My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 416 - The Biggest Investor

Chapter 416 - The Biggest Investor

On the other hand, Robert and Sylvia were feeling hopeless as they were far away in Jakarta.

They found out that Leila was running back to Jakarta, and they wanted to bring her back immediately. But the child seemed to have disappeared from the world. She had not returned to the Irwan Family house and even sold all of her property, including the apartment in her name.

The couple toured all of Leila's properties one afternoon, but they didn't even see their daughter's shadow anywhere. They only met intermediaries who came to show the house to the intended clients.

They bought the property when the new market opened earlier that year. Now, with the rapid development of the economy, the price had doubled. When Sylvia found out that Leila had already sold the house, she felt enraged but even if she cried and caused trouble in front of the agency, she would gain nothing but become a laughing stock.

It's ten o'clock at night. Sylvia sat down with a languid and discouraged expression on the hotel bed. Her red hair was messy, her eyes looked red, and her ankles were now even more swollen.

Her gaze was unfocused, and she was deep in thought for a long time. Then Sylvia finally looked at Robert who was smoking in front of the window and whispered, "Robert, does she hate us?"

Robert's back looked shaky. He turned around and his face was filled with deep anger. "Hate? What makes she think she has the right to hate us? And why are you embarrassed to say that?" josei

Robert struggled to keep his voice from rising.

"In these years, try to remember how you and I treated her! We even do everything we can for her, but she still wants to go back to the Irwan Family!"

Robert snorted and shook his head.

"Listen carefully! I only gave you one day! If you can't find Leila, you will immediately return to Surabaya with me and let her stay here!"

After Robert finished speaking, he looked away and returned to smoking his cigarette. Silence enveloped the room, but his heart couldn't calm down.

For Leila's sake, he had personally kicked Lilia out of his house. But now, the atmosphere at home was filled with anxiety just because of Leila. He really didn't know how to deal with the next situation.

Did he do something wrong? Ten years ago, when he discovered that Lilia's blood type didn't match them, shouldn't he have hidden that fact together? Should they honestly say everything when they found Leila?!

Robert's mood was swayed by his chaotic and disturbing thoughts. The ashtray on the window sill was filled with cigarette butts.

This time, her cell phone he charged at the bedside suddenly rang.

Robert squeezed his cigarette butt and turned to his phone. He picked it up and saw the name of the chief financial officer of his company on the screen.

"What's wrong? Is there anything important to call this late?" Robert's tone sounded displeased and tired.

Hearing the voice, the chief financial officer spoke tremblingly into the phone, "Mr. Robert, the company... something has happened to our company!"

Hearing those sentences, Robert's brows jumped sharply, and his already irritated mood seemed to be sparked by the fire. He became even more angry and it was difficult for him to hold back.

Robert gritted his teeth and took a deep breath, his chest was rising and falling rapidly. "Explain to me, what's wrong with the company?!" He scolded.

The chief financial officer was silent for a moment, then he explained in a low voice, "Mr. Robert, I really don't know how to say this. Starting this morning, all three of our partners have sent out notifications to stop working together at the same time. And… Our investors have also withdrawn their capital today..."

Who were the investors? The Genesis company was his company's biggest investor!

It also included many small scale companies participating in corporate projects. However all of them had issued divestment notices on the same day.

Robert was taken aback. Every word from the chief financial officer was like a heavy hammer, crushing his nerves. His anger peaked, leaving only panic in his shattered heart. Yes, he's starting to fall into a panic!

Within a day, so many partners and investors cut their cooperation relationship. This was the equivalent of them cutting off all cash flow for Robert's company!

Not to mention the funds they invested in construction projects at an early stage! If that capital couldn't be recovered, it would be such a waste.

"Mr. Robert, Mr. Robert? Are you listening?"

"Mr. Robert, you have to think of a solution! The funds in the corporate fund pool will run out if we don't do something!"

"Mr. Robert ..."

The chief financial officer was still screaming from the end of the phone, but Robert had fallen on his back on the bed. Cold sweat came out on his forehead and his face was white as white. His whole body felt limp.

He suddenly thought of a saying, misfortune never came alone!

Even Sylvia realized that something was wrong. She turned and looked at her husband in surprise. "What's wrong?" She asked.

Robert didn't say a word, but he just got up in silence. Then he walked to the wardrobe and started packing a suitcase with his belongings.

Sylvia walked hastily to his side and patted him on the back. "Wait a minute, Robert! Where do you want to go? We haven't found Leila yet!" Sylvia snapped.


This word was like the touch of a spark that immediately angered him.

He threw the clothes in his hand on the floor and grabbed Sylvia's wrist. His eyes were filled with uncontrollable anger.

"Do you still dare to mention her?! Sylvia, let me tell you something! If our family is destroyed one day, it's all because of your good upbringing!"

After speaking, he let go of Sylvia, leaving her still shocked. Robert bent down and packed his clothes into a suitcase, then walked to the door. Before leaving, he looked back and said, "You can stay here and find her! All the investors for our company are backing off! If I don't do something about it, maybe we're really going broke by the time you bring that damn kid back to Surabaya!"

Without waiting for Sylvia's answer, Robert violently opened the door. He left the room carrying his suitcase and slammed the door shut.

Sylvia stared at his disappearing figure in disbelief. It took her half a minute to process everything before reacting. She staggered out into the hotel hallway, only to find that Robert had left.

How could investors just withdraw their capital? Then what's the use of an investment agreement if something like this could happen?!

Sylvia stood rooted to the spot, letting the chill in the hallway help her regain her sanity. Her brain got to work, piecing together the information she got from Robert.

The Widjaya family was the main investor for the Pangestu Family. If they suddenly withdrew their funds, there was only one reason. It must be Lilia's order! The woman must've told her husband and persuaded him to do this! All because the Pangestu Family no longer wanted her, so she wanted to kill the Pangestu Family now!

Sylvia returned to the room in a rage, but she just realized that she'd been so busy looking for her daughter all day long that she didn't have time to take the time to buy a new cell phone.

When Sylvia picked up the landline in the hotel room, she stopped again because she didn't know Lilia's cell phone number!

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