the cultivation room.' The professor's announcement reminded him of his forgotten reward.

According to principal Lovren, he could come for it anytime he wanted, and with his busy schedule and eyes on beast cores, it didn't take long before he forgot about it.

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