My Succubus System

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Come And Gone

After having had their fun the trio retired to bed, refreshed, relaxed and content. This time Bracha joined them and they all fell asleep together. With no particular need to awaken early they all enjoyed a late morning, arising just an hour before midday.

“Uggh.” Katrin groaned as she sat up and glanced around. Bracha was already up, standing at a nearby window. Katrin felt like her head was about to split open as memories of the previous evening slowly started to dawn on her. Bracha twerking, Katrin bouncing her titties and giving lap dances–these were just a few of the things that flashed through her head.

*Oh God. I totally embarrassed myself.* Katrin thought.

“Good morning, Katrin. You slept well, yes?” Bracha asked as she strolled over and sat on the nearby bed. Agni was still asleep, a small trail of drool trickling from her lips. Bracha couldn’t help but chuckle to herself while Katrin’s face turned beet red. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and took several deep breaths as she recalled her advances from the night before.

“No need to worry dear. We may have been drunk but she wasn’t.” Bracha said, pointing at Agni.

“I-I’m going to go get dressed.” Katrin said as she got to her feet and headed towards the nearby bathroom.josei

“I guess she’s still a bit shy.” Bracha said as a pleasant smile appeared. She glanced down at Agni for a few more moments before she reared back and slapped the succubus’ ass so hard that even Katrin was forced to glance back into the bedroom.

“What the hell was that for!?” Agni shouted as she flailed uncontrollably. Her ass cheek was burning, Bracha no doubt left a mark. Despite all of this Agni felt her clit throb, so she couldn’t be that upset…

“There’s some important info I’d like to share with you two before you head out. Meet me in the lobby once you’re ready.”

It took both women half an hour to get ready, moreso Katrin than Agni. They found Bracha awaiting them at the front desk with a pleasant smile on her face.

“So, I’ll ask again — what are your plans?” Agni remembered Bracha asking a similar question the first time the pair entered the chapel, naked with only a few Gols to their name.

This time Agni had an answer.

“I want to awaken my familiar. For that I’ll need to visit the Demonic Chapel in Kirlunst.” Agni replied.

“Interesting. And you?” Bracha said as she glanced over at Katrin.

“I think I want to learn more about magic. After gaining a bit of experience I think it’s the best course of action for me.” Katrin replied.

“I see. In that case, I have one final duty and also a recommendation for both of you.” Bracha said as she got to her feet. She lifted her left hand and in the process Bracha’s systema mark shimmered as she dispelled their link as both Trainer and Pupil.

She then proceeded with her advice.

“Since both of you can be considered beginners in magic in many regards, perhaps you should join a magic based chapel, yes? Magic can indeed become a powerful asset in many situations. Also, the trip to Kirlunst is somewhat problematic.

Kirlunst is a city well known to ranked adventurers due to the fact that it’s considered the capital of the region. To get there you will need a certain level of preparation and strength — usually. However, if you join a Chapel you may be able to use a quicker method of transportation.

If I was going to suggest a chapel, I’d visit Mystic Tower, further down the main street. It’s a rather popular and well known chapel that focuses on training magic users of all types.”

Bracha then took a seat and stared at the two adventurers intently. Both of them, in return stared back, as if awaiting more guidance.

“Is…is that it?” Agni asked after a short time. Bracha simply nodded, before adding.

“You have enough knowledge to keep yourself fed, protect yourself and grow stronger if you need to. Which path you take from here on out is up to you. Of course, you can always drop by sometime if you get lonely. I’ll be here.”

Agni couldn’t help but feel as if there was more to be said between her and Bracha yet she simply smiled and bowed her head slightly before glancing at Katrin.

“I feel kind of sad.” Katrin said, lowering her head a bit. Agni couldn’t help but agree. Ever since they arrived at Grenvale, the Trainer’s Chapel was basically their first home. A source of comfort , safety and a large part of their everyday routine.

“Why?” Bracha chuckled as she placed her hand on her chin. Although she understood the sentiment and felt somewhat the same, it wouldn’t show on her face.

“Because, I–” Katrin replied as she struggled to find the words.

At this Agni just placed her hand on Katrin’s shoulder before she bowed deeply to Bracha.

“Thanks for your guidance.” She said, prompting Katrin to do the same.

Bracha simply smiled as she thought about how boring it would be without the two around. For a moment she struggled with the urge to leave her duties and travel with the two young ladies even further but — that wouldn’t do for a Trainer.

“It’s my pleasure.” She said finally, nodding to both Agni and Katrin before the two finally made their way out of the Trainer’s Chapel and onto the bustling morning road of Grenvale.

——-Elsewhere In Grenvale————-

“So, you’re telling me that two rank 0 weaklings defeated all six of you effortlessly?” This voice belonged to a rather husky man sitting behind a desk, the billowing smoke of a large cigar flowed upwards and filled the room with a particularly fragrant scent.

Fargo hated answering to this man with every fiber of his being yet he found the words came easily when he considered the alternative. He and the other “failures” had been called to the third floor of the Chapel, where they were now being admonished for their failure just less than a week prior.

“Yes. That’s correct.” Fargo replied as he glanced over at the young man standing aside the desk of the Chapel leader. Zipher Einrei was a Blight Mage, bronze skinned, amber eyes and white hair. Fargo was a fair judge of people and he couldn’t help but think that Zipher reminded him of a rabid dog. Erratic, willing to bite at anything just for a bit of fun.

*Perhaps a dog isn’t the right comparison. More like a wolf…*

The sound of chuckling filled the air for a moment, belonging to the man shrouded in cigar smoke. He spun around in his chair, revealing the glint of a monocle and several golden rings each with large gemstones embedded within them. He was well dressed from head to toe, he always was. It was the one thing Fargo found remarkable about his oppressor and there was very little else of admiration about him.

*Maybe..his ruthlessness is to be admired.*

“Tell me about these two.” He said after a time. Though the man’s features were mostly shrouded in shadows as he sat behind his desk, a glint from his monocle shone briefly as he placed both hands on the desktop before him.

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