My Succubus Harem System

Chapter 131 131 - Nearby

Chapter 131 131 - Nearby

Minutes later, Tyler emerged on the other side of the arena eating a hamburger. Hurriedly, the event staff got him into the battle as fast as they could. 

"Tyler Becker! VS Ryan Whitemane!"

With the shout of the dwarf Torek, another duel was getting underway. The audience was still energized, jumping from side to side as they extended their arms and stood up with their voices. Even during the break in the fights, the crowd remained animated, talking amongst themselves in those hundreds of voices that echoed from one side to every corner.

Ryan and Tyler were on opposite sides of the arena, but both seemed to be quite at ease with the situation.

"Him, is he eating?" 

"A hamburger?"

"Is that allowed?"

Tyler was a slightly shorter man than Ryan, but possessed a relatively serious face. Having short, shaved hair on the sides, with a few white locks on top of his green head, on his neck, a pilot's eyeglass caught the eye of anyone watching him.

*Munch *

Completely unconcerned, he continued eating his hamburger, taking small bites as he got close to the line that started the duel.

"Can we *Munch * start?" 

<Is he taking this battle seriously?>

"Yeah, sure" as soon as Ryan said that, he already started distributing his mana throughout his body. Channeling it into his fingertips as he waited for the starting sound.

With a roar from the puffy white bear and two shots in the air fired by Torek, the battle had begun.

Even with a hamburger in one of his hands, the first to fire an attack was Tyler. Who with a flick of his fingers fired a gigantic stream of air that slammed like a car into Ryan's body, the pressure was so great that he could feel his stomach and internal organs rocking with the force of that attack.

'I need to watch out, with my ear' This was an almost instinctive thought of Ryan's. Wind mages are experienced at knocking out opponents in the most unexpected ways, but even without having any notions of the wind element, he still had a few cards up his sleeve.

Extending his hand, he activated the Hydro Synthesis skill. The day was not very humid, with few clouds in the sky. Still, Ryan could feel every single molecule and particle of water that was close to his opponent. With a snap of his fingers, he caused all the water on the burger to fly towards Tyler's forehead, throwing him backwards with an extremely strong punch.

Not missing an opportunity, Ryan created a second attack. Using the moisture around Tyler, he launched two more punches towards the boy. The first was effective, striking next to his other, while the other was fired into the back of his head, knocking him to the ground.

"My hamburger... You're smart, but you're still just one more weakling" He was furious, getting up with the aid of wind magic, he slowly returned to the position he was in.

Raising his hands, Tyler created four vortexes of wind beside him, each of them was spinning at high speed, to the point that it was possible to see the mana flowing to master the element. Throwing both arms forward, he shot those arrows towards Ryan, who again received the attacks without deflecting

With both hands, he used the Waterbending skill. Even with little water, it was still possible to create four extremely small squares, enough to break Tyler's attacks. 

"Did he completely nullify the darts?" 

"Wind attacks shouldn't be that strong"

"Ryan also knows how to use the wind element?"

"This fight is going to be interesting!"

The audience was euphoric about the battle, it was necessary to wait for the replay on the hologram to understand what was happening. Ryan's water attacks were fast and accurate, plus the wind made it a little difficult to see the fight.

"It's like they're punching each other with invisible attacks" 

Irritated, Tyler was firing several wind punches, one after another. The amount was so great that the wind punches were slamming into each other, intensifying the intensity and force of the attacks. But Ryan remained nullifying the attacks with a wall of water, while moving to deflect what he could.

With one of his hands, Whitemane channeled a sphere of Light. The sun was strong, so using the element of Light was relatively favored. 

'I can't channel sunlight, but I'll take advantage of it' He concluded.

Running towards Tyler, he threw that sphere of Light in front of his eyes. With a leap, he launched himself into the air. "MY EYES!" he shouted, as he raised his face, but again, he was blinded by the sunlight.

If Tyler looked forward, he would see the light from Judgement of the Sun, if he raised his head he would encounter the scandalous sun much more intense than his opponent's magic.

"That'll work" Ryan said with a smile. Putting his hands together, he channeled the mana from his chest into the palm of his hands. Controlling the sphere of light he turned it into four. Launching those spheres to each of the sides of the arena, so that Tyler had no free angle.

"I CAN STILL HEAR YOUR STICKS!" He shouted, as he fired wind attacks to all sides of the arena. He was completely sightless, unable to even open his eyes. 

'This light is bothering me, I need to be quick' he concluded.

Ryan didn't dodge one of the attacks, he wanted the wind to attack him. After that punch hit him in the chest, from the lack of response or sound, Tyler no longer knew where he was. Approaching him with slow steps, he walked over to his opponent.

Tyler was turning all around, desperate with his eyes closed. But before he could comprehend what was happening, he received a punch to the jaw. The green haired boy flew across the arena, falling to the ground knocked out. 

"AND THE WINNER IS RYAN WHITEMANE!" Torek shouted, as the hologram announced yet another stunning victory.

'Shit, I didn't break the pendant' he thought. Looking down at the ground, he noticed how there was a small silver necklace on Tyler's neck, placing one of his hands in his own pocket, Ryan camouflaged what he was doing.

Channeling some water around the pendant, with a tweezing motion he broke that item off. Even though it appeared to be metal, that amulet destroyed itself with ease, and with that, the mission Laila had delivered was complete.

* Phew *


From the audience, Laila was watching with a smile on her face. Among that gigantic crowd of spectators, the only person who noticed this was her. Walking out of the arena, Ryan was getting shouts from fans and admirers, and surprised looks at his ability.


"Did you hold back in that battle?" Lyza questioned, she was standing in front of the changing room door. 

Sitting on a wooden bench, Ryan was shirtless, with a towel around his privates and another around his neck. His body was quite sweaty, even though the fight was relatively quick. 

"A little bit. My biggest domain has been fire and light, I can't give an attack strong enough to blind him, apart from that fire attacks can burn the skin easily. I'm avoiding killing my colleagues, Lyza.

The redhead began to laugh at this, surprised at what she had heard. "I don't think you could kill someone in front of everyone in the arena. The healers at the academy are quite effective, with the exception of Rose, of course."

"I'll tell her about it" Ryan said, as he stood up and walked towards one of the closets. Putting on his clothes, he continued to think about what Laila had said.

'She wanted to break that pendant, that means Tyler's strength should come from that. Right?'

<You have too many things on your mind, but yes, it could be an answer>

'I can't understand that girl very well'

<You can't understand many things, it's normal to feel breathless when you have too many problems around>

'You are very unwise for someone who is over a thousand years old'

<Come on! I am an intelligent woman>

Ryan walked out of the Changing room and stared at Lyzaa Fireseeker. 'She is hundreds of years younger than you, and yet she is wiser, more mature and intelligent than you'

<Humans mature faster...>

'But you were born human'

<You stupid fucking brat>

'Imitating her won't make you smarter'

"Are we getting out of here?" Lyza said, but Ryan remained motionless staring at the wall in front of the changing room door.


"Did something happen?" The redhead said, concerned.

The boy's face had changed in seconds, he was already visibly worried, but now, he looked irritated. 

<This is not good...>

'I was already thinking that it was taking too long'

A window had appeared in front of Ryan's eyes. 


[Mission objective nearby]




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