My Succubus System

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Kirlunst (1)

“Katrin…” Agni sighed, though she couldn’t help but fight the curl of a smile at the edge of her lips. She shot a glance over at her partner who was currently pouting — complete with puffed cheeks and all.

“What?” She replied, begrudgingly.

“It’s not my fault! She made me promise to go alone at the last minute.” Agni explained, but Katrin would not hear any of it. The furious thumping in her chest drowned out any words Agni might have to protest.

“Why?” She asked, finally glaring at Agni as she rolled over onto her back. The pair were in their new lodgings discussing Agni’s trip to Kirlunst at the moment. During the whole “Vivian Revelation” Katrin had been busy procuring their new room which was just across the hall from Ariadna and Merri.

“I don’t know. Vivi’s weird! She’s very secretive!” Agni replied. This wasn’t exactly a lie, as Agni discovered Vivian’s ability to shapeshift just the day before. Agni wasn’t immediately sure why Katrin had to stay at the chapel either, all she knew was that it was a request from Vivian and that “It would make things easier to manage.”

And this revelation just thirty minutes before Agni was to leave caused the current predicament. Katrin. Pouting. On a bed, in her Kero t-shirt–and nothing else.

“Oh? So it’s Vivi now?” Katrin didn’t fail to notice Agni’s sudden familiarity with the Doyenne either.

“Ha ha ha.” Agni chuckled nervously.

*Why is she acting like my girlfriend all of a sudden?* Agni thought to herself as she strolled over to Katrins’ bedside. The busty Scribe immediately rolled her eyes and turned over to face the wall.

*Wow. She’s really upset. I thought she was joking..*

“Katrin. Katrin.” Agni said as she placed her hand gently on Katrin’s shoulder.

“It’s not like that.” She said as she laid beside Katrin and wrapped her arms around the Scribe’s waist. Her hair spelled quite good.

“I’ll bring you back a few books. Hmm?” Agni said as she pulled Katrin closer and wiggled her hips.

“They better be really GOOD books. There’s no practical reason why I can’t go with you.” Katrin’s voice was unchanged, she was definitely annoyed.

“The best. The absolute best.” Agni responded.

“Hmmph.” This was the only response, it was as close to approval as Agni would get.

“Are you two always so….friendly?” Ariadna asked. She’d been watching the spectacle from nearby, a seat at a small round table. The Trickster was dressed in all black as usual, only her accessories, clothing and hairstyle changed. Today’s look made her resemble a raver more so than an adventurer.

“Only when I’m not being BETRAYED and LEFT BEHIND.” Katrin over emphasized her words on purpose as she got to her feet and walked over to Ariadna.

“Fine. It’s okay. Go have a play date with your pre-teen. Ariadna and I will just spend our time doing some shopping while you’re gone.” Katrin’s expression changed as she sat down on Ariadna’s lap. The black-haired Trickster suddenly felt flush as Katrin wrapped her arm around Ariadna’s next.

“W-whoa! Hey, wait! Don’t get me involved in your lover’s spat!” She said as her face grew blush. Ariadna held her hands up and away from Katrin’s body even as the Scribe pressed her bosom into the Trickster’s cheek.

*I-is this supposed to make me jealous?* Agni thought as thoughts of a threesome between her, Katrin and Ariadna began to take form in her mind. She quickly dismissed the thought as she realized fully what Katrin said.

“Wait. Shopping? We were supposed to go together!” Agni exclaimed as she put her hands on her hips.

*Wow. I never thought I’d get so bent out of shape about….clothes shopping…* But she was genuinely upset!

“I’m sure you can go shopping with ‘Vivi’.” Katrin said as she cut her eyes at Agni.

*Wow. Okay so this is what we’re doing.* Agni thought inwardly as she sighed.

“Fine. I guess ‘Vivi’ and I will get a move on. I’ll see you two later.” Agni said, not wishing to fight. Besides a strange emotion was welling up in her at the moment. Her and Katrin got along extremely well, so it was puzzling as to why this would be the thing to send her into a tizzy. Agni didn’t want to speak too much, not without pondering things a bit more.

