My Succubus Harem System

Chapter 8 08 - Yes Master!

Chapter 8 08 - Yes Master!

While Ryan was up, checking his system windows, Olivia slowly woke up. Scratching both eyes as she lifted her body, with a sleepy face she turned to Ryan and gave him a hug.

Livia's body felt warm, probably because of the shame she was feeling. But this contact no longer bothered Ryan, after all, they were much more connected the night before.

"Good morning, Livia. Did you sleep well?" Ryan said, as he stroked the girl's blue hair.

"That was the best night of my life" She replied, with a smile to try and disguise her embarrassment.

As Olivia Talaris hugged the boy's chest, behind Ryan's back a white haired demon appeared. Only the young man could feel her presence and know that she was there. Moving closer to his ear, Nyx whispered a new piece of information.

<If you use her again, your power level will increase some more>

Ryan's eyes flashed with a red light again as he turned to his prey. Olivia lifted her face and the two faced each other, the girl's face was as red as his eyes.

Ryan held her chin in his right hand and she submitted completely to him. They exchanged a slow, hot kiss, until the young Whitemane pushed her back to lie on the bed.

The girl responded completely, completely submissive to Ryan's will. The two again exchanged glances and she, with a smile gave him a kiss.

"Please use me again" She said, as she opened her cave with one of her hands.

The two continued this practice throughout the morning, enjoying the exchange of energy.


After two hours in bed, Olivia preferred to return to her home, the two bathed together and even cooked a breakfast. Everything was tastier with the company of another person. As Livia walked out the door, Ryan returned to his room and sat on his bed.

"What was all that about? How did it happen so fast?" He said, as he placed one of his hands on his head. It was too much information to comprehend.

<She had always been interested in you, but her old self couldn't make a decision>

Ryan gave a smile and stood up, his eyes were glowing with that red color. In front of his bed was a mirror, where for a long time he only used it to look for flaws in his body, but this time, everything was different.

Behind Ryan was Nyx, in her black dress. The succubus was playing with her white hair on the bed.

And in front of the mirror Ryan noticed something that changed everything. His height had increased a little. Lifting his shirt, he could see how his body was more defined, his chin was showing more and even his teeth were white and organized in place.

When Ryan smiled at the mirror, he noticed how he now had two fangs.

Turning to Nyx, the young man just needed to stare her in the eye.

<You are evolving, the greater your demonic power, the better the results will be>

"What am I now? A vampire? A demon?"


Nyx again emerged behind Ryan, and hugging the boy's body, she placed both weights of her mountains on his back. The old version of Ryan would feel embarrassed by the situation, but now, he just enjoyed the feeling.

<You are becoming a demon lord. A man with a contract with demons>

"So you must obey me?"

<I will follow every order you give, my young master>

Ryan turned to the Succubus, and with one of his hands, he pointed to the bottom of his body.

"Kneel down"

Succubus took a step back and was confused by the command, she had never even heard of something like this happening. Immediately she knelt down and began to take the direction her master had commanded, moving her tongue and using her warm saliva on the young man's sword.

Looking up into Ryan's eyes, she mentally communicated with him.

<That's not so bad. Thank you my master>


Ryan and Nyx were sitting on the bed again, there were still questions about the system that needed to be resolved.

"So, there are a few questions I need to get out. Starting with, does the aura skill work?"

Nyx put one of her fingers to her mouth, and looking up, she began to think about how to explain it to him.

<Think of it as a tasty aroma of food, when your body is hungry, the smell of food will instinctively attract you. But if the person is already satisfied, they won't run after it>

"I see, so I'll need my prey to have interest in me anyway"

<Exactly! So it would be interesting if you started looking for fame and influence in your magic academy>

"I see..."

Ryan opened his status window and began to check what had changed, a small window popped up with new information.

[Extra experience successfully completed.

His intimacy rank with Olivia Talaris has increased, with that, his water elemental mastery skills have been improved.

+Waterbending LV3

+Water Slash LV7

+Water Aura LV3

To upgrade your skill level, increase your demonic power and distribute it in your skills. To increase your proficiency with the element, look for new prey with that elemental skill].josei

"So I can both look for more prey that have an interest in water power, and also look for prey of other elements" Ryan said, with one of his hands on his chin, as he assessed his situation by looking at his status window.

Out of curiosity, he clicked on the Harem window, where he had the information about Olivia Talaris.

"My rank with her has increased, look at that, her heart is fluttering"

<Probably she's just embarrassed about what happened, wait, the beat has taken a jump now>

*Ring Ring*

Ryan's cell phone let out a message notification, something that was extremely rare for him. He reached out his hand and opened the phone.

"A message from Olivia"

Clicking to open the conversation, he was surprised by the situation.

I'm home now, I miss you. Look for me in the library later <3

Below was a picture of the girl in her room.

<She's actually really forward>



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