My Space-Time System

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: Blink.

Chapter 98: Blink.

Behind many-dimensional doors and past corridors that were protected by different traps, arrays, and defense mechanisms, there was a room lit up by a large Thranium crystal at the center of the room.

(AN: In chapter 16 (Azeroth war I mentioned the thranium age and what a thranium crystal is, so check it out if you have forgotten.)

The pink crystal was twice the height of a man and its width was greater than that of two men standing side by side. The huge thranium crystal was floating at the center of an array that powered the entire facility, if one took a closer look at the crustal they would be able to notice the cracks that had formed on the crystal.

If someone was here, they would have been able to notice the energy leaking from the crystals and if that someone was Blake he would have been tempted to cultivate in the room because the amount of energy in the room would put that of the cultivation rooms at the school to shame.

Apart from the defensive mechanisms like golems nothing else in the entire facility was moving, it was completely void of life but that didn't mean anyone could walk in there anyhow because of the traps and that was if they could locate its position in the first place.

Back in the school…

A week after professor Mack had given him the notebooks on the blink spells, Blake was still unable to cast the blink spell and because of that, he didn't dare to look at the point blink notebook because it was way above his league.

He didn't have substantial knowledge about arrays neither did he have the skills to enchant an item with multiple arrays, talk more of turning himself to a walking array. He saw there was no roundabout way to understand the knowledge contained in the book so, he decided to put it aside for the moment since his hands were already full.

Speaking of his hands being full, Blake had taken the advice of the system to cut down on his activities. He had dropped hunting beasts with both of his 2 free days and took one of them to rest just like the system gad advised him.

He had reduced the number of times he forgemastered in a week and the number of times he practiced hoe to draw arrays, but that was on the condition that there wasn't any new thing he had to learn.

As for his cultivation and training in both the Raiju breathing techniques and mastery over his element he had reduced the number of hours he spent training from 7 to 6 hours (cultivation included). Also, once his beast cores were depleted he wouldn't bother absorbing nature's energy in the concealed space because it wasn't that efficient, and rather than wasting that so much time to get a mediocre result he preferred doing more productive things with his time.

"What are you thinking about?" Luciano asked as he joined him at his table.

"I am still trying to figure out why the enchantment process fails when I try to add a third array to the forged item," Blake said as he gave Tessie a nod, gesturing for her to join them on the table.

After he mastered drawing a mana gathering array, he had gotten better at drawing arrays making it easier for him to learn arrays at the level of that of the mana gathering array, but he had learned only 2 extra.

After inscribing both the mana gathering and weight lightening array while the metal was still red hot it worked but once he inscribed the penetration array that was to increase the swords piercing, the sword would always explode when he tested it.

The system taught him how to arrange the arrays and link them, but he was still met with nothing but more failures.

According to the system, Blake needed more mana control and capacity but wanted to know what professor Mack had to say about the process. After seeing that the professor had done something that had been considered to be impossible or hadn't even been thought of, Blake had a fleeing he had a different approach to the problem.

"You can already inscribe 2 arrays to an item?!" Both Brian and Castiel asked in unison as a shocked expression was written all over their face.

"Yeah?" Blake asked with a confused tone.

'Oh, I forgot that not everyone had the space inheritance that boosted their mana control.' Blake thought.

"I have the same problem and I hope professor Mack can help us in our next class," Luciano said getting the same shocked look, but this time it was also coming from Blake.

The reason Blake was at his current level in enchantment was because of the All-Father's inheritance, but hearing that Luciano was at the same level surprised him. josei

'He is either talented in forging or he has secret… or maybe both.' Blake felt he was underestimating Luciano.

Seeing that Tessie didn't have an idea of what they were saying and couldn't be part of the conversation because she was offering the alchemy specialization, Blake decided to change the topic. "So how far have you gone with the levitate spell?"

"I can now cast the spell but haven't mastered it completely because of how stressful the school is… I am just tired, I want the school to be over so I can return to my family and have a good sleep." Tessie helplessly sighed.

"That's true… The first semester is about to be over, so what are your plans for the break?" Brian asked while looking at Blake.

"I plan on taking as many commissions as possible before the school resumes." Blake sighed because there was no resting time for him.

"You are an adventurer?!" Everyone on the table except Luciano blurted out in shock.

"Yes, but sadly I am still a D rank adventurer," Blake said while shaking his head, but his casual words sent them to another round of shock.


"Yeah, what's so shocking?" Blake was confused by their reactions.

"Nothing…" They said in unison, as they 'focused' on eating their food.

'Wtf?!' Blake was more confused, but since they were not talking he decided to enjoy his meal.

Since it was the last class free day of the week, they spent more time chatting before they all dispersed to their various rooms, while Blake head for the concealed space.

It was meant to be his rest day, but that didn't mean he would sleep all day, it just meant he wouldn't stress himself.

"It's Blink time!"

According to the first notebook, for him to cast blink he had to open a dimensional corridor just like a warp gate, but the difference between them was that blink was short-distance teleportation, while a warp gate was for relatively longer teleportation and required more mana and for a lot of conditions to be right.

Blink a very dangerous spell because one could get lost in the void, but with the void daggers, it became very safe. The void daggers were the beacons and made all the conditions right for teleportation.

"Although I have been stuck in the first step for a week now, I feel am about to make a breakthrough."

[Your will isn't strong enough to make a connection with the void daggers, so I advise you to not enter the dimensional corridor even if you can create one.]

The first step was opening the dimensional corridor, while the second step was to locate and connect ones to the beacons which were out of his reach for now.

"I have only 2 trials for the day, so let's get this over with."

Blake stretch forth both of his hands and began using his will to make his mana interact with space before pumping in more to cut the fabric of space.

The temperature of the space in front of him began rising quickly, before the outline of a circle the size of a soccer ball was formed by sparks.

The outline continued increasing as Blake continued circulating his mana around the circle. When the circle had grown to half the height of Blake, the perfect circle was becoming irregular.

[It is becoming unstable! Stop poring on mana, try to use your will to prevent the edges from collapsing!] The system quickly gave him instructions when he noticed the dimensional door was about to collapse.

At this moment Blake was sweating buckets as he followed the system's instructions. The strain that was on his mind was more than twice what he had felt when he tried space freeze.

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