My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 115 - It’s All Your Fault

Chapter 115 - It’s All Your Fault

Rina glared at Lilia. She seemed not to feel the cold wind blowing past her. When she heard Lilia's scornful tone, her anger exploded and burned the remaining common sense she had left in her mind.

The woman had hated Lilia since they first met. Her life that was once running smoothly ended the day she met that woman. They made their debut as a model at the same time and she was the source of all of Rina's bad luck.

Lilia always wore a cold expression and acted unfriendly, but that woman managed to get everything Rina wanted. She hated Lilia's success at her job. She hated Lilia's talent as a model. She hated Harold's attitude to blatantly side with Lilia. She really hated everything about her!

When Rina signed a contract with Sara, she felt that this was her big chance. Rina was sure that she was finally standing on the same level as Lilia and that everyone would acknowledge her abilities. But she never imagined that signing the contract would be her biggest mistake.

Half an hour ago, Sara suddenly called her and canceled their contract unilaterally. Even worse, Sara also threatened Rina to pay compensation suffered by Hartanto Entertainment due to Aphrodite Agency's legal suit.

Without a job and without anyone's support, how could Rina be able to pay 2 billion rupiah?!

It was all because of that witch!

"This is your fault!" Rina screamed. Her eyes were filled with intense hatred, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be caught in this situation! Lilia Pangestu, this is all your fault!"

That heart-piercing scream destroyed the calm in front of the agency office building and attracted the attention of more pedestrians. However, Lilia did not care about Rina's anger and hatred towards her.

To Lilia, Rina looked like a kid who went berserk because she lost the game. The woman refused to admit her weakness and instead blamed Lilia for the failure in her life. What a sickening woman.

Lilia took a deep breath before walking towards Rina. The sound of the high heels that Lilia was wearing on the sidewalk echoed loudly. She didn't take her eyes off Rina while walking towards her. Lilia stopped right in front of the woman.

"Do you know what you are like right now?" Lilia asked in a low but clear voice, "A loser."

Rina's shoulders jumped when she heard that.

"You refuse to take responsibility for what you've done and instead blame other people. You think I'm bored enough to try to tarnish your reputation? You only accept the consequences that you deserve for your own actions." Lilia continued in an ice cold voice.

Rina's face looked even paler with every word Lilia said.

"Keep this in mind, Rina Cayla. I never tried to harm you. You yourself tarnish your reputation because of what you did—"

"Shut up!" Rina shouted and cut off Lilia's words. The woman stepped forward, as if trying to intimidate Lilia, "You liar! If it weren't for you, how could I fall like this ?! It was you who refused to admit your own actions!"

Lilia sighed again. She could see that Rina had no intention of listening to her at all.

"Lilia Pangestu, I won't let you escape without punishment!"

Along with that, Rina took out something from her pocket. Her eyes filled with madness as she lifted the object up high. Her face was colored with joy and Rina began to laugh hysterically.

Lilia's face changed as she recognized the object in Rina's hand. A cutter knife. Even though the cutter looked brittle and broke easily, its sharpness was not inferior to that of a pocket knife. Lilia immediately knew what Rina was going to do.

As expected, Rina stepped forward and swung the cutter at her. The target was Lilia's face. That woman seemed determined to destroy Lilia's appearance and career at the same time.

"Shit!" Lilia stepped back, but she wasn't fast enough to dodge the cutter.

"LILIA !!!"

That shrill scream echoed out in front of the agency office building. Harold stood in front of the lobby door with a panicked expression.

The man had been waiting for Lilia's arrival a long time ago, but the model didn't appear. Lilia wasn't the type to disappear without a word. Even if she would be late, Lilia would send a message to her manager. That's why Harold guessed that something was up.

When he heard a screaming sound from outside the building, Harold immediately went downstairs to check it out. But he did not think that the situation was even worse than he thought.

"Lilia!" Harold exclaimed once again, his voice trembling violently. He ran down the steps as fast as she could, but the man was too late.

