My Succubus System

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Expedition Party (1)

It was the first time Agni took notice of an elf in the world of Adventia. He was rather short at just 137 cm (4.5 ft), yet he had an air of distinction about him. Blonde hair and deeply blue eyes with a dignified gaze. His voice was almost piercing as he spoke over the crowd of people who turned and parted way for Vivian and the two witches apparent who followed.

“Hello Archmage Oliver.” Vivian said, bowing her head slightly as she and the pair behind appeared before the elf.

[Oliver Pagnal

Rank 2 Archmage

Allegiance: Mystic Tower]

“I’ve come bringing two new additions to the Forest Expedition. I’d like you to pair them with one of the groups and bring them along.” Vivian said as she motioned towards Agni and Katrin.

She then added, “They have practical battle experience inside shards already, so you shouldn’t have too much cause for concern.”

“Is that really true?” Oliver cast a disbelieving gaze towards the two adventurers. His appearance was impeccable, not a hair out of place despite having long shoulder length hair of his own. His velvet red cloak was a stark contrast to the earthy colors of his clothing, which was fine with embroidery and very well made.

“Y-yes.” Katrin muttered upon realizing that Oliver was speaking directly to them now instead of Vivian. Agni just nodded. There was something about the elf that made her feel….guarded.

“I see. In that case, you two will be excellent additions to the expedition.” Oliver said after a moment.

“Yes. Please take good care of them, they’ve even ventured into blood shards and lived to tell the tale.” Vivian also said as she folded her hands into her kimono and nodded.


“Did she just say a blood shard? Two zero rankers?”

“No way!”

Several people within the group began to mutter upon hearing the Doyenne’s declaration and even Oliver’s disbelief seemed to take on a whole new level.

“That’s…impossible.” Oliver said on reflex, yet Vivian’s expression suggested that it wasn’t a jest.

*Is venturing into a shard really such a significant thing? Somehow I feel like maybe Bracha had us doing crazy things…* Agni thought to herself. She couldn’t help but fidget a bit as she could feel dozens of eyes upon her, some envious and others filled with doubt.

Oliver corrected himself quickly. As a man of culture he felt it was necessary to always keep his composure. Besides, if his interpretation of Vivian’s subtle cues were correct —

“That’s simply amazing. I was just finishing up the instructions for the group here. Since you two are experienced that saves me both time and energy of needing to explain again. As for the group, I have the perfect one in mind.” Oliver said as he lowered his head to Vivian once more.

“Great! In that case, I won’t keep you.” Vivan said to Oliver before turning to Katrin and Agni.

“Come and see me after the expedition. We’ll discuss Kirnlust.” Vivian said before parting ways with them.

“Ahem. Well then, a Scribe and A Succubus. Interesting to say the least.” Oliver said as he stepped forward, extending a handshake to both Katrin and Agni. He then nodded for them to follow along as he guided them through the crowd. Though it wasn’t readily apparent upon arrival, the group of people had already been split into several smaller groupings. After a brief moment’s walk Oliver stopped in front of a group of four people, motioning towards them.

“These four will be your party mates for the duration of the expedition. For safety reasons, each group is balanced according to utility and strength.” Oliver’s Systema rune shimmered as he spoke and just a moment later a prompt appeared for both Agni and Katrin.

[You’ve been invited to join the ‘Expedition Party -4’. This will form a temporary alliance party. This will not interfere with your current party. Confirm Y/N.]

Upon accepting Katrin and Agni noticed that several other lines of character data appeared for their new party members.

“If you have any other questions, feel free to consult some of your party mates. Good luck young witches.” Oliver said as he bowed his head slightly and walked back towards the front of the crowd once more, leaving the pair with four new adventurers.

With the inclusion of Katrin and Agni, there were now four women and two men in their small group, each presumably magic users of some type.

*Suddenly I feel a bit..overdressed.* Agni thought in comparison to her new party members.

“Um, welcome. I’m Gates. Bell Gates. I’m the party leader for this expedition.” One of the young men said.

[Bell Gates

Rank 1 Spirit Mage

Allegiance: Mystic Tower{Temp}]

Gates had short brown hair, green eyes and a boyish appearance. He was garbed in deep green robes with a matching hat which rivaled Katrin’s in height. He also carried a gnarled wooden staff. Katrin was beginning to feel as if being short in stature was a pattern for magic users as Gates himself stood around 155 cm tall (just over 5 feet). Agni and Katrin both shook his extended hand as he introduced himself.

“Since we’ll be working together for this expedition, I think some brief introductions are in order. This is Merri.” Gates said as he motioned to a tan skinned young lady who seemed more like a knight than a magic user. She had a large shield draped against her back and a mace resting at her side. This, coupled with armor that was heavy in nature gave her somewhat of an imposing look. The fact that she was a minotaur didn’t help either, as her long ivory colored horns rose high above her head which was covered with short, two toned hair. Blonde and brunette rested on top of one another, giving Merri a very distinct look. Still, Merri’s gaze was rather timid. She shifted her eyes from a book in her hand only to glance towards the two new additions before quickly turning her gaze downward yet again.

[Merri Magstrani

Rank 0 Tower Guard

Allegiance: Mystic Tower{Temp}]

“This is Ariadna.” Gates said, continuing with his introduction, as he pointed to a black clad young lady to his right. She seemed wholly disinterested in anything going on but Agni couldn’t help but notice her style. Unlike Merri, Ariadna’s style could be most closely considered as modern. She wore a sleeveless short overcoat with flurry white trim around both the collar and shoulders. Beneath this was a solid black body shirt which clung to her tightly. Her makeup was exceptionally well done which made her slim body and face stand out even more as she had a purple half moon just a few centimeters below her left eye. Dark eye shadow accentuated her fair skin and her lipstick was two-tone, purple and black. Ariadna’s hair was done up in a ponytail, yet due to the length and positioning it caused her hair to stick straight upwards. For Agni it reminded her of a certain anime ninja.

Ariadna completed her outfit with black leather pants and a matching set of black leather boots which resembled patchwork more than hide. Agni couldn’t help but notice both a dagger and shortsword hanging on either side of Ariadna’s slim waist.

[Ariadna Vinlax

Rank 0 Trickster

Allegiance: Mystic Tower{Temp}]

The young woman known as Ariadna noticed Agni’s gaze and after a short time of pretending she begrudgingly nodded a greeting.josei

“And last but not least, our healer, Sypha.”

[Sypha Armstrong

Rank 0 Light Weaver

Allegiance: Mystic Tower{Temp}]

The young man known as Sypha had a rather striking appearance. His eyes were crystal blue while his hair was light grey, almost white, and pointed downward in a spiky manner. Though the length of his hair was short, the styling was very eye catching. His white hair was a perfect contrast to his bronze skin and piercing eyes. Agni couldn’t help but notice a faint blush appear on Katrin’s cheeks upon taking notice of him.

*Hmmm.* Agni thought to herself with a pleasant smile. As she glanced back towards Sypha she was surprised to find his gaze directed towards her. Sypha’s outfit was also a variety of magical robes, pants and shoes. The Light Weaver nodded towards both women as Gates finished his introduction then directed his attention towards Katrin and Agni who both realized the rest were waiting for their introduction.

“Oh!” Agni said, finally realizing her mistake.

“I’m Agni Heartfyre. This is Katrin Voss. Succubus and Scribe.”

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