My Succubus Harem System

Chapter 123 123 - Nice To Meet You

Chapter 123 123 - Nice To Meet You


About an hour later, the girls began to wake up. One by one, they got out of bed and found Ryan pensive in his office, he was once again going over documents and manuscripts, and was also managing the dwarf boxes and tools. 

"Did your idea work out?" Lyza said, squinting as she approached him. "Not much, I still can't utilize the boxes to maximum efficiency, but for now this is the best I can do" he said, getting up from his chair. 

Giving the redhead a good morning kiss on the lips, he went into the living room to find the rest of his servants. Lyza and Olivia went to cook while Syl prepared to give her lessons. 'Seeing this room so lively gives me such a good feeling of relaxation' he thought, with a smile on his face.

<Relaxation?> Nyx questioned, looking from one side of the room to the other trying to understand what he meant by that.

'Look at Syl, she is rested and excited about her work. She is probably more productive than she ever imagined she would be capable of, on the other side, Lyza is evolving again. She thought she would never be able to level up again, and it made her stressed and irritated, but now she is back to doing what she loves and feeling rewarded for her hard work. Olivia had a slow evolution, but now she is moving up the levels with ease, and is being able to apply her skills and knowledge better than ever. In Rose's case, she finally feels loved and cared for, and she is evolving in her own field. 'Seeing them happy makes me happy' he said mentally.

<You are really kind, master> Nyx replied, hugging him.

After a few minutes a delicious breakfast was ready, Lyza and Olivia had worked hard to prepare something yummy for Ryan. Eating heartily, he enjoyed every second of that wonderful meal. Before school started, the apartment door opened and three desperate footsteps came out of the elevator, Alice, Sara and Ellen were panting, as if they had come running with the maximum of their energy.

"Ry- *huf* Ryan! They - the student council is looking for you" Sara said, as she tried to catch her breath.

"The president is *huf* *cof* the" Ellen tried to speak, but she too was completely out of breath.

"Take it easy, just rest a little and say what you want" he replied.

Alice was calm, even though her forehead was sweaty, she remained full with her neutral face and her breathing steady and quiet. Then she explained instead of the two "The student council is looking for you, it seems that the president is annoyed with your portal invasions and the breaking of the academy dress code.

Everyone exchanged confused looks, and even Ryan didn't understand what this was all about. But Alice continued, "You were completing portals yourself, right? According to the president, there have been four complaints in the guild of a uniformed student closing portals. And they connected the dots with the green portal invasion" she said, and then the blonde pulled out a handkerchief and dried the sweat on her forehead.

"Hmm Mr. Hao said it was okay. Yeah, I can talk with her. Why is everyone so stressed about it?" he questioned, looking at Lyza, Ellen and Syl, who were looking uneasy. 

"These brats from the student council are really fucking annoying, you should try to avoid them if you can.

"Laila Winter is an amazing student, but she's for sure a little bit... complicated to deal with, even as a teacher" Ellen said, with a scowl on her face.

"Well, we have a lot of bigger issues to deal with, so I don't really care about her" he replied, then Ryan stood up and stood in front of all the girls. "I have something to tell all of you, I mean, I've been keeping this secret for quite a while" he continued. Ryan was holding a mug of coffee, and with one last sip, he turned to the empty one next to him.

All the girls were staring intently, with faces of doubt and curiosity. Beside Ryan, a black smoke appeared. The smoke was dense and extended from the ground up, until it reached a height a little closer to Ryan's. Amidst the smoke, a black figure appeared, with glowing red eyes that opened before that shadow dissipated. 

Walking in front of him was a girl around sixty feet tall, she was barefoot, wearing only a black dress that went from her neck to her knees. Her skin was white, as was the color of her long hair that went down to below her waist, her eyes shone the same crimson color as Ryan's, but what most caught the attention of all of them was without a doubt the two pointed horns she had on her forehead. 

Bowing, she said. "My name is Nyx Whitemane, I am the succubus and personal assistant to Ryan Whitemane."

'Whitemane?' Ryan thought

"Whitemane?" Lyza said, with a look of surprise.

All the girls were in shock, trying to understand what that meant. Then he took the initiative to explain "I didn't possess a mana production, so by luck, I ended up finding this succubus. The origin of my evolution came because of the power she gave me, I can evolve when I relate to you" he said.

Even with the surprise, the girls were still extremely receptive. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nyx" Olivia said, with a smile on her face. Sara approached her and stood watching every detail of her body "Are those horns real?" she said, as she poked the pointed part of the succubus' horns.

Lyza had one hand on her chin, as if in thought. As Ellen and Syl watched this situation attentively, both extremely confused, exchanging glances they said almost at the same time "I've never seen an invocation that could talk.

The redhead approached, with slow steps towards Nyx. And reaching out her hand, she quickly activated a skill, shouting "Judgment of evil", but nothing happened. The redhead's hand began to glow, but no effect came of it, she looked intently at the palm of her own hand, before nodding "That's interesting", then Lyza extended her hand to Nyx, greeting her.

"It's nice to meet you" she said, and the succubus accepted the handshake, even though she was in a cold sweat. "I feel the same way, Elyzabeth Ignis Fireseeker" she replied.

Ryan approached Lyza and gave her a kiss on her forehead "That was rude, apologize". Hearing that made the redhead blush and embarrassed, "I'm sorry..." she said, not believing what she was doing.

"Hmm? What was that skill?" Sara said, confused. Alice approached her friend and replied "Evil Judgment is a light manipulation skill, it can check spiritual entities like demons or ghosts and recognize if they are charged with hate." 

Nyx laughed at that "I am no ordinary demon," she was smiling and extremely happy with what was happening.

"She has been with me the whole time, I am grateful for Nyx and wish you could trust her" Ryan said, looking deep into the succubus' eyes. That white haired girl looked down, and then made her pair of horns disappear. "See, she's not much different from other humans, so I ask that you treat her well. I probably wouldn't be talking to you if it weren't for Nyx's help."

The girls nodded, and took Nyx in as one Ryan asked.

"Does that mean I don't have to hide in your mind anymore?" she said, confused.

'I'd rather you talk your nonsense inside my head'

"But I want to externalize what I'm thinking!" she said with a pouting face.

Ellen and Syl exchanged glances again, and then said "Are you guys talking mentally?"

Ryan and Nyx laughed at that and nodded.

* * *

Class would start in about forty minutes. Olivia would have a class together with Syl, so they went to class together. Alice and Sara were left holding the place where they always stayed. Ellen and Lyza went to the teachers' lounge, and with that, Ryan escorted the two to the building where the student council was. 

Walking up the stairs, before meeting Laila Winter, he was called by someone just as important. "Mr.Hao, do you need anything?" he said with a smile. The principal looked agitated, so he just turned his back and moved his arms getting Ryan's attention. 

Entering his room, Hao closed the door using a wind magic. "What do you need?!" he said, exalted and with a giant smile on his face.

"What do you mean?" Ryan questioned, confused.

"The guild sent me a call saying they were going to increase the Neodrazzil academy's funding and portal limit, and John Wynn said you were the one who did it. What do you need? You can ask me for anything."

<Hohoho, That's interesting>

At the same instant, Ryan's nose for money intensified. 

"I want to order some things at the forge" he said, his fangs were jutting out with his smile.


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