"Akh!" Lilia screamed in pain, but there wasn't a single wound on her face.

Drops of blood fell onto the sidewalk, causing several of the pedestrians to scream in horror. The blood came from Lilia's left hand which was holding the cutter tightly.

Rina's eyes widened as she realized what was happening. She underestimated Lilia's reaction speed and her recklessness. Even Rina wouldn't dare to catch the cutter barehanded!


Rina immediately woke up from her shock and tried to pull the cutter free from Lilia's hand. But before she could do that, Lilia had caught her wrist with her other hand. The woman's grip felt as strong as iron. Rina raised a hand and was about to slap Lilia when Harold reached them.

The man ran as fast as he could towards Lilia and Rina who were fighting each othwer. The distance traveled was only a few dozen meters, but it felt like an enormous distance to him. He had never felt this tired.

"Get away from her, damn it!"

Harold clenched his fists and hit Rina's face from the side. He put all his strength into that punch.

The adrenaline-driven adult male strength made Rina's vision darken for a moment. Her ears were ringing painfully and she couldn't hear anything. When Lilia released her grip, Rina let go of the cutter she was holding before falling to the ground.

Harold looked at Rina coldly. After confirming that the woman didn't have the strength to fight back, Harold turned his head towards Lilia. His expression turned panicked when he saw Lilia's left hand that was covered in blood.

"Lilia, are you badly injured?! You have to be taken to the hospital immediately! I'll call an ambulance!" Harold said as he reached into his pocket, looking for a cell phone.

"Harold, calm down a little. It's not that bad." Lilia said calmly. She shook off the blood from her left hand and moved her fingers, "Look, I can still feel my fingers. I'll be fine."

"STOP! Don't move your hand! You will make the wound worse! Just keep quiet and don't do anything! Got it?!" Harold scolded Lilia.

After making sure Lilia stopped moving her left hand, Harold sighed and turned his attention to Rina. The woman was still sitting on the ground with a blank expression. It seemed like she hadn't fully recovered from Harold's hit just now.

Meanwhile, more and more pedestrians flocked around there. Harold glanced at the crowd with a frown. Some of them started to take pictures or record this situation. Harold took off his jacket and used it to bandage Lilia's bleeding hand.

"Lilia, stay here and don't do anything. I'll take care of this situation." Harold said sternly.

"Okay." Lilia nodded and watched Harold dash away to call the agency's security team. Then she turned to the woman who had attacked her, "You've made a very big mistake this time, Rina." Lilia said.

"…What do you mean?" After a few seconds of pause, Rina replied.

"Let's see later." Lilia replied ambiguously, "Good luck. That's all I want to say."

She was sure that when Jean heard about this, that man would not forgive Rina. When his best friend pushed Lilia down accidentally, Jean gave Tom a long lecture. She didn't want to imagine what that man would do to Rina who had cut her with the cutter.

After Harold brought the agency's security team to arrest Rina, the man called an ambulance. Harold then accompanied Lilia to the hospital in that ambulance.

At about half past three in the afternoon, news of the incident took the internet by storm. The assault carried out by Rina became the hottest topic discussed by everyone. Meanwhile, the news that Lilia was suspected of being seriously injured in the attack became the second hottest topic. However, not a single photo of Lilia had circulated on the internet. Pretty sure someone was deliberately keeping that model's current state a secret.

Harold returned to the agency office after escorting Lilia to the hospital. He went to the police station near the office taking Rina with him. The woman was escorted by two Aphrodite Agency security. josei

The police on duty received Harold's report and assured the man that they would immediately carry out an investigation. The two security forces handed Rina over to the police. The woman could be arrested because of strong evidence in the form of a cutter covered in blood and a photo of Lilia brought by an ambulance.

But the involvement of a well-known celebrity such as Lilia Pangestu left the policeman feeling headaches. The police needed to carry out an investigation of this case carefully and thoroughly.. Otherwise, netizens would make a scene on the internet, just like some time ago.

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