My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 1017 - Answer From Erika

Chapter 1017 - Answer From Erika

Compared to Erika's composure, Samuel seemed very lost.

He stared at that beautiful and graceful figure in a daze, even if she was thirty-seven years old, she still showed the charm of the stunning years.

How can these words be spoken?

Such a gentle woman turned so vicious that he was powerless in front of her.

Samuel stepped forward subconsciously. He reached out his hand to hug her. Whenever he felt warm, he could clearly feel each other's temperature.

But when he was just a step closer, Erika raised her eyebrows and muttered tiredly, "Mr. Samuel, let me go."

Samuel's hand stopped in midair, his eyes full of complexity for a long time. He asked in a hoarse voice, "Erika, don't you love me anymore?"

He was used to the figure of this woman who took care of everything for him every day.

He was also used to her genuine care every day.

So many things happened over these 20 years… how could he possibly let them slip away in just one week?!

How will he live without her?!

Does she not love him anymore? Or is there another hidden story?

Then, Samuel heard a sentence, and the pain pierced through his bones and heart.

She said, "Yeah, I don't love you anymore!" josei

To be precise, she didn't want to love anymore!

She still had plenty of time to enjoy her life.

She didn't want to imprison herself in the Hiroshi family's house again, and she didn't want Samuel to make her heart waver anymore.

She had lived in prison for twenty years just for Samuel.

From now on, she wanted to use the rest of her life to find her lost self.

Samuel didn't know when Erika had left before him. He just stood there, trying to chew on the words she said.

"I don't love you anymore."

Under the bright sunshine, he felt a little chilly.

After this brief reunion, everything seemed to deviate from what he expected.

He thought that light persuasion would make her change her mind, he thought it was one of Erika's ways of getting his attention again.

Unexpectedly, Erika said that she no longer wanted him, and that she no longer loved him.

Samuel couldn't believe it!

They had loved each other for twenty years, how could she not love him anymore!

Samuel closed his eyes, his body slightly trembling when he thought that things shouldn't be like this.

Behind him, steady footsteps could be heard, and he opened his eyes. His face was filled with excitement as he turned around. "Erika!"

The moment he turned his head, he could only see Ivan's figure with a mocking expression.

Samuel took a deep breath and controlled his rage. The fragility and reluctance inside his heart… he didn't want them to be seen by others.

At this moment, Ivan was standing in front of him with mocking eyes, and asked with a sneer, "Since your matter is resolved, when do you plan to sign the divorce agreement?"

Samuel stood up with his fists clenched, pursed his lips and looked away. "I don't want to divorce!"

"Oh!" Ivan sneered when he heard the voice. "I'm afraid divorce isn't something one person can decide. If you still insist, then my family will have no choice but to file for divorce against you. At that time, don't blame us if we treat you cruelly."

Samuel heard his warning, his cheeks sank slightly, and he said uncompromisingly, "Even if there is a lawsuit, I will not agree to divorce. Erika and I are not eligible for divorce!"

"Really?" Ivan asked back. "You and my sister have been married for 20 years but you don't know what she wants, right? Can you call it marriage?"

Samuel was forced to take a step back by Ivan's sharp words. The two of them looked at each other in a daze, but in Samuel's unfocused eyes, every memory he made with Erika over the years resurfaced.

Didn't he give her what she wanted?

But Erika didn't once say what she wanted, how could he know what she wanted?!

At this moment, Ivan looked at him with a stupid look, along with a sneer in his eyes. "You never know what my sister wants, and you are trying to take her away again? Your family is also a wealthy family in Surabaya, right? Can't you even hire a maid? You let my sister take care of the housework for you all day, so you can comfortably play with whores outside?"

After the words fell, Ivan looked at Samuel disdainfully and turned to leave.

But the man behind him quickly replied, "Erika is the wife of the Hiroshi family, she has never been a servant!"

Ivan stopped, tilted his head slightly, and said in a cold tone, "If you want to lie to yourself like this, that's fine. Over the years, if Erika wanted to live on good food and clothes, my family could support her for the rest of her life."

"Do you really think that what you give her is what she needs? You don't even know what she wants. What right do you have until you dare to run into my family's house and ask someone to go with you?"

This last sentence sounded loud.

Ivan vaguely looked back to face Samuel dull, angular eyebrows and eyes were also covered in heavy ice.

He didn't cherish Erika that much!

Ivan snorted coldly, then turned his gaze and walked away.


Then, Samuel didn't even know how he could leave the Laibahas house.

He obviously wanted to see Erika again, but butler Roy took advantage of his daze and sent him straight away, outside of the gate of the house.

Samuel vaguely remembered that Roy had told him that Chris and Merry would stay at the Laibahas' house tonight and let him go alone.

Nothing had changed, in fact the loneliness was intensifying.

At this time, it was half past three one afternoon, Samuel was standing in front of the gates of the Laibahas house, looking at the closed door at the de pannya and suddenly panicked.

In his world, it seemed that there would never be another figure like Erika again.

This kind of panic made him feel so strange.

Perhaps Ivan's words had woken him up, and now Samuel suddenly wanted to find out what Erika wanted.

He stopped in front of the door for a long time, and then walked to the car.

He still didn't want to give up so easily, and insisted on not proceeding with the divorce.

Indeed, some things take time to find answers.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Merry, Chris, and Erika were sitting in the pavilion near the ancestral hall in the backyard, chatting about daily life.

There was a plate full of fruit and tea on the table, and the little girl was listening to the conversation between Chris and her mother while eating.

Chris helped her file a complaint!

Not long after, Erika laughed in surprise. "Merry, did you really smash that woman's car window?"

Merry bit into an orange and nodded. After swallowing, she said, "I actually just wanted to scare her, but I didn't think the window was that fragile. I just threw the stone and the window pane shattered."

Erika shook her head and nodded her head. "You're a big girl, you have to learn to control your emotions, okay? Trust the people around you, next time don't act recklessly like this."

"Don't worry, I don't care about that woman." Merry took Erika's finger, and her black eyes looked at her expectantly. She asked hesitantly, "Then.... Do you want to come back with us? The bad woman is gone. Although I don't know if she will return, shouldn't we take this opportunity to take advantage?"

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