My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 418 - I’m Not Myself

Chapter 418 - I’m Not Myself

Lilia stared blankly at David's leaving, and suddenly, she was shocked when she felt a hand rubbing against her cheek. The woman jumped and immediately turned to her side. Her eyes met with Jean's dark blue eyes that were filled with worry. josei

"What have you been thinking about since earlier?" Jean asked in a low voice. Even though he was chatting with David along the way, he did not ignore his wife's gestures.

Lilia froze for a moment. Then she slowly turned to face the man. After taking a few breaths, Lilia laughed at herself and said, "It's no big deal. It's just… I suddenly discovered that I wasn't myself from start to finish."

Jean frowned while trying to digest Lilia's words. They were very confusing and had no deep meaning.

Lilia felt that Jean didn't fully understand the explanation yet. She lowered her head and took the man's hand, then grasped it tightly. Lilia took a deep breath before finally trying to explain it again.

"When I was very young, I remember asking my father why he named me Lilia. Robert replied that he had planned to name me Lilia if I were a daughter, because he wanted me to grow up to be a woman as elegant and beautiful as a lily."

Lilia's expression was full of nostalgia as she thought back to those good times.

"When I saw the birth note, I suddenly thought of this story," Lilia lowered her head and her voice turned soft. "So the name Lilia was originally meant to be given to Leila, and not me. From the start, I didn't even have a name."

Her last name wasn't hers, and now she discovered that not even her first name belonged to her. From the start, Lilia didn't have anything she could call her own.

Jean couldn't see Lilia's expression, but he knew that his wife was hiding her tears. The man then sighed casually and hugged his wife.

"It's okay, if you don't like your name, we can always change it. You just have to say what you want," Jean said with a serious face.

Listening to the man's consolation, Lilia suppressed the sadness in her heart. She lifted her face and joked with Jean. "Then what if I wanted to change my name to something extreme like Schwarzten or Lawrentzverzia? Are you going to stop me?"

"As long as you like it, nothing is impossible," Jean affirmed confidently. "It's just that, Harold will probably protest your name choice because it makes it difficult for your fans to call your name."

Hearing that, Lilia's laughter broke. Jean felt a little relieved when his wife was able to laugh again as usual.

Walking hand in hands, Jean led Lilia to the parking lot where their car was faithfully waiting. While walking, Jean calmly emphasized, "No matter what name you use, you have something that no one else can ever have. That name is Mrs. Widjaya."


After having lunch together, Jean must return to his company. Therefore, Lilia asked Kenny to drop her off at a building called the Plaza Building which was in the east of the city after dropping off her husband first.

It had been more than two months since she started shooting with her two friends, Vivi Tara and Rachel Gunawan.

On the way, Lilia sent a message to Mellisa and asked if her sister had time to hang out with her and her friends.

Since Lilia didn't have many friends, she thought Vivi and Rachel were like a treasure trove. They both were the most valuable friends for this supermodel.

That was why she couldn't wait to introduce the two of them to Mellisa.

Unfortunately, Mellisa said that she and Leonard were going outside, and they'd just get back at the earliest tonight. With great regret, she was forced to refuse her sister's invitation.

At the same time, Mellisa also told Lilia that she would call her grandfather tomorrow morning and say that she would go to Jakarta on Friday.

Seeing the contents of this message, Lilia's fingertips tightened and firmly grasped her phone.

There were still three days to go before Friday, she had absolutely no idea how much movement Leila could make in Jakarta in the next three days. Keep in mind again, that woman had 9 billion in her hands!

Arriving at the Plaza Building, Lilia tried to throw that thought away first. She quickly got out of the car and she could see that one of her friends was standing on the side of the road waving at her.

This was their first meeting in months and Lilia felt that…. Vivi was a little rounder!

Lilia then told Kenny that he didn't have to wait for her and asked him to come back to accompany her husband. After saying that, she immediately walked towards Vivi.

The supermodel walked up to her, tapped her on the shoulder and said jokingly, "Are you waiting for me, beautiful lady?"

Lilia's smile and joking tone relieved Vivi from all her longing.

When she saw the smile on her friend's face that she hadn't seen for a long time, Vivi opened her arms wide and immediately hugged Lilia. "Oh Lilia, I really miss you!"

Her friend's hug almost made Lilia shed a tear in her eyes. "I miss you too! How have you been lately?"

When the two of them let go of their hugs, it seemed like Lilia was asking a question that didn't need to be answered.

However, Lilia could see that this one friend was a little fatter and her eyes were as gentle as a flower that had just bloomed.

This… Was she in love?

Lilia couldn't take her eyeballs off Vivi, even her friend's aura was similar to a girl who had just fallen in love. "Vi, who is that lucky guy?"

Vivi was surprised when she heard these words, she then touched her cheeks which were blushing red. "Am I really that obvious? How do you know about him?"

"Oh? So my guess is correct?" Lilia immediately grabbed Vivi's arm and walked together towards the Plaza Building. While walking side by side, Lilia continued to tease her, "Who is that great man who can conquer your heart? I want to hear the story!"

Vivi blushed again, this little girl-like nature made her look cute. Just like other women, everyone in love would unconsciously radiate softness on their face when they were imagining and telling about their significant other.

With a shy smile, Vivi answered, "My family just introduced me to him, we've been dating recently. However, in the meantime, we have to separate first because of our work."

When she said that last sentence, there was a kind of deep longing in Vivi's voice.

During this date, Vivi found out that her boyfriend was just an ordinary person with a polite and kind demeanor. Even so, the man always put her happiness first.

Even though her lover was only an office worker, Vivi felt like she was being treated like a princess every day.. But unfortunately, they had to be separated by some distance for a while because of their respective jobs.

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