My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 125 - Sasha’s Birthday

Chapter 125 - Sasha’s Birthday

It turned out that today was Sasha's birthday party. The woman specially sent a message to Jean and invited the two of them to attend the party. The words in Sasha's message sounded sincere.

However, Lilia still couldn't trust that woman. Sasha clearly still loved Jean and wouldn't stop trying to win him over. Lilia believed that the woman was planning something at her birthday party.

Besides, Lilia had promised Harold not to be seen in public. Sasha should have also known that Lilia was 'badly injured' because of Rina's attack. Did Sasha send that message on purpose knowing Lilia wouldn't appear?

Lilia returned Jean's cellphone while thinking about those possibilities. When they reached the bottom of the steps, Lilia stopped walking and turned towards her husband, "So, are you going to her birthday party?" She asked in a light voice.

Actually, Lilia could already guess what Jean's choice was, but she still wanted to hear him say it directly. There was a small worry in her heart that Jean would still attend the party. After all, Sasha was his childhood friend. Lilia secretly decided to come if Jean wanted to go to the party.

Jean stared at Lilia intently for a moment. Then he smiled faintly as he pulled his wife into his arms. Jean kissed Lilia on the forehead and replied, "At first, I didn't intend to go. But if you want to go, I'll accompany you."

It indicated that Jean would follow whatever Lilia wanted. She would determine whether they were present or not.

Lilia gripped Jean's shirt while looking up, "Then don't go. Didn't I promise to wait for you to come home tonight?" Lilia teased.

The worry that enveloped her heart seemed to melt away at the man's simple words. Since Jean wouldn't leave, Lilia's heart relaxed. After all, she was sure Sasha didn't want her there.

"Okay, I'm not leaving." Jean said casually while stroking Lilia's hair.

They continued their steps into the dining room. The lunch took place in a harmonious atmosphere. Lilia was eating her vegetable soup while stealing glances at Jean. The man's appearance today contrasted with yesterday's suit, which was as black as ink.

Jean's silver coat draped over the back of his chair, while his gray shirt sleeves roll up to reveal Jean's slim but muscular upper sleeves. The top two buttons of his shirt were open, revealing his marble-smooth white skin. Lilia realized that Jean rarely wore ties and didn't really care about tidiness, which gave him the impression of a dangerous man.

"What did you notice?" Jean put down the spoon and looked back at Lilia.

Lilia immediately focused on the soup. She spooned the soup as she replied, "I didn't mean to pay attention to anything. I was just thinking about what Sasha would do when she found out you weren't coming."

Lilia deliberately lied to cover up the fact that she was blown away by the skin of Jean's neck. This was the first time she had been so attracted to a man's physical appearance. Even William never made her feel this way.

Jean saw the regret in Lilia's voice and raised thick eyebrows, "Do you want me to go?" He teased, smiling faintly.

Lilia scowled as Jean teased her, "Of course not." She said, her voice was even sharper than she imagined, "But if you want to go, I'll go too!" Lilia added with her chin raised.

Jean's smile widened as he took Lilia's hand. The man's thumb rubbed the back of Lilia's hand in a soothing motion.

"Don't worry, I'd rather spend time with you at home than make you wait for my return." Jean assured her.

Lilia's face felt hot when she heard that ruff.


After lunch, Jean left the house and went to the office again. In that big house, there was only Lilia alone. She was not allowed to do any activity that could make the wound on her hand worse— cleaning the house or other strenuous activities. As a result, Lilia felt bored. josei

Lilia laid on the sofa staring blankly at the ceiling. Not long after, the smell of hospital disinfectant stuck to her body irritated Lilia. Finally, she got up and took the towel, then went into the bathroom.

When Lilia was drying her hair with a hair dryer, her cellphone rang. The name of the sender of the message that appeared on the screen was Adele.

Lilia remembered that yesterday she should have discussed the shooting offer from Director Louis with Harold. But Rina's appearance messed up all of her plans. She sighed and started reading Adele's message.

The chief editor of iKoN Magazine asked about Lilia's condition after hearing the news of her attack on television. In addition, Adele also emphasized that Lilia needed to focus on recovering and not to think too much about what day she offered. Adele ended her message by praying for Lilia's recovery.

The woman took a deep breath as she read it. Technically, she wasn't seriously injured, so Lilia needed to think through the offer carefully. She rested on her chin as she began to consider her options.

Harold would definitely accept whatever Lilia decided about this offer. In fact, the manager would be happier if she accepted it. Harold always highly praised Louis' ability as a director. Lilia felt that Harold had a point. The script that Louis did was excellent and could help Lilia become a better actress. Lilia had nothing to lose if she accepted Louis's offer.

Finally, Lilia replied to Adele's message and said that she was willing to accept Louis's offer. The chief editor immediately responded with enthusiastic thanks. Lilia could imagine Adele grinning as she read her reply. She looked up and stared out the window. The clear blue sky without clouds spread wide, giving her a feeling of peace and serenity.

A few minutes later, Lilia's cell phone rang. The name of the caller was Louis Spark. She suspected that Adele had told her husband Lilia's answer.

"Good evening, Mr. Louis." Lilia greeted politely.

"Lilia, I was told that you agreed to play the female side character in the movie 'The Chosen Kingdom'?" Louis asked excitedly. The man couldn't hide the joy in his voice.

"Yes, that's true. But I'm not completely sure if I'll get the role. After all, I have to audition first to confirm my suitability for the role, right?" Lilia replied calmly.

"Ah, that kind of thing isn't necessary." Louis replied with a chuckle, "I've seen your acting when you were cast in the music video. I'm sure you must suit your role, so don't worry!"

Lilia was surprised to hear that, "Oh, really ...? Thank you very much for your trust, Mr. Louis."

While Lilia was still trying to process Louis's words, the man's next words made her even more shocked.

"Then, we will go to Jakarta next Wednesday with the rest of the team. Is there anything you want to ask before we start shooting in Jakarta?" Louis asked.

Lilia almost dropped her cellphone, "N-next Wednesday? Jakarta? Um… how long will this shoot take place?" She asked in a trembling voice.

"Hmm… about a month or so. If everything goes well, maybe it could be faster than that."

When Lilia finally hung up the phone, she slumped down in her chair and let the phone fall on the carpet. She covered her face with both hands while trying to hold back the tears. This was why Lilia didn't want to be an actress.

She had to travel far and wide for a long time for work. If this offer came before her marriage to Jean, maybe Lilia wouldn't mind. But now Lilia had a good reason to return home.

There were only a few days left before she went to Jakarta and she would not be able to return home for a month. Thinking about all that made Lilia's mood even worse. She sighed as she picked up her cellphone.

She called Harold and told him that she had accepted Louis's offer. Just as Lilia thought, the man immediately exclaimed triumphantly, "I knew this would happen! I told you that you must be interested in the world of cinema!"

Lilia put her cell phone away from her ear and immediately hung up the phone. Harold's joy didn't help improve her current mood. Seconds later, her manager called.

"… Sorry, I got a little carried away." Harold immediately apologized when Lilia picked up the phone, "Forget what I said earlier. Anyway, this is good news. I'll rearrange your schedule. Luckily I haven't approved endorsement offers from several companies lately. You don't have to worry about other job offers and just focus on shooting."

After Harold finished speaking, Lilia could faintly hear Merry's voice in the background. The manager shouted something back before talking to Lilia again.

"Merry left a message for you. Don't forget to attend the tea-making class tomorrow. She has sent her class address to your cell phone." Harold delivered the message.

"Okay, thanks for reminding me.." Lilia answered before ending their conversation.

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