My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 1004 - I Will Chase Her Back!

Chapter 1004 - I Will Chase Her Back!

After the two of them left, Alex's eyes flashed. "As brothers, all of us can only help as much as we can. If Samuel still can't see the truth, it will be very disappointing."

The news of Erika's whereabouts had been known three days earlier.

It's just that Samuel's investigation efforts were thwarted by some people sent to manipulate him.

But it wasn't Jean and his brothers. Instead, they're people from Erika's family!

What was surprising was that the woman who had been with Samuel since she was eighteen years old couldn't be said as weak!


Five minutes later, Samuel handed his champagne glass to a passing waiter.

He stood alone for a long time, and as his mind gradually became clearer, there was a small conversation behind him.

"Stephen, what have you been doing lately? I keep looking for you to drink and you keep rejecting me!" josei

This man named Stephen blinked his eyes and glanced behind Samuel, then said loudly, "Hey, I'm on a business trip! I went to Jakarta a few days ago. Speaking of Jakarta, I have a good story here!"

"Who can resist good gossip!"

The two men then walked slowly across the courtyard.

Perhaps it's because they want someone to hear their content clearly, so they purposely slow down when they talk.

At this time, Stephen looked around, and then pretended to say mysteriously. "The Laibahas family… Have you heard of it?"

The other party shook his head in shock. "Never heard of it!"

"You haven't heard of it? They're a famous family in South Jakarta, are you sure you've never heard of that name before?"

Stephen glared at his friend with a bloody expression, and his tone couldn't help but rise.

The conversation between the two immediately caught Samuel's attention.

He didn't bother paying attention to this gossip, but when he heard South Jakarta, his ears subconsciously pricked.

The Laibahas family… This surname made his heart skip a beat.

At that moment, the two of them saw Samuel not far from them, and Stephen continued. "But don't be surprised if you haven't heard of it. You rarely set foot in Jakarta so that's understandable."

"Then tell me about that family. A story from a famous family must be full of sensation!"

Stephen nodded seriously, and said stubbornly, "A few days ago, the entire South Jakarta area was overjoyed because the Laibahas family finally found their daughter who had been missing for 20 years!"

"Ah? That's all? I'm guessing it's an affair or one of their family members is getting pregnant out of wedlock! Isn't that kind of news very common on TV?"

Stephen snorted coldly and scolded. "Are you stupid or what? The Laibahas family has been around for tens of generations. On the day their daughter returned, the Patriarch of the Laibahas family immediately gave her 13 companies signed under her ownership. This kind of family that has existed for hundreds of years… think about the value of each company!"

When those words ended, the other party took a breath. "You're right! But… how could that daughter still be so likable after twenty years of missing?"

Twenty years ... these words irritated Samuel.

Could it be… his Erika?

At this time, Stephen glanced at Samuel faintly, and said, "I don't know the story of why she disappeared."

"However, after finding the daughter, I heard that the Laibahas family not only held a banquet, but also waived the shop's rent for half a year. Perhaps the arrival of their daughter was truly a miracle for them, this kind of style certainly made people understand how precious their lost daughter was."

At this moment, Samuel stopped to listen to the conversation between the two.

In just a few minutes, his eyes exploded like never before.

He paced uncontrollably, cleared his throat, and immediately interrupted the two who were still gossiping.

They turned around at the same time, and when they saw Samuel, they looked down politely. "Master Samuel!"

"Forgive me for interrupting. Just now, I heard you talk about the situation of the Laibahas family in South Jakarta. I would like to ask about the daughter who has returned. If so, how old is she this year?"

Hearing the voice, Stephen hesitated, and then shook his head in embarrassment. "Unfortunately I didn't know about this. But I've seen her once from afar. Even though it's only from behind, it doesn't seem like she's very young. If I may say… perhaps she is around thirty-five. I heard that when she was a teenager, she cut off her relationship with her family. What's wrong? Do you know the missing daughter of the Laibahas family?"

About thirty five years old!

At this moment, Samuel lifted his lips in joy at the other party's answer.

He suddenly heard a suspicious question from Stephen and he didn't answer. He then bowed his head politely. "Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it!"

After Samuel finished speaking, he stepped away, not forgetting to take out his cell phone to make a call.

He needed to know everything about the Laibahas family as soon as possible.

From Stephen's explanation earlier, he intuitively felt that the family's returning daughter was Erika.

The engagement banquet had not yet started, and Samuel had no intention of continuing to participate in it.

Before leaving the church, he stood near the exit and dialed Jean's number.

Samuel was holding his cell phone in the twilight, and his voice was filled with excitement. "Jean, the Laibahas family is Erika's birth family, right?"

Samuel's excited tone did not get a straightforward answer from Jean Widjaya.

With one hand in his pocket, he walked around the castle, and when he saw Samuel's figure, he asked in a deep voice. "What do you want to do?"

"I'm leaving for South Jakarta as soon as possible, whether it's Erika or not, I have to see for myself!"

Hearing the voice, the man fell silent and hung up the phone.

After the call was hung up, Alex, Chris and the others looked at him one after another.

Tom shook the glass on the side and chuckled softly. "I think his current style is the perfect example of a saying that says you know how to appreciate it when you lose it."

After he finished speaking, he drank the champagne in the glass. After drinking, he turned his head and looked at the church building and sighed. "If he could have seen clearly earlier, perhaps he wouldn't have bothered to look for her now!"

These words caused Chris to sneer. "Maybe, this will help him realize how important Erika is in his heart now. After all, after living together for more than 20 years, of course we know who loves Samuel the most in this world."

Alex glanced at Chris and nodded in agreement. "Agreed, the one who loves our brother the most is definitely Erika!"

At this moment, Tom muttered, "Hey, you were previously angry with Samuel, why did your response suddenly become positive?"

When the voice fell, Jean on the side opened his lips and said, "Good wine is old wine, their love might only blossom now!"

Tom could only swallow his words angrily. He never dared go against Jean's words. Then he said with a grin, "Then… I can only pray the best for them!

"However, since Erika's family background is so strong, why was she willing to be the woman behind our brother for so many years? The Laibahas family doesn't sound inferior to our big family!"

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