*If Shula were here, she’d definitely have some smart assed insight to share about this.* Agni thought. Despite the fact that Shula and herself were often at each other’s necks they got along quite well. So much so that Agni was beginning to miss the sound of her childish taunts.

*Then again, that’s the whole point of this trip. I’ll have to see about bringing Katrin along with me some other time!* Agni thought as she waved goodbye to Katrin, who was still sitting in Ariadna’s lap and fiercely pressing the Trickster’s face into her breasts.

The sight was endearing, but Agni felt it best not to laugh too much. Her past life had taught her quite well that laughing at the wrong time was enough to inspire a torrent of anger from a woman. As she left the living quarters Agni wondered if she would ever have a moment like that.

Soon she was standing in front of Vivian’s office on the first floor of the Mystic Chapel. Agni lifted her hand to knock when Vivian’s voice came from behind.

“You’re late. Let’s get moving, I’m pretty busy you know.” Vivian said as she flicked her fan, the same fan which Agni now realized to be a shapeshifted katana.

“I’m not late…I got here when you told me to.” Agni responded, but then she thought twice upon realizing that she didn’t actually have a way to tell time. She could have, in fact been late.

*Maybe I should shop for a watch or something.* She thought as she added, “Nevermind, sorry. Let’s get going.”josei

Vivian was wearing her usual, a floral yukata which complemented her red hair, pale skin and white tips — both on her fox-ears and the tips of each of her four tails. Agni waved to Gigi as the pair passed the receptionist desk and stepped into the center of the lobby.

“So…where’s this transport gate?” Agni asked as the two stopped between two columns of pillars.

Vivian placed her hand into her shirt and pulled forth a medallion, one that had previously been concealed. She saw Agni eyeing it with the utmost curiosity so Vivian decided to explain its purpose.

“This is a Transfer Key. It’s a magical artifact that allows one to use this chapel’s transfer gate.” Vivian held the circular trinket up for Agni to take a look at. The Succubus noticed that the surface of the metallic, jewel embedded object appeared to have several dozen lines that resembled circuits.

“Are these magic veins?” Agni asked.

“Veins.. Hmm. I guess you could say yes and no? Only organic entities, like Grimlock or us have magic veins. These are more like magical ‘circuits’. They carry mana energy.”

“I see. What’s the difference?” Agni asked.

“Without getting too wordy about it, circuits only perform a preset function no matter what type of mana is infused into them. Mana veins allow you to use intent based magic–fireballs, gale force winds, lighting, shape shifting–anything.” Vivian responded before she began to flow her mana into the medallion.

“Get closer and hold onto me.” Vivian instructed, and so Agni obliged. She wasn’t expecting the spine tingling sensation of Agni’s grip on one of her tails however, so she shot a glance at the Succubus who essentially ignored her altogether.

Vivian sighed as she attempted to focus, despite Agni groping her tails with reckless abandon.

*I-I guess it does feel really good…her hands are very….skillful.* Vivian thought to herself before focusing in earnest. A series of circles appeared on the floor around them, expanding as several more lines of light traced along the carpet and up along several of the nearby pillars. Soon Agni’s view began to fade and all became light, followed by a brief period of darkness. She couldn’t tell whether her eyes were closed or not, but the sensation of coolness suddenly overcame her body.

A few moments later Agni found herself squinting her eyes as the light filtered down from the morning sun. Suddenly the pair were standing in a park, next to a rather large fountain. All about they could hear the sounds of nature and people–going about their business, conversing or simply being active. The next thing which caught Agni’s eye was the beauty of the surroundings. The park was vast and the myriad of trees had leaves which reminded Agni of autumn in New England states. Further beyond that was what looked like a sea of houses, which in turn brought the realization that the two were now standing on top of a hill.

“Welcome to Kirlunst. Capital of the central region of Adventia.” Vivian said with a smile.

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